Tell eḍ-Ḍabʿa - Tell eḍ-Ḍabʿa

Tell eḍ-Ḍabʿa ·تل الضبعة
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Tell ed-Daba'a (also Tell el-Daba, Tell el-Dab'a, Tell el-Daba'a, Arabic:تل الضبعة‎, Tall aḍ-Ḍabʿa), the ancient Avaris (also Auvaris, Auaris, Arabic:أفاريس), Is an archaeological site in the eastern Nile Delta about 2.5 kilometers southwest of Qantīr in the egyptian Governorate esch-Sharqīya.


Already in the Middle Kingdom there was a settlement at this point. In the second interim, the capital of the Hyksos, Avaris, was located here. The Egyptian king Ahmose I., the founder of the 18th dynasty, was able to bring the settlement back under Egyptian control. Ramses ii moved his capital Pi-Ramesse to this area as well, making Avaris a suburb of this capital.

From 1966 to 2009 excavations by the Austrian Archaeological Institute took place here under the direction of Manfred Bietak. He was succeeded by Irene Forstner-Müller.

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