Szreniawa (Greater Poland Voivodeship) - Szreniawa (województwo wielkopolskie)

Szreniawa, Entrance to Museum of Agriculture (Poland, July 2012) .jpg
RegionGreater Poland Voivodeship
Postal Code

Szreniawa - a village situated 16 km south-east of the center of Poznań, next to the railway line Poznan - Grodzisk Wielkopolski - Wolsztyn and on roads No. 5: Poznan - Wrocław and No. 32 Poznangreen Mountain, on the edge Wielkopolski National Park.


By train

The most efficient access from the city center is provided by rail. Szreniawa is situated on a side railway line PoznanWolsztynwhich currently runs 9 trains a day (including two only to Grodzisk Wielkopolski, the rest to Wolsztyn). The line's attraction are steam locomotives - it is one of two such lines in Europe (the other one is the neighboring one: WolsztynLeszno). Trains with a steam engine leave Poznań around 8:30 am and 5pm. From Szreniawa to Poznań, you can go by steam train at approx. 7 and 15. Train running time: up to 25 minutes.

By bus

From the Poznań-Górczyn bus station (access from the city center by trams # 5, # 8 and # 14 and bus # 63) there are suburban buses, incl. to Rosnowo, Rosnowka, Chomęcice and Konarzewo, served by the commune company Zakład Usług Komunalnych Komorniki. Timetable: [1] Time of tram ride in the city commuter bus: from 35 to 50 minutes.

In addition, you can get to Szreniawa by numerous bus routes from Poznań towards Stęszew, Kościan, Grodzisk Wielkopolski, Leszno - and more generally by all passenger routes departing from the city to the southwest. Driving time: minimum half an hour, depending on traffic jams on the exit route from the city. So: the fastest way to get there is by train.

By bike

As Szreniawa is situated on the edge Wielokopolski National Park an interesting option is access by bike. Of course, we advise you not to travel by two-wheelers along the busy national five, it will be much more pleasant to get from Poznań, e.g. via Puszczykowo and forests of the WNP. In the Park, it is allowed to cycle by bike along all routes and public, forest and field roads.

By car

Szreniawa is located on an important and busy country No. 5 from Gdansk by Bydgoszcz, Poznan down Wroclaw and on the slightly less traveled road No. 32 from Poznań to Zielona Góra.


Szreniawa is a small village, so all attractions can be easily visited on foot.



The most important attractions of the village are:

  • Museum of Agriculture and Food Industry - operating since 1964, it is the only Museum of Agriculture of this rank in Poland and one of the few and the largest on the continent. Its collection includes over 20,000 exhibits: from small devices to large-size agricultural machinery, terraces of cultivation and breeding from centuries ago and more modern ones. The harvest is divided into several categories: technical culture of agriculture, animal husbandry and breeding, beekeeping and beekeeping, plant breeding, horticulture, hops and wicker farming, rural transport and communication, processing and agri-food industry, crafts, hunting and inland fishing, ethnography, history and art. In the group of technical collections, steam locomobiles may be particularly interesting (there are seven of them) - this is the largest such collection in the country. The oldest is a small English locomotive, Robey & Com. from 1895, the youngest was the Kemna-Breslau self-propelled locomotive from 1927. No less interesting is the collection of tractors used in agriculture in Poland, manufactured by the following companies: Lanz, Deutz, Zetor, Ursus and Fordson. There are also interesting collections on rural transport - this exhibition includes, among others a bicycle from 1890 made by a rural craftsman and farm carts and sleighs from various parts of our country.

The ethnographic collection includes: collections of wooden folk sculptures depicting genre scenes from the everyday life of villagers and a rich set of folk ceramics from all major pottery centers in Poland.

The National Museum of Agriculture in Szreniawa currently has five regional branches: the Nature and Hunting Museum in Uzarzewo, the Museum of Milling and Water Facilities of the Rural Industry in Jaracz, the Wicker and Hops Museum in Nowy Tomyśl, Open-air museum and beekeeping museum in Swarzędz and the Meat Economy Museum in Sielinek.

The Museum in Szreniawa is open from April to October from Tuesday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, on Saturdays and Sundays until 7:00 pm, and in winter from Tuesday to Sunday between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm. Contact: Szreniawa, ul. Dworcowa 5, 62-052 Komorniki. Tel: 061 81 07 629, http://www.muzeum-szreniawa.plmailto: [email protected]

  • The Bierbaum lookout tower is already on the site Wielkopolski National Park - is managed by the Szreniawa Museum, it is 22 meters high. It is the mausoleum of the Bierbaums, the first owners of the estate in Szreniawa. In 1993, the tower was entered in the register of monuments. Near the tower, there is a small exhibition presenting the history of the Wielkopolski National Park and its vicinity from the late Palaeolithic times to the present day. There is an observation deck at the top of the tower.

The tower is open from April to October from Tuesday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00, Saturday and Sunday until 19:00, and in winter from Tuesday to Sunday between 9:00 and 15:00.

  • tourist routes from Szreniawa to the interior of the Park and, among others, Puszczykowa


Take part in numerous events and museum lessons organized at the museum. These include:

  • Easter festivities - usually 4 weeks before Christmas
  • Easter Market - always on Palm Sunday
  • Pentecostal Festival - as the name suggests, on Pentecost Sunday.
  • Festivals devoted to minorities living in Poland - in the past or today (a Tatar festival is planned for 2009: June 27-28)
  • a show of an old country wedding
  • A festival of autumn customs and traditions: workshops and shows devoted to threshing techniques, grain milling, etc.
  • The Christmas market is preceded by Advent displays of Christmas customs and traditions

Nearest neighborhood

Szreniawa is located on the routes to Grodzisk Wielkopolski and Wolsztynand also south through Propeller, Leszno down Wroclaw and you can visit this little village on the way from Poznań to the above-mentioned locality.

An interesting idea may also be to visit all the "natural" museums of Wielkopolska that are subordinate to the Szreniawa museum. These are:

  • Museum of Milling and Water Facilities of Rural Industry in Jaracz
  • The Natural History Museum in Łowicz He will make it
  • Open-air museum and beekeeping museum in Swarzędz
  • Museum of Wicker and Hop Growing in Nowy Tomyśl
  • Meat Management Museum in Sielinek

This website uses content from the website: Szreniawa (Greater Poland Voivodeship) published on Wikitravel; authors: w editing history; Copyright: under license CC-BY-SA 1.0