Punta Aderci guided nature reserve - Riserva naturale guidata Punta Aderci

Punta Aderci guided nature reserve
An overflow
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Punta Aderci guided nature reserve is located in Abruzzo.

To know

Symbol of the reserve is the Fratino, a bird species typical of the sandy coasts of south-eastern Europe.

Geographical notes

It occupies an area of ​​285 hectares, entirely included in the municipality of Vast. It extends along the Adriatic coast north of the port of Vasto, up to the mouth of the Sinello river, where it is possible to meet the only deciduous forest in the reserve.

The flat area appears to be more populated; the agricultural landscape is traditional, with large vineyards, olive groves and plots mainly cultivated with grasses. The area of ​​greatest naturalistic interest is the beach of Punta Penna. The promontory of Punta Aderci (26 m a.s.l.) characterizes the entire area, offering a 360 ° view of the entire reserve. From Punta Aderci the gaze can sweep over the Majella National Park and, at sunset in conditions of good visibility, on the Gran Sasso National Park.

Flora and fauna


Among the typical vegetation of the sandy coasts are the ravastrello, the ammofila sandaria, the calcatreppola marina, the Xanthium italicum, the euphorbia of the beaches, the yellow poppy, the myrtle, the salsola, the sea lily, the prickly fennel and the In some caves of Punta Aderci it is possible to admire the Halymenia floresia, considered the most beautiful red alga in the Mediterranean.


Off the reserve, there is never a shortage of dolphins of the genus Stenella or the bottlenose dolphin, as well as several other marine species typical of the Adriatic Sea.

  • Avifauna: birdwatchers can observe, in addition to the refectory symbol of the reserve, the greater flamingo, the gray heron, the black-winged stilt, the night heron, the squacco heron, the little bittern, the little egret, the bee-eater, the kingfisher , the great tit, the saltimpalo, the cappellaccia, the beccamoschino, the octopus and the brushwood; among the birds of prey there are the kestrel, the sparrow hawk and the buzzard.


The Punta Aderci guided nature reserve (or Punta d'Erce) is a protected natural area ofAbruzzo, established in 1998.

How to get

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