Red Sea (Sudan) - Rotes Meer (Sudan)

Red Sea ·البحر الأحمر
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Red Sea, Arabic:البحر الأحمر‎, al-Baḥr al-aḥmar, is a state in the east Sudans. In addition to the port cities, the area has potential for diving tourism.


Map of the state of the Red Sea
  • 1 Port SudanPort Sudan in the Wikipedia encyclopediaPort Sudan in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsPort Sudan (Q208718) in the Wikidata database - Port city on the Red Sea. Capital of the state of the same name.
  • Top attraction2 SawākinSawākin in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSawākin in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsSawākin (Q571215) in the Wikidata database (Suakin) - port city on the Red Sea.



The state Red Sea, ‏البحر الأحمر‎, al-Baḥr al-aḥmar, has existed since February 14, 1994. The area also existed as an independent province from 1973 to 1991. From 1919 to 1973 the present state was part of the Kassalā province and from 1991 to 1994 part of the newly created state of asch, congruent with Kassalā -Scharqīya.

The state borders in the north Egypt, to the east to the Red Sea, to the south Eritrea and the state of Kassalā and to the west to the state of Nahr an-Nīl. To the west of the coast there is a desert landscape and the Red Sea Mountains run. This is followed by the Nubian Desert in the northwest of the state. The one in the north of the state Ḥalāʾib triangle, ‏مثلث حلائب‎, Muthallath Ḥalāʾib, including the Siyal Islands, is claimed by both Sudan and Egypt. It is currently under the control of the Egyptian military (for background see also Shalātīn). To the west of this triangle is no man's land Biʾr Ṭawīl.


Large parts of the state are mainly populated by Beja Bedouins.

getting there

In the street

A motorway leads from Charṭūm to Shandī, ʿAtbara and Port Sudan.

By boat

There is a ferry connection from Suakin to Jeddah in Saudi Arabia.


Tourist Attractions

  • Top attraction1 Sanganeb Marine National ParkSanganeb Marine National Park in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSanganeb Marine National Park (Q12217059) in the Wikidata database
  • 2 Dungonab Bay - Mukkawar Island Marine National ParkDungonab Bay - Mukkawar Island Marine National Park in the Wikipedia encyclopediaDungonab Bay - Mukkawar Island Marine National Park (Q26267357) in the Wikidata database

The two marine national parks are part of the Unesco World Heritage.






Individual evidence

  1. Central Bureau of Statistics / Southern Sudan Center for Census Statistics and Evaluation: 5th Sudan Population and Housing Census - 2008 (Archived version of May 20, 2013 in the Internet Archive (PDF; 425 kB), Table: T02