Segura de la Sierra - Segura de la Sierra

Segura de la Sierra
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Segura de la Sierra is a municipality in the province Jaén in Andalusia.


Visible from afar, the well-preserved castle of Segura de la Sierra on a mountain top. The medieval village itself "sticks" a few meters below on the slope. Historically and also in today's perception of the inhabitants, it is the capital of the Sierra Segura, the northern part of the Sierra Cazorla Natural Park, Segura y las Villas, although the administration of the region is now in the neighboring town of Orcera.

For centuries, the whole region was the focus of fighting between Moors and Christians, so that both cultures have left their traces, which can still be clearly seen in the small town to this day. It was founded in pre-Christian times by the Phoenicians, at the latest by the ancient Greeks. Even a one-hour tour of the town followed by a visit to the castle turns into a stroll through centuries. However, it is sweaty, as the place is distributed vertically as well as horizontally in the terrain and most of the paths are simple stone stairs. Segura de la Sierra was elevated to the status of an art historical site in Spain.

He had a particular influence on the development of the city at that time Order of Santiagowho took his seat here after the Christian reconquest around 1230 and was also able to build a cultural center. The poet Jorge Manrique is given a special souvenir because he was born here in 1434.

Like the entire nature park, Segura de la Sierra is very popular with Spanish holidaymakers who otherwise rarely get to enjoy snow, but it is an excellent starting point for activities for hiking and outdoor enthusiasts because of the good infrastructure. Overall, it is still a region that has been forgotten by the mainstream, where peace and tranquility are guaranteed.

getting there

By plane

Behind the main square of Segura

The nearest local airport is in Granada. Internationally, the airports of Malaga, Seville or Madrid are likely to be the most sensible alternatives.

By train

Segura de la Sierra cannot be reached by train. Linares train station on the Madrid-Seville AVE line provides the closest connection.

By bus

Currently only ALSA and Sepulvedana operate bus connections from Orcera.

In the street

The majority of visitors reach the place via the N-322, which has largely been developed as an expressway, which runs from Bailén motorway junction along the western slope of the Sierra across Úbeda leads to Puente Génave (and on to Albacete). At Bailén the highways branch out to the north Madrid (310 km), to the west Seville (374 km) and Cordoba (241 km) and south Málaga (368 km) and Granada (258 km). (Note: The A-316 Jaén-Baeza is still being expanded. Visitors from the south who do not want to visit Baeza casually can save themselves a lot of stress on construction sites thanks to the seemingly longer sweep over Bailén; distances are kilometers by road according to the route planner )

From Puente Génave the A-310 leads to Puerta de la Segura, soon after the town the A-317 turns south in the direction of Hornos from. From the A-317 three narrow country roads branch off one after the other to the east (i.e. left), which hardly differ in time:

  • First the C-3210 branches off in the direction of Orcera. It is best developed, but the junction to Segura is in Orcera (right at the beginning of the main square sharply downhill to the right) badly signposted and often overlooked.
  • Then the JV-7031 also leads to Orcera. It is narrower, but reaches the junction to Segura before the town center and is therefore easier to see.
  • Another 3 km further the JV-7032 leads over a small bridge through the scattered hamlets of Cortijos Nuevos to Segura.


In the Moorish quarter

Having your own vehicle is essential, especially for activities in the surrounding area. It is best to leave the car for those passing through 1 Main square and church} Main square above the church, otherwise in a parking space along the main street. There is a separate visitor parking lot below the castle, but it is not very suitable for a city tour.

The local taxi company Sánchez can be reached on tel. 953 480 830.

Tourist Attractions

Walk through the historic town center

The sights of Segura de la Sierra certainly do not offer any outstanding sensations compared to other Andalusian, white villages. Viewed as an ensemble, however, they are quite rare.

  • When approaching from the west, one already drives after crossing the medieval 2 Puerta de la Villa City gates on the Renaissance facade of the former Jesuit college and today's town hall past.
  • At the eastern end of the main square, some stone stairs lead up to the Jorge Manrique's birth house. Originally a citizen's palace from the 16th century, which was renovated several times, a striking stone portal now reminds of its former size, crowned by the family coat of arms.
  • The Romanesque rises directly below the main square 3 Main square and church}Parish Church of Santa Maria del Colladowhich houses, among other figures of religious life, a remarkable Gothic Madonna figure of the Virgen de la Peña and a figure of Christ attributed to Gregorio Hernandez.
Before the Banos Arabes
  • Opposite the church, directly below the main square, is the fountain Fuente Imperial. Allegedly Charles V donated it on the occasion of his transit, at least left his coat of arms in the central part. But it is a fine example of the construction in the transition from Gothic to Renaissance.
  • A few meters down from the parish church portal, climb down to the left into the Moorish quarter the city. First you pass the former one, which was built in the 16th century 4 City HallJesuit Churchwhich has now been restored as the parish hall. Narrow and picturesque streets lead further to the left (westward) down to the preserved city wall, formerly the outermost fortification of the castle at its weddings.
  • At the end of it you find next to one 5 Puerta de Catena Monument to the great son of the poet and a magnificent view of the well-preserved Puerta de Catena and the ruins of the 6 Banos Arabes, the former hammam. In contrast to many piles of stones in more famous walls and Alcazares of Andalusia, these are comparatively well preserved and also informative (free) documented. (Don't be frightened: when you enter the dark walls, the light comes on automatically).
  • One of the most beautiful 7 Balcony over Segura The town's viewpoints are located at the upper, western end of Calle Castillo, where most of them are 1 Calle Castillo Apartments have settled. From the Mirador de los Hermanos Esplá, the place as well as the entire Sierra lying at your feet can be viewed superbly in the evening mood.

