Tanzania - Tanzânia

Flag of Tanzania.svg
Basic information
CurrencyTanzania Shilling (TZS)
Area945,087 km2
Population51,820,000 (est. 2014)
LanguageKiswahili or Swahili (official); English (official, also employed in commerce); Arabic (in Zanzibar), and many other local languages.
Religionon the Continent - Muslims 35%, Animists 35%, Christians 30%; in Zanzibar - 99% Muslims
Electricity230V/50Hz (Indian or British plug)
phone code 255 (or 007 if from the Kenya it's from Uganda)
Internet TLD.tz
Time zoneUTC 3

Tanzania is a country of east africa.

Tourism is highly developed and contributed 12.7% of Tanzania's gross domestic product and employed 11.0% of the country's workforce (1,189,300 jobs) in 2013.



Other destinations

Ngorongoro Crater: Simply one of the most beautiful places in the world...the animals that are in the crater do not migrate, as they have an abundance of everything all year round, unlike the Serengeti and Masai-Mara. Fantastic Lodges to sleep in, excellent food. Best time to visit is April and May. It can rain... a lot, but due to a chance of nature, it is rare to rain during the day, only at the end of the day and at night. For the rest, the fields are green, there is no dust, the herds with young and few tourists. I saw a mating of two lions where there were 3 jeeps. In summer, they say they would be over 15!


To arrive

By airplane

Of boat

By car

By bus/bus

By train/train


By airplane

Of boat

By car

JEEP!!! Don't even think about traveling with another means of transport, of course. And preferably...rented!

By bus/bus

By train/train

Train in Dodoma.






With the

drink and go out


  • Zanzibar Hotel[1].




The people are very friendly, they always ask for something but they are not annoying or violent. I always felt good and safe, of course with the guide, who would tell us what to do and what not to do. They are very friendly. We visited a Masai village and it was extraordinary, great experience. And once again, paying...they do everything (dances, games, etc...)


Attention to Malaria. Prophylaxis is mandatory. The mosquito attacks mainly in places with high humidity and only at dawn and dusk, but not making it easy. In the lodges they are at ease with water and food.


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