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San Cristobal de las Casas
San Cristobal.jpg
Postal code
16 ° 44 ′ 12 ″ N 92 ° 38 ′ 18 ″ W
Official site

San Cristobal de las Casas is the oldest city in Chiapas. It is located in the center of the Sierra Madre mountain range in the heart of Chiapas. It is a city of altitude since we are at 2 100 m.


Its population is estimated at 121,000 inhabitants. As in the whole province, the population is quite mixed: Hispanics, mestizos and Indians. Chiapas, with 1.6 million Indians out of a total of 3.6 million, is indeed the most Indianized region of the country. They are, however, considered outcasts. They have little access to health care, education and most live without electricity or running water. And yet the state of Chiapas is one of the richest in Mexico due to its natural resources (coffee, hydroelectric power, gas), but Indians benefit little from it.

The city takes its name from Bartolomé de Las Casas, a Spanish bishop who lived there and who was a great defender of the Indians in the face of the brutalities of the settlers. It still has many colonial houses with tiled roofs. The city is organized as a checkerboard of streets intersecting at right angles. In the center, the Zocalo (central square) as in any self-respecting Mexican city bordered on one side by the Cathedral.

The city is located a few kilometers from the Maya (Tzotzil) communities of San Juan de Chamula and Zinacatan.

In half a day by bus you can reach the Mayan archaeological site of Palenque located in an enchanting setting well worth the detour.

The region was talked about in 1994 when the National Liberation Army zapatista used San Cristobal as well as three other localities to foment an insurrection directed against the central power. This was harshly repressed without the Mexican state having taken measures to significantly reduce the discontent of the local population in the large Indian majorid. The problem therefore remains unresolved.

The traces of this discontent are still clearly visible: permanent police and military checks on the roads, slogans, banners, sale of small dolls representing Zapatistas.

To go

By plane

There is no airport in San Cristobal de las Casas. On the other hand, that of the state capital Tuxtla Gutierez, located at h route is connected to many parts of Mexico.

By car

By bus

The excellent Mexican bus network provides easy access to San Cristobal. There is a bug in the date, don't forget to change the year.


The town is small enough that you can get to almost anywhere on foot.To visit the surrounding villages, the easiest way is either to take a local bus (very cheap) or to resort to to one of the many tourist agencies that organize excursions using minibuses that can hold ten people.

To see

  • Zocalo
  • 1 Cathedral
  • San Domingo Church
  • Casa Na Bolom
  • Craft market


To learn

There are several establishments that offer Spanish courses.

  • La Casa en el Arbol [1] offer Spanish courses and also volunteer work. La Casa en el Arbol is very involved at the local level. She works with many NGOs and thus allows her students to really immerse themselves in the Mayan / Mexican atmosphere.

To work


There are many associations in San Cristobal de las Casas.

  • Maya Solidarity Logo indicating a link to the website – Build schools, build water supplies and help renovate a museum of traditional costumes.
  • Swimming Logo indicating a link to the website – The Nataté association, which means 'the house in the tree' in the Maya Tsotsil language, organizes volunteer work camps throughout Chiapas. Nataté wants to be transparent and claims to organize only concrete projects. Nataté is involved in education, construction, organic farming, renewable energies, local development ... The objectives are multiple. The cultural interchange between the volunteers and the locals should make it possible to open minds both in the international community and in the local community. Solidarity must break down barriers.


You will find everything you need (or almost) at the Mercado municipal.


Average price



Some of the cheaper Hospedajes have a kitchen, with dishes and utensils, available to the occupants of the rooms and dormitories, which allows you not to break the bank by eating all the time in the restaurant.


Average price


Have a drink / Go out

There are several places in town where films are shown, mainly documentaries on regional socio-political issues and on globalization in general Most of the time the current month's programs are posted on the poles of many sidewalks and on the streets. doors of very frequent places, the price is fixed at 20 Pesos (April 2006)

  • La Ventana, Insurgentes # 19 offers 2 to 3 sessions per day at 16 h 30, 18 h 15 and 20 h 30
  • Cinema El Puente, Real De Guadalupe # 55, 2 screenings at 18 h and 20 h Please note that in the lobby you will find a display panel on which all kinds of announcements are stuck.
  • Kinoki, Belisario Domínguez # 5 A (at the corner of Andador Guadalupano), 2 or 3 sessions at 18 h, 19 h, 20 h and sometimes 22 h

To stay in contact

You will find a large quantity of cyber-cafes all over the city, the prices vary from 5 to sometimes more than 10 Pesos for an hour of connection, it is often possible to pay only 3 pesos for 30 min at the cheapest places.

Manage the day-to-day

Bottled water is sold at a prohibitive price given the heat, between 6/7 pesos in supermarkets and up to 13 Pesos, the 1.5 liter bottle. Hospedajes sometimes provide their guests with hot water bottles. 19-liter water (which sometimes costs only 13 Pesos) which allows you to fill your water bottle (s) in the morning before going on a ride for the day


  • Palenque
  • Montebello lagoons

Towards Comitan, the cheapest Autotransportes Lacandonia, 2hrs, 25 Pesos, from h To 22 h, departure every 30 min

Towards Cuidad Cuauhtemoc and the Guatemalan border, take a bus to Comitan, once at Comitan, there are two bus terminals, located on what appears to be the main thoroughfare of Comitan, the cheapest is almost in front of the Volkswagen dealership

Very few buses seem to leave, at least one to 13 h, route h 45, 25 pesos.

From then the other terminal (ADO, etc) more departures

Towards Mexico

Towards Palenque, h Towards Puerto Escondido, 13 h Towards Tuxla Gutierrez, 1 to h 30

Towards Villahermosa, h Towards Oaxaca, 12 h 30 (by night)

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Complete list of other articles in the region: Chiapas