Talsano - Talsano

Name inhabitants
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Italy

Unhealthy is a fraction of the city of Taranto.

To know

Talsano is the most important and populous district of Taranto, after the Salinella. The territory of Talsano represents the north-western tip of the Salento Peninsula, south-east of capital, however, culturally speaking, its strong link with the city of Taranto has ensured that the dialect was almost identical to that of the city.


The birth of the first inhabited nucleus can be traced back to around 1300 AD: at the time of the infamous Turks raids our coasts were a continuous destination of raids by the Saracens who destroyed and plundered everything that belonged to the infidels (considerations that they had not belonging to the Muslim religion); for this reason the inhabitants (generally farmers and shepherds) initially isolated began to gather in groups giving life to the first small communities, preferring to settle in fortifications (the famous farms with high walls) in the hinterland at a safe distance from the sea. A group of monks of Greek origin of the order of San Basilio, to remedy these repeated attacks by the Saracens, settled and built a temple (enlarged and renovated in 1844 at an expense of 1,138 ducats at the behest of the then King of Naples and still existing) dedicated to the mother of God near the current Cemetery, an area then called "Talassano" (Greek term indicating a marshy area near the sea) which in ancient times was connected to the Mar Piccolo through the Salina Grande.

The first houses were built around this settlement, giving life to a small village (around 1400 there were more than two hundred inhabitants) which took its name from the area and that is Talsano. But Talsano acquired another name from the inhabitants of the surrounding villages, San Giorgio Ionico, Fortified fortress is Faggiano namely "Le Torri" with reference to the many farm-towers present in the area.

The "Masserie-Torri", also present on Lama is San Vito, were surrounded by huts inhabited by permanent and seasonal farmers and were almost completely self-sufficient residential units that exploited, transformed and traded the agricultural resources of the territory (olive groves, vineyards, cereals, almond groves and pastoralism).

Some of the denominations of the aforesaid farms have come down to us, sometimes deriving from the name of the owner family, other times from the location area; the most important ones: Ospedalicchio (D'Ayala Valva), Abateresta, Rapillo, Pizzariello (Countess Carducci), Lucignano, La Fica Piccola, Nisi, Troccoli, Giangrande, Capitignano, Lecutrane, Sanguzza, Lo Jucco, San Domenico, La Battaglia.

Everything revolved around the farms, the only sources of work of the time and for this reason they attracted people from outside.

With the division of the large estates, at the beginning of 1800, the peasants mainly coming from the lower Salento, who worked in these farms, received land to cultivate in sharecropping or rent on which the most fortunate among them had the possibility to build his own house, which consisted of: a "shed" where the mule lived, a large room that served as a dormitory for the whole family, the kitchen and the vegetable garden with "'u rummat" (dunghill).

The houses were rather small but on the other hand they were equipped with large and cool cellars dug into the carparo where the preparation of the wine took place (it was pressed and then left to ferment the must), which was stored there together with other supplies: oil, chickpeas , lentils, beans, broad beans, wheat and more.

Over time these agricultural centers increased and towards the middle of the 1800s they became a real agglomeration assuming the characteristics of the classic southern villages: low houses, painted in lime with architectural references to the dominant populations of the past such as the Spaniards, the Arabs themselves. , the Normans who had also influenced the dialect interspersed with foreign linguistic terms.

The advent of the industrial era in the province of Taranto, with the settlement of the Military Arsenal first and of the Italsider (now Ilva) then, it brought radical changes also to Talsano which from a predominantly agricultural village has transformed into a district lacking its own identity.

How to orient yourself


The districts of San Donato, Palumbo and Sanarica also belong to Talsano.

How to get

By bus, from Taranto, with the means AMAT through the lines: 23,29,21,20,28,27.

How to get around

To move around the town of Talsano you have to rely on the service AMAT

What see

  • Our Lady of Fatima Church.
  • Church of the Carmine.

Events and parties

  • Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. Simple icon time.svgMay 13.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • Asterix Pizzeria.

Average prices

  • Donna Lucia.
  • Masseria San Donato.

Where stay


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Unhealthy
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