Pabianice poviat - Powiat pabianicki

Pabianice poviat

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Pabianice poviat - poviat in Poland located in the central part of the Lodz voivodeship west of Lodz within the Łódź agglomeration. It is located entirely in the South Wielkopolska Lowland, in Wysoczyzna Łaska. The poviat was created in 1999 as part of the country's administrative reform.

The Pabianice poviat against the background of the Łódź voivodeship
Coat of arms of the Pabianice poviat
Flag of the Pabianice poviat

Its area is 492.18 km², which is 2.70% of the area of ​​the Lodzkie Voivodship, is inhabited by 119,996 inhabitants (according to the Central Statistical Office, as of June 30, 2012), which constitutes 4.75% of the voivodeship's population and the population density is 243.8 people / km².
The city is the center of the district Pabianice, with 68,700 inhabitants, i.e. 57.25% of the poviat's population. The entire Pabianice poviat has 119 996 inhabitants, i.e. 4.75% of the voivodeship's inhabitants, and in cities (Pabianice and Konstantynów Łódzki) is inhabited by 86,449 people, i.e. 72% of the county's population.
According to the data of the Central Statistical Office, as of June 30, 2012, 56,290 men, or 46.9% of the population, are men among 119,996 inhabitants of the poviat, women are 63,706; a total of 33,547 inhabitants live in the villages, including 16,417 men and 17,130 women.
The poviat consists of 7 local government units - the municipalities of Pabianice and Konstantynów Łódzki and the rural municipalities of Dłutów, Dobroń, Ksawerów, Lutomiersk and Pabianice.
The number of inhabitants in the communes is as follows:

  • Pabianice poviat 119 996 56 290 63 706 86 449 39 873 46 576 33 547 16 417 17 130
  • Konstantynów Łódzki 17 749 8272 9477; 17749 8272 9477; - - -
  • town of Pabianice 68,700 31,601 37,099; 68 700 31 601 37 099; - - -
  • gm.w. Dłutów 4 351 2 180 2 171; - - -; 4 351 2 180 2 171
  • gm.w. Dobroń 7 362 3 604 3 758; - - -; 7 362 3 604 3 758
  • gm.w. Ksawerów 7 545 3 602 3 943; - - -; 7 545 3 602 3 943
  • gm.w. Lutomiersk 7 785 3 834 3 951; - - -; 7 785 3 834 3 951
  • gm.w. Pabianice 6 504 3 197 3 307; - - -; 6 504 3 197 3 307.

The numbers above mean in turn: total, men, women; in total, men and women in cities; in villages there were men and women in general.

The area is drained by the Ner River with its tributary Dobrzynka, and the southern part of the Grabia with the tributary of the Dłutówka.
Upland Łaska has a plain glacial relief, slightly undulating in places. The highest hill is located near Czyżemin (commune of Dłutów) and is 260 m above sea level, the lowest is the Ner valley behind Puczniew (commune of Lutomiersk) 136 m above sea level.
Almost 25% of the area is covered by forests, mainly in the communes of Dłutów, Dobroń and Lutomiersk. Two nature reserves have been established in the Lutomiersk commune "Firs Oleśnickie" and "Mianów".
It is also worth seeing the erratic boulder in Trupianka, which is a monument to inanimate nature.
Large-scale nature protection is associated with Grabia ("Środkowa Grabia" Protected Landscape Area, Środkowa Grabia Nature and Landscape Complex) and Ner ("Pęczniewski Protected Landscape Area").
County website: