Lake Tisza Route - Theiß-See-Route

There are good opportunities for cycling tours around Lake Tisza, and cycle paths can also be used from here for cross-regional journeys. Larger communities directly adjacent to Lake Tisza through which the cycle path leads Tiszafured, Abádszalók, Kisköre, Poroszló and Tiszabábolna. There are also several alternative routes available.

Route profile

  • Length: complete, maximum about 102 km
  • Signposting: available (smaller signposts), but have the latest cycling map with you
  • Slopes: There are no bigger gradients
  • Path condition: good (asphalt), also dirt roads
  • Traffic load: Paved cycle paths, dirt roads and connecting roads must be used. The traffic load is low.
  • Family suitability: The bike paths are suitable for the whole family.



  • Bring stamina and experience with the bike.

Suitable bike

  • Comfortable touring mountain bikes are recommended.

getting there

Public transport

The train drives from Germany to Budapest and if desired, national trains can be used from here, for example to or from Tiszafüred. It is possible to take bicycles with you.

Route description with sights

Tiszafüred - Poroszló: long distance approx. 62 km

Several stopovers are not planned on the following route, especially since the route is only 62 km long. However, if you would like to go on a two-day tour, you can choose the route and direction accordingly. The route is described here by Tiszafured from initially driving in a south-south-westerly direction.

  • There is already a paved bike path in the southern part of the city. This should be driven on, after a short time turn right (or if arriving from the other direction left) to the south and continue on a connecting road.
  • The route leads through the municipality of Tiszaszőlős, after about 3 km there is a junction to the right towards Tiszaderzs.
  • The city is 5 km away Abádszalók, here you should continue on the same route.
  • After about 3 km there is a crossroads, here you also have to turn right in a westerly direction (to the left, the path leads south to the town of Kunhegyes).
  • After you have passed the crossroads, the path is 6 km, there is another junction, the path has to be driven north towards Kisköre.
  • Remaining on the connecting road, the path leads north via Hatházpuszta, Tiszanána, Sarud - from here a paved cycle path can be used until shortly before Újlőrincfalva. Subsequently is the city Poroszló reached.

Alternative route: Tiszafüred - Poroszló: long distance approx. 54 km

Here the route is located directly on the lake, the bike paths mainly lead partly on dirt roads on the dike and partly on paved bike paths. Shorter routes on connecting roads are also used.

  • In the southern part of the city Tiszafüreds The cycle path begins through Tiszaörvény, then continues on the dike to the south-south-west via Borbélytanya and Abádszalók.
  • From here, the route is more westward to Kisköre.
  • Of Kisköre Two parallel cycle paths can be used from. Either stay on the dike or ride a paved bike path next to it.
  • The city of Sarud is reached in the south-southeast, from here it is about 9 km to Poroszló.
  • The route is considered a EuroVelo cycle route.

Poroszló - Tiszafüred: Short distance approx. 40 km

So that the lake can be completely bypassed, the route from Poroszló to Tiszafüred has to be mastered. The route mentioned here leads mostly on a cycle path to a connecting road and on the dike.

  • Stay on the same route as you arrived in Poroszló, the bike path continues north via the municipalities of Borsodivánka, then further east via Négyes, Tiszabábolna to the town of Tiszadorogma.
  • From here you can take the passenger ferry (chargeable) over the Tisza and cycle on the dike first in a westerly direction, then south to Tiszafüred.

Alternative route: Poroszló - Tiszafüred: Short route approx. 40 km

  • The cycle path to Tiszadorogma can be used here on the dike.
  • Use the ferry at Tiszadorogma.
  • First west, then south on the dike up to Tiszafured drive.
  • The route is considered a EuroVelo cycle route.


See also: Debrecen-Hortobágy route.

References to literature and maps

Web links

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