Zgierz district - Powiat zgierski

Zgierz district
Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Biała.jpgChurch in Biała
POL Zgierz district COA.svg
POL Łódź Province Zgierz County map.svg
RegionŁódź Voivodeship
Surface855.18 km² (5.64% of the voivodeship area) km²
Population166.4 thous. 192 people / km²
Postal Code95-100

Zgierz district - poviat in Polandin the middle of the Lodz voivodeship on Wzniesienia Łódzkie.

General information

It was established in 1999 as part of the administrative reform of the state. It covers 855.18 km² (which constitutes 4.69% of the area of ​​the Łódź Province), and according to the Central Statistical Office data, in 2009 it amounted to 166.4 thousand square meters. inhabitants (including 86,095 women, 52.31%), population density 192 persons per km², urban population 71.74%. The capital of the county is Zgierz, one of the main satellite cities of the Lodz metropolitan complex.


The poviat is located in Wzniesienia Łódzkie, Wysoczyzna Łaska and Plains Łowicz-Błońska. The A1 and A2 motorways, 4 national roads, 3 voivodeship roads, and 2 railway lines run through the district:

  • railway line No.15 Bednary - Łódź Kaliska,
  • railway line No. 16 Łódź Widzew - Kutno.

The district is partially in the basin Lunge (left tributary Vistula), road and rail communication routes pass here between By boat and Warsaw, Kutno, Poddębice.

The poviat consists of 9 communes - 3 municipal ones (Mainly, Ozorków, Zgierz), 2 urban-rural (Aleksandrów Łódzki, Strykow) and 4 rural (Głowno, Ozorków, Parzęczew, Zgierz) and 5 cities (Aleksandrów Łódzki, Głowno, Ozorków, Stryków, Zgierz).

  • agricultural land: 66%
  • forest land: 19%

The poviat constitutes 4.69% of the voivodship's area.


According to the Central Statistical Office (GUS) data, the district of Zgierz has a total population of 164,584, including 78,489 men and 86,095 women; in urban areas 118,077 in total, including men 55,324 and women 62,753; in villages 46,507 in total, including men 23,165 and women 23,342. The corresponding numbers for towns and rural communes are as follows:

  • Głowno 15006 7129 7877 15006 7129 7877 - - -
  • Ozorków 20377 9512 10865 20377 9512 10865 - - -
  • Zgierz town 57970 27011 30959 57970 27011 30959 - - -
  • gm. m-w. Aleksandrów Łódzki 29,238 13,978 15260 21160 9947 11213 8078 4031 4047
  • gm.w. Głowno 4,859 2,447 2,412 - - - 4,859 2,447 2,412
  • gm.w. Ozorków 6857 3384 3473 - - - 6857 3384 3473
  • gm.w. Parzęczew 5,096 2,632 2,464 - - - 5,096 2,632 2,464
  • gm. m-w. Strykow 12 350 6084 6266 3564 1725 1839 8786 4359 4427
  • gm.w. Zgierz 12831 6312 6519 - - - 12831 6312 6519

fauna and Flora

Grasslands of the Zgierz commune

Forests cover 19% of its area.
The most important natural values ​​are in the Wzniesienia Łódzkie Landscape Park and in 7 nature reserves (Punchy, Dąbrowa Grotnicka, Hail over Linda, Grady nad Moszczenica, Struga Dobieszkowska, Rąbień bog, Zabrzeźnia).
Particularly noteworthy is the Ciosny reserve with an area of 2.42 ha in the village of Rosanów, established in 1971, which protects a cluster of approx. unique junipers (Juniperus communis) with trunk circumference up to 20 cm and height up to 6 m, up to 160 years old, growing on postglacial inland dunes.



Almost 12,000 business entities have been registered in the poviat and there is a network of 1,700 retail and service outlets.


By car

The length of poviat roads is almost 1,000 km, including 335 km of paved roads. The capital of the poviat - Zgierz is one of the main satellite cities of the Łódź metropolitan complex. The poviat has a good transport connection with the rest of the country. national road No. 1 north-south, and in the future this will be the western bypass of Łódź. The A1 and A2 motorways running through the poviat are of particular importance for the development of the poviat.

  • A2 motorway Nowy Tomyśl - Stryków (with interchanges: Emilia, Piątek and Stryków)

• national roads:

  • national road No. 1 Gdańsk - Cieszyn (state border)
  • national road No. 14 Łowicz - Walichnowy
  • national road No. 71 Stryków - Rzgów
  • national road No. 72 KoninRawa Mazowiecka

• voivodeship roads:

  • provincial road No. 469 Uniejów - Wróblew
  • provincial road No. 702 Kutno - Zgierz
  • provincial road No. 708 Ozorków - Brzeziny

By bus

Bus communication plays an important role. The lines between the cities and the vicinity of the cities are mainly served by PKS, but also minibus lines of private carriers.

By rail

The area of ​​the poviat is crossed by two railway lines: from Kutno to Łódź and Łowicz to Łódź.

By plane

Airport Władysław Reymonta is located in the southern part of Łódź in Lublinek.

Public transport

The communication is provided by tram lines from Łódź to Zgierz and Ozorków as well as by public bus transport.


The Zgierz Poviat is surrounded by the poviats of the Łódź Voivodeship:

Education and health care

There are nearly 100 schools, over 40 libraries, over a dozen community centers, sports and tourist facilities. Healthcare is provided by three hospitals and nine district clinics.

Historical monuments

Towns with historic buildings: Aleksandrów Łódzki, Biała, Bratoszewice, Kębliny, Koźle, Mąkolice, Niesułków, Ozorków, Stryków, Wola Błędowa, Zgierz.

Interesting places

Natural and cultural values ​​as well as numerous hiking, biking and horse trails (red The Circular Trail around Łódź, The Lodz N-S Bike Line, The Łódź Horse Trail, Agritourism Horse Trail determine the touristic attractiveness of the region.
Recreation is favored by large forest complexes (e.g. in the Zgierz commune), swimming pools by the lagoons (in Głowno, Stryków, Zgierz), an 18-hole golf course in Wola Błędowa and a motocross track in Stryków. In winter, you can use the "Malinka" Ski Park in Zgierz.