The nature reserve of Grady nad Moszczenica - Rezerwat przyrody Grądy nad Moszczenicą

The nature reserve of Grady nad Moszczenica - floristic, landscape and forest nature reserve, located in Poland, in voivodeship of Lodz, in you will say Zgierz, in Zgierz commune, in the northern part of the Szczawin forest complex in the Szczawin forest district in the Forest District Grotters.

The A2 motorway is 3 km south.

Geographic coordinates: 51 ° 55′18 ″ N 19 ° 30′15 ″ E

It was established on June 13, 1994 in order to preserve broadleaved forests (i.e. multi-species deciduous forests), protected plants and species important to the regional flora (incl. sycamore, pedunculate oak, fir trees, the club moss and clubfoot). It has an area of ​​42 ha.

The southern part of the Grady nad Moszczenica reserve
The northern part of the Grady nad Moszczenica reserve

Protected are diverse forest communities and rich flora in the natural landscape of the mid-forest river. It is located in the northern edge zone Wzniesienia Łódzkie. It borders the river from the north Moszczenica creating here numerous and picturesque meanders, as well as arable lands and plots of the village of Kębliny. On the south, east and west side it borders with forest stands, also of the oak-hornbeam character, but with quite numerous Pine, not belonging to the oak-hornbeam species. The southern border of the reserve runs near a forest road and a bicycle trail, which can be reached from the village of Swędów. This area is dominated by oak-hornbeam forests, and ash-alder riparian forests along the river.

The entire reserve is located on a plateau slightly inclined to the north to the river valley, and its highest elevation is 153 m above sea level. The relief of the reserve is extremely varied, which is due to the meandering river in a fairly deep (up to 10 m deep) valley. The slope of this valley, on which most of the reserve is located, is crossed by a network of numerous ravines and ravines 1-3 m deep, formed several thousand years ago as a result of the impact of large masses of rainwater (it is a form of landform also found in several other places in edge of Wzniesienia Łódzkie). After heavy rains or spring thaws, the vapors are periodically filled with water.

About 25 different species of trees and shrubs grow in the reserve, including alder, Birch, beech, hornbeamsycamore spruceand among the bushes - buckthorn, hazel, mountain ash, bird cherry.

Among the protected plants, occurring in the reserve, apart from the clubfoot and flattened club moss, it also grows daffodil daffodil, common ivy and forest nest.

Geographical Coordinates