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Place de la Halle in Clermont-sur-Berwinne
Place de la Halle in Clermont-sur-Berwinne
Postal code
Telephone prefix
50 ° 39 ′ 50 ″ N 5 ° 52 ′ 1 ″ E
Official site

Thimister-Clermont is a municipality of "Pays de Herve " in the province of Liège in Belgium.


It was when the municipalities merged in January 1977 that the former municipalities of Clermont-sur-Berwine and Thimister became the new municipality of Thimister-Clermont. In addition to these two towns, it includes the villages or hamlets of Bèfve, Bois-les-Dames, Elsaute, Froidthier, La Minerie, Les Trixhes, Roiseleux and Stockis.

Planted on the dominant plateau of "Pays de Herve », Where the Berwinne has its source, the altitude of the town peaks at 345 m along the Chaussée Charlemagne (NOT3) which forms the crest line of the region. The 28,69 km2 of area are 84% occupied by agricultural land (almost exclusively by meadows, where dairy cows graze, separated by hedges, most often hawthorn (Crataegus)) and only 14% by the frame.

If the main attraction is undoubtedly the village of Clermont-sur-Berwinne which is included on the list of "Most beautiful villages in Wallonia », The bucolic charm and the tranquility of the Hervian countryside as you explore the chapels and potales will not fail to delight more than one walker.

Tourist information

Thimister-Clermont does not have its own tourist information office but confided, with five other municipalities of the "Pays de Herve », This promotion to a ASBL. However, an info point is organized at the municipal tourism alderman.

  • 1 Pays de Herve Tourist Office Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Station square 1, 4650 Herve, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 693170, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables 1er April to September 30: Tue.- Fri. : h - 18 h, sat.- Sun. : 10 h - 18 h - 1er October to March 31: Tue.- Fri. : h - 17 h, sat.- Sun. : 10 h - 17 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (by line 38 of the “RaVel 5” at the back of the building).
  • Tourism alderman Logo indicating a link to the website Center 2 (in the communal house), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 468478, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: h - 12 h 30 and13 h - 16 h 30, Wednesday : h - 12 h 30. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (access ramp on the left side of the building).


The climate is temperate but winters can be harsh with temperatures that can drop below the bar on clear nights. −18 ° C in valleys and scorching summers can cause the temperature to rise up to 35 ° C on the tray.


Extract from Ferraris' map of 1777 showing what will become the current town.

The history of the oldest entity in the municipality, Clermont, is obscure. We just know that a Gallo-Roman building, probably a temple, was on the site of theSaint-Jacques-le-Majeur church and that the current national road NOT3 was already a Roman road connecting Chèvremont To Aachen.

The first written record is a charter signed by the Bishop of Liège on November 8, 1230 which recognized the parish of Clermont as detached from the church of Herve. In 1411, this seigneury became independent seigneury of the Duchy of Limbourg while the parish of Thimister remained attached to it.

From the Middle Ages, coal brushes are exploited which will give birth to the village of La Minerie. Stopped at the start of XXe century, these operations have left no trace on the ground.

In 1795, the French regime then reattached all of the current communal territory to the canton of Aubel, while during World War II the Germans annexed the eastern part of the territory of Clermont.

In January 1977, when the municipalities merged, the former municipalities of Clermont-sur-Berwine and Thimister were united to become the municipality of Thimister-Clermont.

To go

By train

There is no railway station in Thimister-Clermont but you have the option of departing from Verviers :

  • 1 Verviers-Central station Rue d'Ensival 1, 4800 Verviers (Line 37 CorkWelkenraedt), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5282828 Logo indicating timetables 24 h 24/7. – Wi-Fi network inaccessibleAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Automatic ticketing, staff present 24 h 24/7. Buffet. Paid car parks and free bicycles.
    • Connection: bus TEC n ° 738 (VerviersAubel) whose terminus is opposite the exit of the station.

