Perna nature reserve - Rezerwat przyrody Perna

Perna forest floristic nature reserve lies in Poland, in voivodeship of Lodz, in Kutno district, in the municipality Nowe Ostrowy. Mesoregion: Wysoczyzna Kłodawa.

Geographic coordinates: 52 ° 15'30 ″ N 19 ° 14'00 ″ E

Area: 15.27 ha. Established in 1975

Nature of the reserve: floristic, biocoenotic and physiocenotic, sub-type of natural and semi-natural biocoenoses, forest and coniferous ecosystem type, sub-type of upland forest ecosystem.

The subject of protection is a deciduous forest with a wide variety of stands and rich flora. According to the main subject of protection, it is a phytocoenotic reserve of forest communities as well as biocenotic and physiocenotic natural and semi-natural biocoenoses. And according to the main type of environment, it is a forest and coniferous reserve, a subtype of lowland forests, where phytocoenoses of the subcontinental low hornbeam forest in the Kujawy variety occur. The reserve is located at an altitude of about 120 m above sea level, in a local depression where light and medium, heavily sanded loams are deposited at a depth of 1.5 m (and deeper).

It has very high phytocoenotic, floristic, landscape and aesthetic values. The most valuable components of the plant cover of the reserve are the downtime of pedunculate and sessile oaks. The oldest specimens are around 150 years old. In the lower layer of trees, hornbeam and silver birch species are recorded, and in some parts of the reserve there are forest apple and field pear trees. The vegetation mainly consists of a broadleaved forest, i.e. a lime-hornbeam-oak forest. Among the undergrowth plants, the white bush and helleborine deserve attention. In total, 105 species of vascular plants and 10 species of mosses are distinguished in the reserve.

Among rare plants, the following has been reported: violet Viola mirabilis, two-necked hawthorn Crataegus la evigata, field maple Acer campestre.

Geographical Coordinates