Taraz - Taraz

View of Taraz
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Taraz is a city of Kazakh desert.

To know

Geographical notes

The city is crossed by the Talas River it is located near the border between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, once in the heart of the Silk Road.

When to go

Maximum (° C)029,51925303331261792
Minimum (° C)-9-7-16,51115171594-2-6
Precipitation (mm)2827384937231058313635

The best months to visit Taraz are: April, May, June, July, August, September and October, however the hottest months are June, July and August. In the other periods the temperatures drop, especially in winter when the conditions are not the best.


The first archaeological finds confirm the presence in the area around the first century. B.C. Since the beginning of its existence the city has been affected by the caravan routes of the Silk Road. In the 60s of the 6th century the city was part of the Turkish Khaganate.

In 750-751 the battle of the Talas who saw the Muslim armies face off Abbasids against the Chinese ones of the Tang dynasty. The battle was resolved with the Abbasid victory and the Chinese retreat, but it was of great importance because the contact between these two populations allowed the map to arrive in the West and much later also the compass. In the 9th century it was conquered by the Samanids who Islamized the area.

From the 10th to the 12th century it was the Karakhanid Turks who dominated the area and the city reached its peak of importance and development. At this time the mausoleums of Aisha-Bibi and Karakhan were built. But in 1220 came the horde of Mongols from Genghis Khan which with the devastation caused the decline of the city and the area. There is then mention of the city only in 1513 with the arrival of the Kazakh tribes. In 1723 the Zungari arrived who owned it almost until 1755 when the Chinese returned with the Qing dynasty who favored the arrival of the Kazakhs.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the Khanate of Kokand, in 1856 the city took the name of Aulie-Ata, but in 1864 Russian domination began by initiating a modernization operation in the area with the construction of brick houses, schools and factories. In 1936 they changed the name to Mirzoyan in 1938 in Zhambyl and the city had to welcome heterogeneous masses of marginalized people defined as "enemies of the people" but also fled from the war fronts.

In the 60s and 70s, thanks to the industries, the city had an economic impetus until the disintegration of the USSR, with the independence of Kazakhstan the development stopped temporarily to resume in the 2000s. In 1997 the name changed for the last time in Taraz.

How to orient yourself

The main square of the city is Baydibek Batyr which is located along 1 Tole Bi a road axis that runs from east to west and crosses 2 Abay ave.

How to get

By plane

On the train

  • 2 Taraz station (4 km south of the city, bus 47 from the center). The high-speed Talgo train runs from the capital Nur-Sultan to Taraz and takes approximately 12 hours. There is a low speed train from Almaty (from Taraz takes between 6 and 8 hours depending on the train) a Shymkent (from Taraz takes between 3 hours and 40 minutes and 5 hours), the Almaty-Saratov. Also connects with Turkistan (between 6 and 8 hours) and for Nur-Sultan. You can book tickets in advance on the website tutu. To travel in third class be prepared for a crowded but friendly train.
From the station platform there is a stop on the right reached by marshrutkas 47 and 57 which pass through the intersection of Abay ave and Tole Bi. The marshrutka and bus 40 go to the center on Kaybek Bi (to the west), Kolbasshy Koygeldi (to the north) and Tole Bi continuing to the west. Tickets cost 45 to 55 tenge.

By bus

Avtovokzal of Taraz
  • 3 Avtovokzal (bus terminal), Zhambyl ave (north-east area of ​​the city. Opposite the bus station is the stop for marshrutka 1 and 46 leading to 1 center along Abay ave just south of Tole Bi, while the 1 continues to the station), 7 700 214 4198. From here the Marshrutkas depart and arrive for Almaty. A back seat in an 18-person marshrutka can cost up to 2,500 tenge but pay no more than 3,000 tenge (Apr 2019). It takes about 6 hours and arrives at the Sayran station in Almaty. The buses stop once halfway, but only for a stop and not for food.
Other links with Shymkent at 1,200 tenge (Sep 2019), 3 hours. For Bishkek 1,900 tenge or 350 som from the same (Sep 2019), 5 hours. The border crossing is generally not very crowded.

Some buses to Almaty also depart from the Lirona hotel.

By taxi

The collective taxi can be taken in front of the bus station for Bishkek at 3,000 tenge 4 hours e Almaty 5,000 tenge, 7 hours. For Shymkent 2,000 tenge, 2 hours and 30 min.

How to get around

By public transport

Local bus drivers are quite helpful and friendly. 70 tenge per ticket.

By taxi

Do not accept 1,000 tenge taxi rides within the city, but try to bargain up to 300 or 400 tenge. If the driver does not accept, say hello and wait for another taxi.