By car

Thimister-Clermont is accessible via the European route E40 which crosses its territory: exit 37bis

Distances, times and routes

Distance and time table from the village of Thimister
(center to center)
by car
by the roadgreat circle
BrusselsE40NOT3119 km108,6 kmh 20 min
EupenNOT67NOT314,7 km  12,3 km      15 min
HerveNOT36 km    5,1 km      10 min
CorkE25E40NOT328,4 km  20,2 km      25 min
VerviersE42NOT312,3 km  12,4 km      15 min
AachenLogo representing the flag of the country GermanyBundesstraße 264 number.svgNOT323,7 km  20,5 km      30 min
Routes via Thimister-Clermont
(E25E40) Cheratte interchangeHerveO BE-E40.svg E EupenLichtenbusch (german borderA44)
CorkHerveO BE-N3.svg E Henri-ChapelleNeu-Moresnet (german border264)


To see

  • 1 The village of Clermont Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobilityOne of the most beautiful villages in Wallonia The village is classified with the label of "Most beautiful villages in Wallonia ».
    • 2 Place de la Halle  – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility The Place de la Halle is presented as a homogeneous architectural ensemble which allows to rediscover the different styles which have followed one another in the region with, among others, houses in the Louis XIII style of Liège (the no 34 from the end of XVIIe century), Louis XIV (the no 32 of the 2e half of the XVIIIe century) and Louis XV. The most representative elements are the fired brick and the whiteness of the stone in the frames and chain angles. The roofs are not to be outdone with their decorative slates.
      • 3 The old town hall Logo indicating timetables Easter, July and August holidays: Mon.- Fri. : h 30 - 12 h 30 and13 h 30 - 17 h. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobility The current Town Hall was integrated in 1888, in the Mosan Renaissance style, at the Place de la Halle with, however, an innovative element consisting of its pepper pot as well as, under it, a carved escutcheon represents Saint-Jacques le Majeur. The old building, which also overlooked the road, was already used as a courtroom and as a meeting place for the municipal authorities.
      • 4 Church of Saint-Jacques-le-Majeur  – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. Built at the end of XVIe century in Mosan Renaissance style instead of an older sanctuary of Gallo-Roman origin, the church is still surrounded by its parish cemetery. Very imposing building for the size of the small village and by its place at the top of a promontory, it also has the particularity of not having a square but a side entrance forcing the faithful to cross the entire cemetery before accessing the building.
    • 5 The old castle Bac street – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility It is in response to the conflicts ravaging the region in XVIIe century that the Lord of Clermont erected, in 1635, the half-turret pierced with arquebusières and the porch entrance porch. The buildings to their right date from XVIIIe century.
    • 6 The house Pirenne Château de l'Aguesse 2 – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility House in Louis XIII style from Liège.
Place des Halles seen from the arcade of the town hall.
The no 34 from Place des Halles.
The no 2 from Château de l'Aguesse (house Pirenne). 
City Hall.
The church of Saint-Jacques-le-Majeur.
The portal of the old castle.
  • 7 Château de l'Aguesse Château de l'Aguesse Logo indicating timetables visible from the outside at all times. Logo indicating tariffs private property.
  • 8 Remember Museum 39-45 Logo indicating a link to the website The Béolles 4, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 446181 Logo indicating timetables each 1er Sunday of the month from 9 to 18 h or by appointment for groups of minimum 10 people. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Museum housed in an old farmhouse and consisting mainly of objects, including vehicles, abandoned by the 110 soldiers of the 1D US Infantry Division resting on the farm. Impossible to miss the museum thanks to the tank "Sherman M4" enthroned at the entrance of the car park. Be careful, however, that this free car park is in a meadow and therefore not very practicable in rainy weather.
  • 9 Crawhez Castle Farm Crawhez 10 Logo indicating timetables the exterior and the courtyard are visible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs private property. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Built in 1551 and listed as part of the real estate heritage of Wallonia, the Mosane Renaissance style set belonged to Baron Pierre de Crawhez, a pioneer of motor racing. Currently, it is a tourist bed and breakfast.
  • 10 Chapel of the Angels (Chapel es trô) Chapel of the Angels (on the left after the "Citroën" garage coming from Froidthier) Logo indicating timetables the exterior is visible at all times. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Built in 1691, it was restored and extended in 1804.
  • 11 Ruwet cider house Center 51, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 440440 – Installed, since 1898, in a building mixing Baroque style and the Renaissance style mosane, the Ruwet cider and vinegar factory can only be visited by appointment.
  • 12 Saint-Antoine l'Ermite Church Center – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (access ramp at the entrance).
  • 13 Monument to horseman Fonck Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Chaussée Charlemagne (NOT3) (place called "La Croix Polinard") – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Monument in memory of the rider at 2e Lancers regiment Antoine Fonck erected at the exact spot where he was killed by a bullet in the neck on August 4, 1914 in 10 h . The cavalier Fonck is the first Belgian victim of the First World War and he is buried in the cemetery of Thimister (1D falls in front of the entrance). Inaugurated on July 25, 1923, this monument consists of a rectangular block of stone bearing an inscription and from which emerge the bust of the rider accompanied by the head of his horse. He is shown scanning the horizon towards Germany.
  • 14 Saint-Job Chapel Elsaute Lohirville Logo indicating timetables visible from the outside at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility
The farm-castle of Crawhez.
The Sainte-Odile chapel in Stokis.
The Ruwet cider house.
The Church of Saint-Antoine l'Ermite.
The monument to the horseman Fonck.
The Saint-Job chapel in Elsaute.


