Siles - Siles

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Siles is a municipality in the province Jaén in Andalusia.


Map of Siles

Siles is the most northeastern municipality of Sierra Cazorla Natural Park, Segura y las Villas and is far away from the flow of visitors, albeit the northern gateway along the A 310. The medieval city center is quite handsome and relatively large, but does not have a similarly spectacular location as Hornos or Segura de la Sierra. As a stand, it is close to the nature park bordering to the north Parque Natural de los Calares del Río Mundo y de la Sima with the waterfalls of Nacimiento del Mundo and local recreation areas with beautiful bathing opportunities.

Most travelers will, however, perceive the place as a possible stop on an approach or tour. For a short or day stay, the place definitely has something to offer and hikers who want to explore both nature parks will find an acceptable infrastructure here. The agricultural character can also be traced historically in the local Centro de Interpretacion.

Like all places in the Sierra de Segura, after the Christian reconquest of the region by the Order of Santiago benefited from its construction activity, even if a few traces can still be seen today.

getting there

Paseo in front of the old town

By plane

The nearest local airport is in Granada. Internationally, the airports of Malaga, Seville or Madrid are likely to be the most sensible alternatives.

By train

Siles cannot be reached by train. Linares train station on the Madrid-Seville AVE line provides the closest connection.

By bus

AS A offers connections via Puente Génave, Ubeda and Baeza to Jaén and Granada, in the north you can drive to Madrid. The distance from Malaga to Siles with a change in Jaén or Linares takes about 7 1/2 hours.

In the street

The majority of visitors reach the place via the N-322, which has largely been developed as an expressway, which runs from Bailén motorway junction along the western slope of the Sierra across Úbeda leads to Puente Génave (and on to Albacete). At Bailén the highways branch out to the north Madrid (303 km), to the west Seville (375 km) and Cordoba (241 km) and south Málaga (368 km) and Granada (258 km). (Note: The A-316 Jaén-Baeza is still being expanded. Visitors from the south who do not want to visit Baeza casually can save themselves a lot of stress on construction sites thanks to the seemingly longer sweep over Bailén; distances are kilometers by road according to the route planner )

From Puente Génave the A-310 leads directly to Siles, where it continues eastwards to Hellin on the A-30 Madrid-Murcia-Alicante (251 km) leads.


In the Centro El Sequero

If you don't like to torment your way through the really narrow streets of the old town by car, the best thing to do is to do the same 1 Paseo or a little further away from the 2 El Sequero From Museum El Sequero and explore the town center on foot. In principle, however, driving in the old town is mostly allowed.

Tourist Attractions

  • 3 El Cubo is still the symbol of the city today. The 27 m high, cylindrical tower is the last remnant of an original Moorish fortification, which is integrated into the remains of the former city wall.
  • Right next to it the 4 Parish Church of Nuestra Senora de la Asuncion. The defiant Romanesque fortified church hides a single-nave, Gothic-Baroque interior from the 16th century.
  • El Sequero, Carretera de Hellín, nº 21 (at the exit of the A-310 in a north-easterly direction). Tel.: 39 953 491 143, Fax: 39 953 490 134. Centro de Interpretacion - In the building of a former factory for drying and processing pine cones there is an exhibition worth seeing. In addition to the natural history of life in the neighboring Sierra de Segura, she is very vividly concerned with the historical economic cycle of the recycling of groupage from the mountains in the factory located here at the time, which was fundamentally renovated. There is also a detailed mycological section for mushroom lovers and collectors.Open: Tue-Sun 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. (summer 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.).Price: free entry.
  • At its highest point in the passage, the A-310 branches off 1 Paseo towards the city center. It is one of the most beautiful city squares in the Sierra Segura, covered with plane trees. The weekly market also takes place here.
  • The offers another, shady resting place 5 Plaza de Agua at the western end of the 6 Old town next to the town hall.
  • In the area there are several castle ruins to be seen as well as the Chapel of San Roque.


Local festivals

  • The celebrations in honor of the patron saint Sao Roque take place in the third week of August. Beef cooked from the "Caldera del santo", a copper kettle from 1853, is touted as a special local tradition.
  • The Feria de San Miguel Archangel takes place in September.
  • In April the Fiestas de San Marcos Evangelista.

Goals in the area

Siles Pena del Olivar
  • At the southwest exit of the village in the direction of Puerta de la Segura, a road turns to the hiking area of Los Acebeas from. The recreation area is only 2 km away 1 Pena del Olivar with a botanical garden, an idyllic swimming lake and apparently also locally popular gastronomy. The two beautifully situated campsites are also located here.
  • Nice view from the former fire station "El Puntal" over the place. He is from the road to Los Acebeas and on to Segura de la Sierra to reach out. Even for drivers who are not afraid of narrow mountain roads, the route is a very worth seeing detour or detour.



For local specialties in the mountains of the nature park, see There.


In addition to the usual bars, Siles, as a larger town, has two discos in addition to the relevant bars.


There are several hotels and pensions, various holiday apartments and Casas Rurales as well as two campsites in Siles and the immediate vicinity.


Practical advice



Web links

  1. Website (sp.) Of the City administration
  2. Website (sp.) Of the Nature park administration with more information about the area
  3. PhD page (en./sp.) Of the Nature parks
  4. Travel reports of the first author
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