What see

Baydibek Batyr
  • 1 Baydibek Batyr (Байдибек Батыр) (Fiacheggia Tole Bi). The main square of the city with its monumental and eye-catching Kazakh urban architecture in the center of which stands an equestrian statue.
  • 2 Regional Museum, Tole Bi St (In the Baydibek Batyr square). Ecb copyright.svg150 tenge. Simple icon time.svgTue-Fri 9: 00-18, Sat-Sun 10: 00-19: 00. It houses local artifacts such as balbal or ancient stems, but also stuffed and painted animals. Definitely worth a visit.
  • Kali Yunus Baths (Kazakh: Қали Жүніс моншасы, Russian: Баня Кали-Жунуса) (exiting the Karakhan and Daubtek mausoleums and turning right). It is a late 19th century bathroom. Merchan Yunus, nicknamed "Kali", was a wealthy citizen of the city of Taraz and traded in the silk of Bukhara, according to his contemporaries, Yunus' wealth was estimated in several treasure chests of gems. When Kali knew that the builders of Fergana and Bukhara had arrived in the city, he invited them to build a public bath for the citizens of Taraz. Kali Yunus Bath (Q4077517) on Wikidata
  • Monument to Zhambyl Zhabayev (Kazakh: Жамбыл Жабаевтың ескерткіші, Russian: Памятник Жамбылу Жабаеву) (In the middle of a roundabout). This monument to Zhambyl Zhabayev was approved by the Soviet powers. The statue was built in 1961 and is included in the list of monuments of Kazakhstan history and culture of national importance.
  • Remains of ancient Taraz (Kazakh: Тараз қалашығы, Russian: Городище Тараз). to the right of the Zhabayev monument is a park, and inside the park is an excavation of an ancient settlement of Taraz. It is dated to the 1st century AD.


Nametbai Mosque
  • 3 Nametbai Mosque (Kazakh: Нәметбай мешіті, Russian: Мечеть Наметбая), Tashkent St 21 (Coming out of the Yunus baths and turning right, walk along the road until you come to this mosque). It is the oldest surviving mosque in Taraz. According to several sources, it was built in 1867 or 1887 using funds given by a wealthy resident named Nametbai. The mosque has nothing special, but it has a history.
Abdukadyr Mosque
  • 4 Abdykadyr Mosque (Kazakh: Әбдіқадыр мешіті, Russian: Мечеть Абдыкадыра or Taukhid), Abay ave 5 (Абай көшесі, 5-құрылыс). Another 19th century mosque.


Aisha Bibi Mausoleum
Babazhi Khatun
  • main attraction5 Aisha Bibi Mausoleum (Kazakh: Айша бибі кесенесі, Russian: Мавзолей Айша-биби), Location Aisha Bibi (18 km west of Taraz, next to the Babazhi Khatun Mausoleum. It can be reached by taxi, which will wait and then take you back to Taraz. Cost should be around 2,000 to 3,000 tenge (July 2017)), 7 702 450 7717. Ecb copyright.svgfree. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 8: 30-20: 00. It was built in the 11th or 12th century as a tribute to the noble woman Aisha Bibi. One of the legends (as there are several versions) tells of Aisha who fell in love with Karakhan, lord of Taraz (see below). But since her father was opposed to the wedding Aisha decided to leave for Taraz together with her faithful friend Babazha Khatum in agreement with her beloved. But during the journey the girl fell ill (possibly bitten by a snake) and Babazha Khatum ran to warn Karakhan before her friend died. He married her shortly before her death and to remember her he had the mausoleum built.
The Kazakh government restored the mausoleum back to its former glory in 2002. Aisha Bibi Mausoleum on Wikipedia Aisha Bibi Mausoleum (Q1046027) on Wikidata
Dauytbek Mausoleum
  • 6 Babazhi Khatun, Location Aisha Bibi (next to the Aisha Bibi Mausoleum). This mausoleum with an unusual pointed roof was built after the death of Babazha Khatun, a friend of Aisha. The two monuments are located 300 meters from each other. Babazhi Khatun on Wikipedia Babazhi Khatun (Q2877789) on Wikidata
  • 7 Dauitbek Mausoleum (Kazakh: Дәуітбек Шамансұр кесенесі, Russian: Мавзолей Дауытбека Шамансура), Bayzak Batyr (in the same area as the Karakhan mausoleum). A 13th century mausoleum erected by Genghis Khan over the tomb of Dautbek, a Mongolian governor who was killed in a riot. An Arabic inscription discovered in the mausoleum states: "The deceased possessed a sword and a pen, was a defender of the Koran and of the faithful." Dauytbek Mausoleum (Q4273794) on Wikidata
  • 8 Karakhan Mausoleum (Kazakh: Қарахан кесенесі, Russian: Мавзолей Карахана). 11th century mausoleum dedicated to Karakhan Mohammed, ruler of Taraz of the Karakhanid dynasty, who built the two mausoleums of Aisha Bibi and Babazhi Khatun. This mausoleum is said to face the direction of the Aisha-Bibi mausoleum. Karakhan Mausoleum (Q4273770) on Wikidata
  • 9 Tekturmas Mausoleum (Kazakh: Тектұрмас кесенесі, Russian: Мавзолей Тектурмас) (Southeast of the city near the river). Simple icon time.svg8:00-20:00. A mausoleum set on a hill overlooking the Talas River, the possibility that it was built in the 14th or 16th century is the subject of debate. Among local residents, the mausoleum is considered the burial place of the local saint Sultan-Mahmud-Khan. According to another, he was a commander of the army of the Karakanid empire. The mausoleum was destroyed during the 1930s, but thanks to a photo from 1880, it was rebuilt in 2002. Tekturmas Mausoleum (Q4453904) on Wikidata


