Turkmenistan - Turcomenistão

Flag of Turkmenistan.svg
Basic information
GovernmentPresidential Republic (dictatorship)
CurrencyTurkmen Manat (TMM)
Areatotal: 488,100 km2
Population5,171,943 (est. July 2014)
LanguageTurkmen 72%, Russian 12%, Uzbek 9%, other 7%
ReligionMuslim 89%, Orthodox 9%, other/none 2%
phone code963
Internet TLD.tm
Time zoneUTC 4

Turkmenistan is a country of Central Asia with a population of around 5 million inhabitants and an area of ​​around half a million km2, or nearly the size of Spain. Neighboring countries are Iran and Afghanistan to the south, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan to the north. Almost 80% of the country is considered part of the Karakum Desert.

Turkmenistan is one of only two Stalinist countries in existence (the other is North Korea) and the government firmly controls almost everything, although, surprisingly, tourism is welcome as long as you don't discuss politics. The cult of personality that the previous president created for himself is truly amazing and memories of his legacy are everywhere.


Regions of Turkmenistan

While the provinces are a useful way of dividing Turkmenistan into regional areas, keep in mind that there is a geographic region present in all of them, dominating the country - the brutal Karakum desert.


  • Ashgabat
  • ahal
  • Balkan
  • Daşoguz
  • Lebap
  • mary

Other destinations


To arrive

All nationalities need a visa to enter Turkmenistan. For those who like to travel without being in a group, a short transit visa can be obtained, but a visa to stay in the country for a longer period can be difficult.

When you enter Turkmenistan your luggage will be scanned with an X-ray machine. You will need to complete a "Green Entry Travel Pass", an immigration card and a customs declaration. List all your valuables you bring with you on the customs declaration, make sure it is stamped and keep a copy with you. You will have to show it again when you leave the country.

By airplane

Turkish Airlines flies to Ashgabat from Istanbul. Lufthansa flies from Frankfurt to Ashgabat.

Of boat

By car

By bus/bus

Visa visitors can enter Turkmenistan from all neighboring countries. Border checks usually take an hour or two and maybe even longer. Border points are open daily from 09:00 to 18:00.

By train/train

There is a rail connection with Russia and Iran, but no passenger trains cross the border anywhere in the country.


By airplane

Of boat

By car

By bus/bus

By train/train



Turkmenistan Wedding.jpg
Karakum Desert
  • Ashgabat
  • Karakum Desert
  • Merv is an ancient city located in Silk Road, is located in the province of Mary.



The country is known for its fine rugs (one is even featured on its flag).

Turkmenistan is the most expensive country in Central Asia. Expect to pay $30 for a basic double room. A more comfortable option is around $60. A street snack is $1 to $3. A meal at a good restaurant in Ashgabat costs about $20.

With the

drink and go out





It is one of the most closed countries in the world but the security issue is extremely precarious for tourists and visitors to the country, in 2018 there was a large number of deaths from violence in this country.



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