Santa Elena - Santa Elena

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Santa Elena
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Santa Elena is a city in Belize in the Cayo District.


Santa Elena is the sister city of San Ignacio (Belize). Together with this, the most populous settlement area in Belize extends here on the Macal River after Belize City.

getting there

By plane

The plan has been around for a long time San Ignacio (Belize) to build a runway. Unfortunately, this has not yet been implemented. So if you really want to travel by plane, you would have to charter a plane and land on one of the pastures in the area.

By bus

The bus station is in San Ignacio (Belize). Actually all bus routes that run between the border and Belize City When traveling along the Western Highway, stop at the central bus stop at Coronation Park. The NTSL, BBOC, Middleton's Transport and Shaw bus routes run every hour. Taking for the ride from Belize City to San Ignacio you have to plan about 2.5 hours.

In the street

Since Santa Elena is right on the Western Highway, it is very easy to get to with your own vehicle. When traveling on to San Ignacio (Belize) It should be noted that the correct bridge is selected for the Macal River crossing. The old Low River Bridge runs from Santa Elena to San Ignacio, while the new Hawkesworth Bridge runs in the opposite direction.


Tourist Attractions

General map of Santa Elena
  • Hawksworth Bridge (1). This bridge is the only suspension bridge in Belize and connects San Ignacio over the Macal River in the center Santa Elena. It was built in 1949 and named after Governor Hawksworth, who was in office here from 1947 to 1949. But here you can only leave San Ignacio, i.e. drive in one direction.
  • San Ignacio (Belize). There are numerous highlights in the sister city.







  • La Loma Luz Hospital, Santa Elena.

Practical advice



Web links

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