  • 10 Zhengis park (Жеңіс паркі). Simple icon time.svg8:00-22:00.
  • 11 Presidential Park (Prezidentskiy Park), Tole Bi St 95, 7 707 135 1099. The park is clean and well maintained with beautiful gardens and wide open spaces. A good place for an evening stroll.

Events and parties

  • Animal market. Simple icon time.svgevery Saturday. Hundreds of sheep, goats and cattle are sold. This noisy and chaotic experience is worth it and you will experience firsthand the welcoming and hospitable nature of Kazakh culture.

What to do


How to have fun


  • 1 Dramatic theater. Regional Kazhak Drama Theater Abai (Q4178000) on Wikidata

Night clubs

  • 2 Churchill Pub, Komratova St., 94, 77262349575. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 12: 00-02: 00. English style pub with a British themed interior.

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 Malikakhon, 133 Keshenei St, 77262451025. Shish kebab and fresh, juicy salad. The waiters don't speak English and the background music can get quite loud at times.

Average prices

  • 2 GolPas, intersection of Tashkent st. and Abay ave, 7 776 666 1766. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 12: 00-04: 00. Several dishes on offer. Pasta, pizza, fish and steaks. Cozy atmosphere even if a little expensive.
  • 3 SushiLove, Dinmukhamed Qonayev Street (Kunaeva / Кунаева) 51 (walk east along Kunaeva street from the south corner of Zhenis park for about 900 meters, SushiLove is on the right), 7 707 597 0337. Ecb copyright.svg800-1,500 tenge for a whole sushi roll. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 11: 00-02: 00. Incongruous but charming sushi restaurant, apparently popular with locals. Nice back garden. It serves sushi, pizza, a good selection of drinks and desserts. Vegetarian and vegan sushi available. Friendly staff, some speak good English. Free Wi-Fi. Cash, Visa, MasterCard all accepted.

Where stay

Moderate prices

  • 1 Voyazh, ul. Micurina 1B. Clean and comfortable rooms in a small hotel

Average prices

  • 2 Zhambyl hotel, Tole Bi St 42, 77262455900. Most of the staff speak at least some English. Free WIFI.
  • 3 Ark MS Hotel, 1a, Al Farabi St.. Free shuttle service, on-site meals, garden, large terrace and minibar. There are 24 rooms in total. The restaurant on the third floor serves European and Kazakh dishes.
  • 4 Hotel Pride (Отель Pride), Aytilev st, 7 777 944 6111.


Taraz is a safe city. However, if you don't speak Russian or Kazakh, drivers may try to rip you off during taxi rides.

How to keep in touch


One of the red stone ruins
  • unesco4 Akyrtas (Kazakh: Ақыртас, Russian: Акыртас) (45 km east of Taraz, a taxi should cost around 4,000 / 5,000 round trip (July 2017)). This archaeological site in the middle of the desert features the ruins of about 100 rooms. It was probably built between the 8th and 11th centuries by a Turkish or Arab ruler or is even thought to have been a Buddhist or Nestorian monastery. To date, the general consensus is that they are the ruins of an Arab palace built during the eighth century AD. The large red sandstones are what remains, as well as the underground pipes are evidence of a plumbing. Close to the palace ruins there are also the ruins of a small 8th century caravanserai. To the southwest of the palace, at a distance of 1 km, there are ruins of a fortress with four towers and the castle of the sovereign (dating from the 8th-10th centuries). If you come here by taxi, don't let the driver rush you by missing the other ruins. The site is part of the localities of the Silk Road corridor of Tien Shan. Akyrtas (Q4060347) on Wikidata
  • 5 Merke shrine (there are marshrutkas that go to the town of Merke from Taraz marshrutka station.). This ancient sanctuary dating back to the 6th-14th century is a place where there are ritual mounds of anthropomorphic stone sculptures. The predominant images are female, a sign of the social importance of women in these ancient communities. The site was inscribed on the UNESCO Tentative List in 1988. The site is difficult to reach, there are no roads, except tour operators who organize a visit by jeep. Merke Shrine on Wikipedia Merke Shrine (Q6819616) on Wikidata
  • Şımkent the largest city and a few kilometers away Sayram with its mausoleums.
  • Toktogul - cross the border and enter Kyrgyzstan to see the impressive dam.
  • Almaty

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Taraz
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Taraz
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).