The castle

The 8 Segura Castle has been expanded into a Centro de Interpretacion and therefore offers plenty of vivid material about the time of the Christian-Moorish disputes in the region and life in a medieval castle. From 9 Parking at the castle The parking lot below, however, still has to be climbed a few meters on the blocked paved path. The associated barrier is usually open, so that disabled people can probably drive to the forecourt without getting into trouble. From there, however, there are still over a hundred stairs or a corresponding paved path to climb to the entrance.

The main tower in the Plaza des Armas
  • As soon as you arrive, you drive to the 10 Plaza de Toros Bullfighting "arena" Plaza del Toros past, a sand place lined with stone walls. The unprepared visitor will hardly be able to tell it apart from a schoolyard. But it proves how deeply this element of traditional culture is still rooted, even without amphitheaters like the maestranzas in large cities.
  • Inside the fort you first enter the roll call square Plaza de Armas, the courtyard of the castle. Here were a few 11 Craft yard of the castle Set up game scenes that represent the artisanal character of medieval castle life.
  • Left of the entrance 12 patio below the east wall are the Banos Arabes with detailed audio-visual documentation on the history of the region. However, the character of such baths itself can be better understood in the town center (see above).
  • In the opposite Main tower the actual museum is housed, which refers to the history of the castle in various game scenes and exhibits. In the narrow staircases you get a real medieval feeling and from the roof, as the highest point in the area, there is of course a spectacular view.
  • The same goes for that Battlements on the castle walls. The architectural background of the fortress construction over the centuries is also discussed in detail.
  • In the barren chapel you feel transported back to the time of the crusader orders, such as the order of Santiago that was at home here, thanks to the figures displayed.

One can certainly argue about the quality or usefulness of the museum designs. Children in particular will certainly have their fun here because of this. If you want, you can actually go deep into the history and building backgrounds of such fortresses with the help of the information material provided, everyone else will enjoy magnificent views in a truly medieval ambience.


View over the town to the sierra

Local festivals and activities

  • At the 1 eastern exit is that swimming pool and tennis courts.
  • The local Fiesta in honor of the Virgen del Rosario, in the largest hamlet of the municipality, the neighboring Cortijos Nuevos, subsequently from October 10th to 13th.
  • Both in Segura de la Sierra and the surrounding hamlets, Bolo Serrano, a local variant of boules, is still actively practiced and promoted with a festival every two years.


  • A simple hike can be undertaken in a short circular path below the castle, which not only offers beautiful views but often also beautiful animal observations such as ibex or birds of prey, especially in the evening hours.
  • Practiced walker can visit the Los Acebeas area directly from here as part of a day hike.
  • The associated highest peak in the region, El Yelmo, is the starting point for Paragliderwho also meet here once a year for an internationally known competition.


Coming from the city gate from the west is still below the main square Comestibles Galiano, the village shop, which can offer almost everything in several departments, from groceries to postal and tobacco services to household goods.


The restaurants "Messia de Leyva" and "La Mesa Segurena" are located above the village square via stone stairs, at the western entrance to the town, before the city gate, "Mirador de Penalta". You can count on solid quality, but also a little higher price-performance level compared to the big cities.


Apart from the bar on the main square, it only takes place on your own initiative.


Hotels in the real sense there is Cortijo Nuevos in the neighboring hamlet.

However, there are extensive offers in Segura de la Sierra Apartmentswhose comfort is in no way inferior to that of a hotel (most of them at the entrance to the village and in Calle Castillo below the castle). The number of apartment beds exceeds the number of residents many times over.


Generally it is cooler in the mountains than in the rest of Andalusia. In summer, maximum values ​​of 30 degrees can be expected when the rest of the region gets unbearably hot, in winter there is snowfall and minimum values ​​down to -10 degrees. It can rain in the Sierra Segura when there is drought elsewhere.


The emergency number 112 also applies here. The Segura police station can be reached at 953 480 305.


There is a doctor and a pharmacy in the village. The nearest hospital is in Orcera.

Practical advice

The village shop offers postal services (see above), the nearest post office is in Orcera. Most housing providers offer a WiFi connection.


View from the top of Yelmo
  • Day tour over the Cumbra de Pontones on the Summit of the Yelmo, which can also be reached by motorized vehicle via an asphalt forest road for mountain-experienced drivers. Then about the Ruta de Miradores with magnificent views of the Tranco de Béas reservoir Hornos and back to Segura via Cortijos Nuevos.
  • Detour on this tour to the recreation and hiking area at the sources of the Segura River (Fuente de Segura).
  • Hike in the Los Acebeas reserve.
  • Exploring the surrounding mountain locations such as Siles, Puerta de Segura, Béas de Segura.
  • Ride through the Natural park along the reservoir via Tranco Cazorla.

The World Heritage Site of the Twin Cities Baeza and Ubeda is within reach by means of a day trip, but should be tackled separately for a detailed inspection.


Web links

  1. Website (sp.) Of the City administration
  2. Website (sp.) Of the Nature park administration with more information about the area
  3. PhD page (en./sp.) Of the Nature parks
  4. Travel reports of the first author
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