Piskorzeniec nature reserve - Rezerwat przyrody Piskorzeniec

Created on November 26, 1990 the peat bog nature reserve "Piskorzeniec", has an area of ​​409.19 ha and is located in Poland, in voivodeship of Lodz, in Radomsko County, in the municipality Przedbórz, in the Pasmo Przedborsko-Małogoskie mesoregion, directly at the border Świętokrzyskie voivodeship, on the premises Przedborski Landscape Park.

Geographic coordinates: 51 ° 02′44 ″ N 20 ° 02′07 ″ E

A type of biocenotic and physiocenotic reserve, a sub-type of natural and semi-natural biocenoses.
Goal of protection: preservation of natural peatland and forest biocoenoses with unique fauna and flora and preservation of natural succession processes. It includes open and forested bogs and an old pond overgrown with rushes.
"Piskorzeniec" is the last place in the Pilica river basin, where extensive, almost unforested complexes of peat bogs have been preserved in large areas.
The subject of protection are raised and low peat bogs, partially covered with forest, with stands of rare species of plants and animals. "Piskorzeniec" is the largest peat bog reserve in Central Poland.
The protection covers an open raised bog, alder-birch swamp forests, marsh forests and a pond and swamp complex.
In the vegetation of the reserve, there is a high-moorland moss, communities of a dozen or so sedge and rush communities: swamp and string sedge, white ground sedge, thread sedge, and rushes: bulrush, reed, broad-leaved cattail, tunic sedge, rigid sedge and others.
It also occurs here and is under total protection blueberry willow, a relic in a peat bog, a species very rare in Poland.
The fauna of amphibians, reptiles and birds is rich, including: bittern, mute swan, black grouse, crane, black-tailed goddess, woodcock, raven and fire station.
Wild boar, roe deer, elk live in the reserve, as well as many species of birds and they are very numerous Beavers.

Geographical Coordinates