Tisza - Theiß

The Tisza (Romanian / Slovak: Tisa, Hungarian: Tisza, Serbian: Tisa / Tuca, Ukrainian: Tuca / Tyssa) is a river in Europe. It is the longest and the second richest in water Danube feeder.


The Tisza arises near the city Rakhiv in Ukraine through the associations of the right-wing Black Tisza and left-sided White Tisza. To the point where it flows into the Danube at Stari Slankamen in Serbia the river flows into five states and has a total length of 1308 kilometers. The most important tributaries are Vişeu, Iza, Tereswa, Tereblja, Borschawa, Túr, Somesch and Mieresch.

River course

Confluence of the White and Black Tisza near Rakhiv / Ukraine

Flag of Ukraine.svgUkraine

Flag of Romania.svgRomania

Flag of Hungary.svgHungary

Hungary is 597 km long on the Tisza.

Flag of Ukraine.svgUkraine

Flag of Slovakia.svgSlovakia

Flag of Hungary.svgHungary

At Tiszapüspöki
Ferry at Szeged
At Szeged

Flag of Serbia.svgSerbia

At Titel the Tisza flows into the Danube


The following notes are important and should be strictly observed:

  • Swimming in the Tisza and boating while drunk is life-threatening and prohibited because of dangerous suction currents.
  • If possible, only bathe in designated areas of the river.
  • Camping is not permitted in built-up areas and prohibited zones.
  • Observe nature conservation, dispose of rubbish properly.
  • The river can be navigated with all types of boats.
  • Non-swimmers need a life jacket.


Web links

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