Torfowisko Rąbień nature reserve - Rezerwat przyrody Torfowisko Rąbień

Torfowisko Rąbień nature reserve - peat bog nature reserve, located in Poland in voivodeship of Lodz, in you will say Zgierz, in the commune of Aleksandrów Łódzki, in the countryside Rąbień AB in the forest inspectorate Grotters, Smulsko forestry. Area: 42.43 ha. Established in: 1988.

Torfowisko Rąbień reserve
Torfowisko Rąbień reserve

Geographic coordinates: 51 ° 48′11 ″ N 19 ° 18′03 ″ E

This reserve is one of the most interesting natural places in central Poland.

A raised bog with a rich flora is under protection. The peat bog is located in the area of ​​the watershed Odra River and Vistulaat an altitude of 189-191 m above sea level and occupies a vast valley between the dunes. In this valley there is a formerly exploited peat bog. The peat layer in unexploited areas is 1.5–3 m.

The most valuable plant community in the reserve is sphagnum and woolly mosswhich, however, in many places is being replaced by vegetation rush or forest. A part of the reserve is occupied by post-pore workings at various stages secondary succession. The youngest, brown water-filled peat bogs are covered mainly with rush vegetation narrow-leaved baton and common reed and sphagnum and woolly moss. In older depressions there is a mass composed of bent sphagnum and narrow-leaved woolly.

Among the plants we can find 7 protected species: round-leaved sundew, broadleaf cuckoo, common swamp, coral viburnum, common crumble, black currant and lily of the valley.

The reserve is a bird refuge, 68 species live here, mainly wetland birds, including rare ones, e.g. marsh harrier, snipe snipe, Middle Spotted Woodpecker, spotted hat, mute swan, the grasshopper, Aquarius.

Some amphibian species are: lake frog, blue in color during the mating season, Moor frog, water frog, grass frog, common toad, green toad, tree frog, fire-bellied toad, great crested newt and common newt.

Mammals living in the reserve include: mole, velvet shrew, weasel, Nov, brown hare, American muskrat, forest mouse and fieldmouse, bank vole, squirrel, Hedgehog.

Geographical Coordinates