Vale do Itajaí - Vale do Itajaí

Vale do Itajaí
Brusque - Museu arquidiocesan Dom Joaquim
Vale do Itajaí - Location

Vale do Itajaí is a region of the state of Santa Catarina in Brazil.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

It is divided into 4 micro-regions:

  • Blumenau
  • Itajaí
  • Ituporanga
  • Rio do Sul

Urban centers

  • Balneário Camboriú - One of the main seaside resorts of the state.
  • Balneário Piçarras - 70s-style elite seaside resort.
  • Blumenau - It is the third most populous city in the state and is one of its main industrial and technological centers.
  • Bombinhas - It is spread over a peninsular territory surrounded by beautiful beaches.
  • Brusque - The historical and architectural heritage of the city, with numerous houses and buildings from various eras, still dazzle visitors today.
  • Gaspar - With strong German settlement.
  • Ibirama - The city is frequented by lovers of extreme sports and is located within the "Vale do Itajaí".
  • Ilhota - One of the few colonies of the Belgium existing in Brazil.
  • Indaial - Immersed in the Itajaí-Açu river basin surrounded by native rainforest vegetation.
  • Itajaí - It has many beautiful beaches and also boasts vast rural areas and natural beauty.
  • Itapema - The beaches are its biggest tourist attraction.
  • Luiz Alves - One of the largest rum producers and ranked among the best in Brazil.
  • Navegantes - City with a rich nature colonized in the past by Azores.
  • Penha - Nationally known for hosting the famous theme park Beto Carrero World.
  • Pomerode - Not far from Blumenau, it benefits from tourism resulting from its Oktoberfest.
  • Porto Belo - Coastal city.
  • Timbó - Museums and parks are local attractions.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table

  • Seafood in coastal towns.
  • Drake and typical German food in Brusque, Blumenau, Pomerode, Timbó and in other cities in the region.
  • Pasta and typical Italian cuisine in Blumenau, Rodeio, Ascurra and in other cities in the region.
  • Colonial Café in Blumenau, Pomerode and other cities in the region.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Vale do Itajaí
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