Ussita - Ussita

Avenue of the church of Ussita
Name inhabitants
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Ussita is a city of the Region Marche.

To know


The history of Ussita is linked to that of Visso of which it was the most important of the five "guaite" which in the thirteenth century, released from the authority of the feudal lords, became part of this municipality, always maintaining administrative autonomy in its own territory. in 1380 the construction of the castle on the Fantellino hill, favored by Rodolfo da Varano. The castle, of which a fourteenth-century stone tower with a square base remains, consisted of a trapezoidal-shaped wall, defended by five towers and an external moat; the ruins are visible in Castel Murato. The Municipal Archive is very interesting, which without being looted, preserves most of the evidence of political and administrative events that over the centuries have marked the life of the small and proud community apart from the theft suffered in half of the seventies of objects belonging to Card. Gasparri (the medal of the Conciliation in silver and the Collar of the SS. Annunziata).

How to orient yourself

The village, with a typically mountain character, is spread over numerous small hamlets all lying on the slopes of Monte Bove. The municipal seat is in Fluminata.


The fractions are:

  • Fluminated - The city center consisting of the recently renovated Town Hall, the square and the main small shops in the town;
  • Pieve - Almost one with the Fluminata hamlet, the name derives from the church.
  • Vallazza - Halfway between Pieve and Fluminata. The small park in which the Ussita stream flows, a tributary of the Nera river.
  • Tempori - The hamlet located above the Pieve.
  • Stone - To the west, towards Visso.

Other fractions include:

  • Upside-down - Located at the edge of the town, it is home to the Roana mineral water plant. Cardinal Pietro Gasparri was born there;
  • Sant'Eusebio - In a much higher position from the municipal center, it dominates the valley of the Ussita stream;
  • Calcara - Located south of the center, it has kept its original nucleus.
  • Fantellino Castle - It takes its name from the ruins of the fourteenth-century castle now incorporated in the municipal cemetery.
  • Casali - It stands on a natural terrace on the slopes of Monte Rotondo.
  • Vallestretta - Made up of the agglomerations of Tresto and Cuntra, it rises at the bottom of a valley to the orographic right of the Ussita stream, bounded by the slopes of Monte Rotondo and Monte Careschio, and dominated by the west side of Croce di Monte Rotondo. In the nineties it was spared by an avalanche that stopped just above the houses.
  • Frontignano - Ski resort dominated by the massifs of Bove and Bicco.
  • Sammerlano - The most recent fraction, built in the eighties of the twentieth century.
  • Rowan - Preserves the characteristics of the mountain village almost intact.
  • Heart of Rowan
  • San Placido - Ancient hamlet now uninhabited, located on the upper part of the slopes that dominate the upper Nera valley, not far from Frontignano. There is an ancient cemetery.

How to get

By plane

Falconara Marittima Airport (108 km); Pescara airport (100 km).

On the train

The neighboring stations are: Pedaso and Porto San Giorgio. Timetables available on the website Trenitalia

By bus

Through the company Contram S.p.A. starting from the main cities in the Marche region: Macerata, Stop.

How to get around

What see

  • Remains of the Castle. Remains of 1380.
  • Ice Palace, @. Simple icon time.svgMon, Thu and Fri 16: 00-19: 00; Sat 16: 00-19: 00 and 21: 30-24: 00; Sun 10: 00-12: 00 and 15: 00-19: 00. It is covered and equipped with a 30 × 60 Olympic track. meters with artificial lighting and audio diffusion. The complex has a skate rental, a refreshment bar, changing rooms with showers, toilets and a 700-seat grandstand. Three different activities can be practiced: Figure Skating, Ice Hockey and Curling. Its characteristic is the ice of pure water.
  • Fiuminata hamlet. Seat of the Town Hall.
  • Fantellino Castle.
  • Cardinal Gasparri Museum.
  • Church of S. Lucia (Fraction of Sasso).
  • Church of the Pieve (Fraction of the Pieve).
  • Church of S. Antonio of Padua (Vallazza hamlet).
  • Chapel of Santa Scolastica (Fraction of Capovallazza).
  • Church of the "Francesco Arsini" Orphanage Institute (Fraction of Tempori).
  • Parish church of SS. Martyrs Vincenzo and Anastasio (Hamlet of Casali).
  • Parish Church of Santa Reparata (Vallestretta hamlet).
  • Chapel of SS. Rocco and Sebastiano (Fraction of Castelfantellino).
  • Church of the Holy Cross (Hamlet of Sorbo).
  • Parish church of S. Andrea Apostolo (Fraction of Calcara).

Events and parties

  • La Befana comes down from the roof. Simple icon time.svgJanuary.
  • Great feast of the Epiphany. Simple icon time.svgJanuary.

What to do


How to have fun

In winter, skiing is very popular in the fields of Frontignano thanks also to the renewed facilities. In the next few months a new four-seater chairlift with automatic detent will be built. With this new system, the hourly capacity will go from 700 people / hour of the old system to over 1,800 / hour. In the summer, however, the practice of Nordic Walking has recently become very popular. The swimming pool, the ice rink (one of the few regular in central Italy for hockey competitions), the tennis courts and the football field are open all year round (or almost). The playground instead offers the opportunity to enjoy minigolf. Certainly Ussita does not offer great leisure opportunities for shopping lovers and for those in search of entertainment venues (even if the cities of Camerino and Spoleto are only 30 and 45 minutes away respectively); Ussita instead turns out to be an attractive destination for those looking for healthy fun, rest, and an experience in contact with nature.

  • Football field;
  • Tennis court;
  • Mini-golf;
  • Ice rink;
  • Playground;
  • Public pool;

Where to eat

Main products:

  • cheeses: fresh ricotta, salted, baked, more or less seasoned caciotte and pecorino
  • cereals and legumes: lentils, spelled, chickpeas and cicerchia typical dishes such as: spelled soup or minestrone, chickpea soup, lentil soup
  • mushrooms: porcini, champignons, sloes, ovules.
  • truffle
  • norcineria (pork processing): ciauscolo
  • brown trout

Main wines:

  • Verdicchio di Matelica DOC ", (white)
  • Esino - produced with Verdicchio, Trebbiano and Chardonnay (white) grapes
  • Esino - produced with Sangiovese, Ciliegiolo and Cabernet (red) grapes
  • Marche Rosso San Leopardo
  • Piceno red
  • Vernaccia di Serrapetrona (red)
  • bitter with the distillate of the aromatic herbs of the Sibillini Mountains.

Average prices

Where stay

Moderate prices

Average prices


Following the earthquakes that occurred in 2016, Ussita is largely damaged along with many other neighboring municipalities (Visso, Tolentino ...). This involved safety measures in the place as well as the recovery of the Cultural Heritage by the Fire Brigade. Although the territory appears destabilized, it is important to keep in mind that, in order for the activities to be reborn and the country to regain its dignity and beauty, they must also be supported on site.

Among the damaged Goods we report:

  • Church of Santa Maria Assunta;
  • Church of Saints Vincenzo and Anastasio;

How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Ussita
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Ussita
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).