Wallonia - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Wallonie — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

​((of)Wallonian, (wa)Walonreye)
The village of Stoumont in the province of Liège.
The village of Stoumont in province of Liège.
Flag of Wallonia.svg
Regional capital
Minimum altitude
Maximum altitude
Official languages
Other languages
Telephone prefix
Tourist information office
50 ° 12 ′ 0 ″ N 4 ° 37 ′ 16 ″ E
Official site

The Wallonia, in long form the Wallonia, is one of the three federated regions of Belgium whose capital is Namur. Essentially French-speaking, the far east of the region is german speaking and both languages ​​have official status.


The Walloon Region, commonly known as Wallonia, is one of the three Regions of Belgium, and Namur is its capital. It is made up, as article 5 of the Belgian Constitution provides, of the provinces of Walloon Brabant, Hainaut, Liège, Luxembourg and Namur. The Region covers an area of 16 844 km2 with more than 3.5 million inhabitants, i.e. 55.18% of the Belgian area and 32.4% of the Belgian population.Created in 1970 following the demands of the Walloon Movement for a political recognition of Wallonia, it acquired a decree power and executive power with the special law of . These powers are respectively represented by the Walloon Parliament and the Walloon government, both based in Namur. In the territory of the Walloon Region there are also two linguistic regions of Belgium: the French-speaking region and the German-speaking region. The Walloon Region only partially covers the territory of the French community of Belgium (which also includes the French-speaking population of the Brussels-Capital Region) but entirely that of the German-speaking community.

Physical geography

Relief and geology


Human geography



Wallonia is divided into 5 provinces.


Fifteen localities have the status of city which are in alphabetical order:

Other destinations

To go


By public transport

The Walloon Region has its own bus network, the TEC, linking Walloon municipalities to each other, and even neighboring cities such as Brussels, Givet, Aix-la-Chapelle or Maastricht. Rail transport is provided by SNCB, both within the Walloon Region and to neighboring cities such as Brussels, Luxembourg, Aachen or Maastricht. The station Liège-Guillemins is also served by the Thalys, the ICE of the Deutsche Bahn which connects Brussels-Midi to Frankfurt and the Nightjet of the ÖBB which connects Brussels-Midi to Vienna and Innsbruck.


  • Next Logo indicating tariffs (2020) Presale: 60 min, 1 day , 3 days . On board the vehicle: 60 min2,5 , 1 day . – To travel in the same area or between two contiguous areas.
  • Horizon Logo indicating tariffs (2020) Presale: 90 min. On board the vehicle: 90 min3,5 . – To travel on the entire network except the lines Express.
  • Horizon Logo indicating tariffs (2020) Presale: 90 min, 1 day , 3 days 16 . On board the vehicle: 90 min5,5 , 1 day 10 . – To travel across the network.

To speak

The official language in Wallonia is French, except in the nine municipalities of the German-speaking Community of Belgium (at the German border in the province of Liège) where it's German. The traditional vernacular languages, which have fallen sharply for several decades compared to the official languages, are variants of Walloon (langue d'oïl), Picard, Champagne, Lorraine (Gaumais), Luxembourgish, as well as Dutch and Limburgish near the Dutch-speaking regions, and Ripuary French in the German-speaking Community. There are also some so-called “facility” municipalities where the administrations are required to also use another language in their relations with the public; there are therefore French-speaking municipalities with facilities in Dutch, German, or both (but in this case only for education), the municipalities of the German-speaking Community all having facilities in French.

In addition to French, most tourism professionals will be able to communicate in English and Dutch, more rarely in German, Spanish or Italian. Depending on the size of their audience, many tourist sites offer written explanations or guided tours in these same languages. In restaurants, the situation is very variable and depends strongly on the tourist character of the region where they are located.


Certain activities are regulated by legislation and regulations specific to the Walloon Region.

Mountaineering and caving

The rocks of Freÿr at Dinant.

Wallonia has many climbing rocks and underground cavities. There are two ways to practice these two disciplines. Either you are a member of a climbing or caving club recognized in your country and you ask theUBS authorization to climb or visit (the caves of interest are closed by a gate and a padlock). Either you contact one of the "adventure" companies having these activities in their program.

  • Belgian Union of Speleology (UBS) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element avenue Arthur Procès 5, 5000 Namur, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 81 230009 (Namur), 32 4 3426142 (Cork), e-mail :  – Belgian federation competent for caving, climbing, cave diving, canyoning.



Authorization for sport fishing in a river or in a public lake is subject to the purchase, only online, of a fishing license at the price, in 2021, of 12,39  to fish from the shore (A license) or from 37,18  to fish other than from the shore (license B).

  • Fishing license Logo indicating a link to the website – Site of the Walloon Region for the purchase and registration of a fishing license.

The legislator differentiates between watercourses which are navigable or buoyant and those which are not. In the first category, only the fishing license is necessary. In the second, you must, in addition, either take an affiliation card to the company which has the right to fish on the portion of the watercourse (between 10  for a one-day membership and 65  for an annual affiliation according to the companies) or obtain the authorization of the riparian owner in the absence of a company. Certain non-navigable or buoyant sections may be temporarily or continuously prohibited from fishing rights other than from the shore.

  • Walloon fishing house Logo indicating a link to the website rue Lucien Namèche 10, 5000 Namur, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 81 411570 – Where to fish and with what authorizations.
  • Fishing wedges Logo indicating a link to the website, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 81 411570 – To find a fishing route and the contact details of the company having the right to fish.
  • Fishing periods Logo indicating a link to the website – When and which fish can you catch.
  • Crayfish fishing Logo indicating a link to the website – The main distinction is made between the native crayfish, the red-footed crayfish (Astacus astacus), which can only be fished from 1er August to September 14 and exotic crayfish that can be caught as long as a fishing season is open.

To buy


Have a drink / Go out


To learn





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Complete list of other articles in the region: Belgium
Destinations located in the region