Termini Imerese - Termini Imerese

Termini Imerese
Panorama of the city
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Italy
Termini Imerese
Institutional website

Termini Imerese is a city of Sicily, one of the major centers of Palermo.

To know

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

The nearest airports are (in order of distance):

  • 1 Palermo-Punta Raisi Airport (Falcone and Borsellino Airport) (120 km towards Palermo along the A20, then A19 follow for Trapani A29), 39 0917020273. National and international flights, too low cost. Palermo-Punta Raisi Airport on Wikipedia Palermo-Punta Raisi Airport (Q630645) on Wikidata
  • 2 Catania airport (Fontanarossa Airport) (206 km on the A20 follow for Catania taking the A19 in Buonfornello), 39 0957239111. National, international and hub flights low cost and charter flights.

By car

  • A20 motorway Exit Termini Imerese
  • State Road 16 220,000 km

On the train

  • 3 Termini Imerese station, 39 89 20 21 (without prefix). Company buses leave from the station Nancini & Saso which in addition to connecting with the center lead to the archaeological site of Himera (take the suburban bus to Villaura). Termini Imerese station on Wikipedia Termini Imerese station (Q3971098) on Wikidata

How to get around

By public transport

The bus service is served by the company Nancini & Saso.

By taxi

What see

The Termini aqueduct
  • 1 Roman aqueduct, via the Roman aqueduct. Roman aqueduct partially visible along an urban stretch. However the most spectacular part is on the 4 Barratina stream where the work reaches 16 m and a length of 100 m.
Bridge over the San Leonardo River
  • 2 San Leonardo bridge (Along the SS 113 at the height of the San Leonardo stream.). Built in 1721 under the reign of Charles VI of Habsburg by the royal architect Agatino Daidone, it has inscriptions on the sides that commemorate its construction. For centuries it allowed the connection with Palermo. Today, vehicular traffic is on a modern bridge, while the old structure is inaccessible because there is a danger of collapse.

Gardens and Parks

  • 3 Garden, Via Vittorio Amedeo II. Semi-public garden with a limestone sculpture (tuff of Harsh) which faithfully reproduces the "Temple of Concordia" (famous building from Agrigento, the work of Pietro Di Giovanni), built in about a year of work.

Events and parties

What to do

  • 1 Flight Club Albatros, industrial area (at the beginning of the avenue of the industrial area immediately after the mouth of the Torto river), 39 330528903. Dirt track (400 mt) parallel to the sea, near the industrial area of ​​Termini adjacent to the river Torto. Flight courses is baptisms of the air, flight with microlights.


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay

Moderate prices

  • 1 Hotel Gabbiano, Via della Liberta ', 221 (on the coastal road towards the Enel plant after the railway station), 39 0918113262. Ecb copyright.svg€ 50 - 60 (August 2015). On the seafront, an unattractive and not panoramic area, about a kilometer and a half from the center and not far from the train station. Small, very functional hotel, easy parking. Internal restaurant, simple and local cuisine.

Average prices

  • 2 Grand Hotel delle Terme, Spa square 2, 39 0918113557, fax: 39 0918113107, @. Ecb copyright.svg€ 80 and up (July 2015). Grand hotel housed in an aristocratic palace of the 1800s (rooms with high ceilings), equipped with internal thermal baths and "spa" including an ancient original Turkish bath. In summer, the outdoor swimming pool is open. The view that still insists on the seafront (port) of Termini is not very panoramic. The railway station is just one kilometer away, the center is within walking distance.


How to keep in touch


The temple of Himera
  • Himera (Archaeological area and Antiquarium of Himera) - Ruins of ancient Himera, of considerable historical importance as it was a Greek Chalcidian (Doric) colony then devastated by the Carthaginians (409 BC). The base of the temple of victory (over the Carthaginians) of 480 BC remains. and little else. Necropolis, antiquarium with finds from Himera and its surroundings and a museum dedicated to the site of Himera.
  • Cerda
  • Cefalù

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Termini Imerese
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Termini Imerese
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