Syria - Síria

Flag of the United Arab Republic (1958–1971).svg
Basic information
Governmentparliamentary republic under military dictatorship
CurrencySyrian Pound (SYP)
Area185,180 km2
ReligionSunni Muslim 74%, Alawite, Druze and other Muslim sects 16%, Christians 10%
Electricity220V/50Hz (European standard outlet)
phone code963
Time zoneUTC 2 (3 in summer)

THE Syria is a country of Middle East.


Syria officially has 14 governorates, but the following conceptual division makes more sense for travelers:

Syria regions
syria north west
Aleppo, one of the oldest cities on the planet, and also the Dead Cities, 700 abandoned settlements in the northwest of the country
A volcanic plateau in southwest Syria, it includes the capital Damascus and its sphere of influence.
Orontes Valley
The valley of the Orontes river, with the small towns of Hama and Homs
Syrian coast
Green, fertile, relatively Christian, somewhat liberal, and dominated by the history of Phoenicia and the Crusades
Syrian Desert
A vast and empty desert, with the oasis of Palmyra and the Euphrates basin, historically associated with the stories of Assyria and Babylonia

occupied territory

Golan Hills
Occupied by Israel since 1967 and formally annexed in 1981, the Golan Heights is claimed by Syria. The annexation is not recognized by the UN.


  • Damascus - the country's capital and main city
  • Aleppo - second city in the country

Other destinations

  • palmira - ruins of the Roman city that was one of the great points of trade in the Middle East during the Roman Empire, located in the Syrian town of Tadmor


Syria is a country martyred by war. In 1967, during the Six Day War, Israel destroyed a good part of the territory and occupied the Golan Heights. Of course, there is a collective feeling against the Israeli state. All the more so as millions of Palestinians were expelled from their lands and forced into exile in various countries. In Syria, there are millions of Palestinian refugees who will have the opportunity to meet on the streets of Damascus perfectly integrated into society but missing their homeland. Syria does not recognize the existence of the State of Israel and is on the side of the Palestinian people. Therefore, you will find many murals, posters, stickers, paintings illustrating solidarity with that people and the struggle against Israel. But it will also be able to witness in the same way the solidarity with the Lebanese people, attacked a few years ago by Israel, and with whom Syria maintains very close relations. So when talking to a Syrian, take these realities into account. Despite what you might think, the Syrian state is not Islamic. It is secular and does not support any religion. In the old parts of the cities you can find areas of Orthodox Christians. Still, the majority of the population is Muslim.

To arrive

  • For the Portuguese, it is impossible to obtain a visa in their country as there is no embassy of the Syria in Portugal. However, you can purchase it at Ankara at Turkey or at the border, in Kilis. Citizens of countries that do not have a Syrian embassy can acquire it at least at the Kilis border post. For this, they will have to pay around 40 euros. If you have an Israeli stamp in your passport you will not be able to enter Syria.
  • Brazilians can get a visa at the embassy in Brasilia or at the consulates of São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Manaus and others, at a cost of $45.00.

By airplane

Of boat

By car

By bus/bus

From the Turkish city of Gaziantep can buy a trip to the Syrian border in Kilis. After you have arranged your visa with the Syrian border services, you can hire a taxi to take you to the second largest city in the country, which is located to the north, Aleppo.

By train/train

It is possible to arrive by train from the Turkey.


By airplane

Of boat

By car

By bus/bus

The best way to get around Syria is undoubtedly by bus. They are generally cheap and convenient.

By train/train

There are several connections in the country. Namely, the link between Aleppo and Damascus which is the most important. There is also a connection to the Turkey. The link between Damascus and Baghdad is suspended by the war.



Diocletian's camp and Qasr Ibn Maʿan.jpg



With the

Generally speaking, food is cheap. There's no reason why you shouldn't eat at the excellent Syrian restaurants.

drink and go out


Sleeping on the terraces of hotels and guesthouses can be a cheap and new way to save money. Usually, there is this option in places more connected with tourists known as backpackers. The price is around 1 or 2 euros. You will have the right to a shared bathroom and shower.




Given the Syrian political system, there is little cause for concern. Main streets are policed. The penalties are quite heavy for those who commit a crime. And the Syrians are a peaceful people. You can walk freely and no one will bother you, except, of course, the sellers, who won't if you don't show interest in their products.


Care must be taken with the sanitary conditions of certain establishments. There are places on the street that are not recommended due to lack of hygiene. As far as there is water, it is advisable to drink it in a bottle. The danger of contracting salmonella is very high.


As the Syrian people are quite proud of their culture, they should not enjoy or play with aspects related to it. Women must show respect for the majority religious principles in the country, the Islamic principles. But there seems to be no problem for women to walk without a veil on their heads, they can provoke curiosity and attraction in passersby, but little more than that. Of course, you shouldn't carry American or Israeli symbols.

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