Wiączyń nature reserve - Rezerwat przyrody Wiączyń

Wiączyń nature reserve - floristic and forest nature reserve in Poland, in voivodeship of Lodz, in Eastern Lodz County, in Nowosolna commune, in Forestry Wiączyń, Forest inspectorate Grotters, in the mesoregion Wzniesienia Łódzkie.

Geographic coordinates: 51 ° 47′40 ″ N 19 ° 39′30 ″ E

It covers an area of ​​8.8 ha. It was established by the order of the Minister of Forestry and Wood Industry of February 4, 1958.

The reserve was established to preserve, for scientific and didactic reasons, a fragment of a deciduous forest with the features of a natural complex on the border of its range beech and fir treesThe subject of protection is the old beech forest (the northern limit of the range of this species) with an admixture of sycamore trees, limes and oaks. The entire forest is a remnant of the former Lodz Primeval Forest, depleted in the 18th century. The reserve's peculiarities are over a dozen over 300-year-old beeches with a trunk circumference of over 3 m.

The reserve is situated in the watershed between the river basins the Pilica River (waters from the western part of the reserve flow into the Miazga River), and the Bzura River (waters from the eastern part of the reserve flow into the Mroga river).

Protected species occurring in the reserve are: common ivy, Lily of the valley, the common hoof, coral viburnum.

Geographical Coordinates