Ravenna - Rávena

Piazza del Popolo.

Ravenna or Ravenna (in Italian Ravenna) is a city in the region of Emilia-Romagna, Italy.

To get

By train

Ravenna It is well connected by train with the rest of the capitals of the Emilia-Romagna. To see the schedules, just check them on the website of Trenitalia.



Ravenna It is famous for the Byzantine mosaics in its churches and cathedral. Capital of Italy reconquered by the Byzantines after the fall of Rome, its mosaics are very important because they are one of the few that remain as a sample of the art of the Eastern Roman Empire. Around the 8th century, the Byzantine emperor Leo III began the iconoclasm in his empire, thus destroying a good part of the Byzantine religious art produced up to that moment; Ravenna was positioned against it, and for this reason these valuable mosaics could be saved, while all those that were in Byzantium until then were destroyed.


Enjoy the great variety of mosaics, galleries and shops that this city has.

Open and hospitable, Ravenna is tailor-made for the human being: shops open after naps and its center is so small that you can explore it by bike and minibus.

Be selective. If you arrive in Ravenna by car, before entering the city center you will even see some of the monuments found on the outskirts, such as the mausoleum of the Gothic king Theodoric, from the 6th century, and the Rocca Brancaleone, built during the period of Venetian rule, in the 15th century.

Once in the center, the city has entire pedestrian zones and the one-way street system. It is so complex that only local taxi drivers are able to avoid the detours, so it is recommended not to take the car. One of the best places to park is behind the Basilica of San Vitale. Although you can walk to most of the monuments, to save time you may want to rent a bicycle, which can be done both in the San Vitale car park and in Piazza Farinie, in front of the station.

The piazza del Popolo, the salotto (hall) of Ravenna, is the heart of the city. It is dominated by the crenellated Palazzo Comunale, from the 17th century, at one end, and the clock tower, at the other. However, the most interesting building is the Palazzetto Veneziano, from the 15th century, under whose portico the Caffeteria dei Portici, where it is possible to enjoy a cocktail while admiring the fine granite columns and the 6th century capitals of a church in demolition rescued by the Venetians. Two other well-known cafes in the square are the Caffè Roma and the Tazza d'Oro.

To buy

After such a concentration of culture, it is time to go shopping. Head north and take a look at Only Art (Vía Corrado Ricci, 20. 05 44 21 97 79), with its oriental-inspired gifts and ceramics; and hidden in a small courtyard, is the ceramic gallery Raku (IV November, 23 / D. 21 35 01). Those looking for comfortable walking shoes or t-shirts and accessories should approach Podos (Via IV Novembre, 31. 21 05 70). Further on, in front of the covered market, is the local branch of Max mara, located in the church of San Michele in Africisco, from the 6th century. Don't miss Butega ad Giorgioni, at 43 on the same street, a fabulous herbalist shop. And to buy mosaics, the Cooperativa Mosaicisti Ravenna (via B. Fiandrini).

The Caffè Corte Cavour, near San Vitale, it is the ideal place to regain strength with afternoon tea or a soft drink at any time of the year.

To eat

Try the elegant and romantic Cucina del Cappello (Vía IV Novembre, 41. 0544 21 98 76). It has three gastronomic menus consisting of four dishes (the vegetarian one, for € 23; the meat one, for € 33.5, and the fish one, for € 38.7).

For its part, the Cantina, located next door, offers more than 300 wines from around the world and unpretentious food. You can also go to Spasso Bistrot (Vía Mura di San Vitale) and try their desserts, or La Gardèla (Vía Ponte Marino, 3).

Pastry lovers have a good place to have breakfast in Dolce e Arte (Vía IV Novembre, 20). If you fancy something more substantial, the neoclassical covered market in the nearby Piazza Andrea Costa is full of stalls selling seasonal fruits, ham and cheeses.

Then, continue the cultural tour with a visit to San Apollinare Nuovo, in via Di Roma (with the ticket you can also access several other museums, such as the Neonian Baptistery, San Vitale and the Mausoleum of Galla Placida, among others). The simple cloister and the 17th-century exterior do not presage the brilliance of the 6th-century mosaics that decorate the nave. Right in front of the mosaic workshop of Ezno Scianna and Valeria Mazzarof (via Di Roma 34 / A) is the Loggetta Lombardesca, which houses the Pinacoteca Comunale. This museum is open most days between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., but on Sundays it is also open in the afternoon. Its most famous inhabitant is Guidarello Guidarelli. According to legend, every woman who kisses him will be married in less than a year. This reclining marble knight, carved by Tullio Lombardo in 1525, is one of the most exquisite sculptures of the time.

From the Pinacoteca you can go back to the center, where you will find, next to the basilica of San Francesco, Dante's tomb, whose cult is still maintained in the present.

Drink and go out

However, if you are a lover of good wine, you can walk through the square and the narrow Via Cairoli, with its small boutiques and art nouveau details, and try the one they serve in the Ca’de’Vén Wine Bar (Via Corrado Ricci, 24). The wine bar is located in the magnificent Palazzo Rasponi, built in 1542. Under the frescoes that cover its vaulted ceilings it is possible to savor the different wines of the region. Emilia romagna, the so-called trebbiano, albana, sangiovese and pagadebit. If you want to eat simply, try the excellent homemade pasta.

After dinner you can perhaps attend a concert in a church, or in the beautiful Alighieri Theater, or to a performance of Dante's The Divine Comedy in the Basilica of San Francisco.

During the summer the sotto le stelle cinema opens, under the stars, on the grounds of the Venetian Rocca Brancaleone, and there are street shows all over downtown.


[1]NH Jolly Ravenna: At 200m. from the central station and 150m. from the beginning of the pedestrianized island, the NH Jolly Ravenna is the ideal base to discover the artistic and cultural works of the city, a Unesco world heritage site. Its 84 spacious and elegant rooms guarantee a comfortable and welcoming stay. In addition, the hotel has two spacious meeting rooms that can be adapted to almost any type of event and are equipped with state-of-the-art technical equipment. The hotel is located near Sant'Apollinare Nuovo and the Basilica of San Giovanni Evangelista. In a pleasant walk you can admire the Basilica of San Vitale and the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, while taking a bus at the station you can easily reach the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare in Classe.

Piazza Mameli, 1 Ravenna (Italy) Tel. 39 0544 35762 4 Stars