Leaving the village of Froidthier
Approaching Fort de Battice
The RaVel 5 in Thimister-Clermont.

To buy


Have a drink / Go out

  • Feast of Saint Eloi (Elsaute) Logo indicating timetables Sunday closest to 1er December. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Procession bringing together more than a hundred horses between the Saint-Roch d'Elsaute church and the Saint-Éloi potale. Blessing of these before the terminal post.



Post Office

  • 2 bpost Logo indicating a link to the website Station Street 13 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h 30 - 12 h 30 and13 h 45 - 17 h (until 18 h Tuesday and Thursday). – All postal products and services, banking products. No automatic teller machine.

Telephony, internet and Wi-Fi

The municipal territory is fully covered by 3G and 4G networks allowing mobile telephony exchanges via your operator or via its home operator in Belgium (roaming) as well as paying digital data exchanges via the network Wireless.

Manage the day-to-day

Intelligence services

To find the contact details of a person, a professional, a company or an administration such as, for example, a general practitioner, a dental surgeon, a pharmacist, an optician, etc. in Thimister-Clermont, please refer to the section "Intelligence services »Of the article on Belgium.


  • 3 Municipal administration Logo indicating a link to the website Center 2, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 446516, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h 30 - 12 h 30 and13 h 30 - 17 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (access ramp on the left side of the building).


There is neither a bank branch nor an automatic banknote distributor in the municipality. The closest are to Battice or to Aubel depending on whether you are in the south or the north of Thimister-Clermont.


Thimister-Clermont has no hospital or clinic on its territory, the closest being the CHR Verviers. However, you will find there five general practitioners, a dental office, two pharmacies as well as three veterinary surgeries. For an optician, you will need to go to Battice.


  • 4 Pharmacy Vissoul-Therasse Center 2, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 446238 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h - 12 h 15 and13 h 45 - 18 h 30, sat. : h - 12 h.
  • 5 La Minerie Pharmacy Logo indicating a link to the website The Minery 17, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 445862 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h - 12 h 15 and13 h 45 - 18 h 30, sat. : h 30 - 12 h.
  • Pharmacies on duty ( Logo indicating a link to the website, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 903 99000 Logo indicating tariffs shot of a call:1,5  the minute. – Addresses of pharmacies on duty in Thimister-Clermont and the immediate surroundings.


It is only possible to follow Catholic worship in Thimister-Clermont. For Protestant or Islamic cults, you have to go to Verviers, for Orthodox worship at the parish of Verviers and for Judaic worship at the synagogue of Liège.

  • 6 Church of Saint-Gilles Froidthier Logo indicating timetables Sun. : h 15, Mon.- Fri. : 15 h - 17 h (adoration mass). – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility
  • Church of Saint-Antoine l'Ermite Center Logo indicating timetables 1er and 3eSun. of the month : 10 h 30, sea. : 18 h 30. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility
  • 7 St. Peter's Church The Mining Logo indicating timetables 2e and 4esat. of the month : 19 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility
  • Church of Saint-Jacques-le-Majeur Place de la Halle Logo indicating timetables 2eSun. of the month : 10 h 30, Mon.- Tue. : h 30. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility.


  • 1 Val-Dieu Abbey Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (commune ofAubel) – Cistercian abbey inaugurated in 1216 famous for the manufacture of its abbey beers and cheeses.
  • 2 Blegny-Mine Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (commune of Blegny) – World Heritage logotype Museum and visit of a coal mine. The site has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2012.
  • 3 Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (commune of Plumbers) – WWII American Military Cemetery where rest 7,992 soldiers.
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