Wallachia - Valacchia

Parcul Herastrau.jpg
Wallachia - Location

Wallachia is a region of the Romania.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Cathedral of Curtea de Argeș
Torre Chindia a Târgovişte, built in the time of Vlad III Vlad "the Impaler, who went down in history as" Count Dracula "
Danube near the iron bridge (Porţile de Fier)

Urban centers

  • Bucharest - Capital of the country.
  • Craiova - Located in Oltenia, Craiova is a university center, very prosperous in past centuries thanks to trade and industry. Its 19th century palaces are noteworthy, some of which were built by French architects.
  • Curtea de Argeş - Although small (30,000 inhabitants) Curtea de Argeş is very interesting because of its Byzantine style churches and monasteries. In the 14th century the prince of Wallachia, Radu Negru (Rudolph the Black), chose it as his residence instead of Câmpulung.
  • Campina - Provincial city, Câmpina is renowned for the Iulia Hasdeu castle, where the politician Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu retired in 1894, shocked by the death of his nineteen-year-old daughter Iulia. Today it has been declared a historic monument and used as a museum.
  • Piteşti - A city with large automobile industries, Piteşti is a center of little tourist importance.
  • Ploiești - Another industrial city with massive oil refineries, Ploieşti is a city of museums but apart from these it doesn't have much to offer to passing tourists.
  • Târgovişte - City of about 100 000 inhabitants Târgovişte retains a lovely old town. However, many tourists are prompted by the curiosity to see the barracks where the dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu and his wife Elena was detained and executed in December 1989.
  • Târgu Jiu (Oltenia) - Linked to the name of the sculptor Constantin Brâncuși, Târgu Jiu preserves works by the artist who spent his youthful years here before moving to France.

Other destinations

  • Porţile de Fier (The Iron Gates) - Name used to indicate the narrow gorges where the Danube flows on the border with Serbia. Established as a national park, the gorges show traces of an ancient Roman consular road and the Trajan's bridge. The closest inhabited center is Drobeta-Turnu Severin.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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