Piotrków County - Powiat piotrkowski

The Piotrków County on the map of the Łódź Province
POL Piotrków County COA.svg

Piotrków County within its present borders, it was established as a result of an administrative reform in 1999. It is situated in the south-eastern part of the Łódź Province, and has an agricultural character. The area of ​​the poviat is 1429 km², it accounts for 7.84% of the voivodship's area, the population is 90,400 (63 people per km²), including 6,360 - 7% in cities. The seat of the poviat authorities is Piotrkow Trybunalski (township district).

The poviat consists of the urban-rural communes of Sulejów and Wolbórz and the rural communes of Aleksandrów, Czarnocin, Gorzkowice, Grabica, Łęki Szlacheckie, Moszczenica, Handno, Rozprza, Wola Krzysztofoporska, and Wolbórz.
The largest of them are: Sulejów 188 km², 15,750 inhabitants, Wola Krzysztofoporska 170 km², 11,600 inhabitants, and Rozwrza 163 km², 12,100 inhabitants.

Important international communication routes intersect here: road no. 1 Gdańsk - Katowice, expressway no. 8 Warsaw - Piotrków - Wrocław. In the 19th century, the Warsaw-Viennese railroad ran through the district.

Forests in the poviat are concentrated in its south-eastern part and constitute 23.9% of the area.

The most attractive recreational areas are located in the eastern part of the poviat: on the Sulejowski Reservoir, along the picturesque Pilica valley, on the Cieszanowice Reservoir and on the Czarna and Luśnia rivers. In the district there is Sulejów Landscape Park and several nature reserves, incl. Devil's Mountain, Jakson, Jawor, Apple Tree Forest, Big Field.

The most famous tourist attraction of the district is the Romanesque Cistercian abbey in Sulejów-Podklasztorz.
There are other localities, e.g. Bogusławice with a horse stud, Bąkowa Góra, Majkowice, Witów if Wolbórz.
Numerous tourist routes run through the poviat, including the "Łódzka Magistrala Rowerowa" and the "Water Trail of the Pilica River".