Sacred Valley of the Incas - Valle sacra degli Incas

Sacred Valley of the Incas
Portion of the Urubamba Valley or Sacred Valley of the Incas, seen from the road leading to Písac looking towards Calca. The town in the foreground is Taray, heavily damaged by the floods of 2010

Sacred Valley of the Incas (or Urubamba Valley) is a territory belonging to the Southern Sierra of Peru.

To know

This valley, which according to some scholars was the heart of the Inca empire for its natural riches and for the production of corn north of Pisac, contains many beautiful and renowned Inca ruins.

The valley was formed by the Urubamba River, also known as the river Vilcanota, in the Aymara language, o Wilcamayu that in Quechua, the lingua franca spoken throughout the empire, means Sacred River, hence the name of "sacred valley".


The earliest Incas are supposed to have come from Wimpillay, where their mummies were discovered. The Inca began large-scale cultivation of corn in the 15th century as urban agriculture based on varieties from Moray, which was at the same time a place of storage and development of new qualities of grain.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • 1 Aguas Calientes - At the bottom of a magnificent valley, this city is the main gateway to Machu Picchu.
  • 2 Cuzco - The unofficial capital of the region, Cusco is a fascinating city with beautiful colonial architecture built right above the Inca buildings.
  • 3 Maras - On the main road to reach the Inca sites of Salineras (salt pans) and Moray. Maras in itself would be a dusty city otherwise insignificant.
  • 4 Ollantaytambo - One of the last Inca cities to fall, much of Ollantaytambo is laid out the same way as it was in Inca times with vast ruins in plain sight.
  • 5 Písac - In addition to similar ruins in Machu Picchu, there is the weekly market, in which the inhabitants of the highlands gather with their fresh products, which puts Písac on the itinerary of many travelers.
  • 6 Tipón - Here are some of the most interesting terraces and agricultural water resources management developed by the Incas, all still in perfect working order.
  • 7 Urubamba - Regional transport center, Urubamba, also has a street market.
  • 8 Yucay - Capital of the district of the same name.

Other destinations

  • 1 Choquequirao - A more remote and less visited alternative to Machu Picchu. Choquequirao has been largely rebuilt, but is still capable of impressing a tourist, if only for its breathtaking view of the Apurímac valley.
  • 2 Machu Picchu - One of the most spectacular ruins settings in the world, a visit to Peru is not complete without seeing this mysterious "lost city of the Incas".
  • 3 Moray - Concentric terraced circles that were used for the development of a better agricultural crop by the Incas.
  • 4 Pikillacta - One of the few pre-Inca sites, built by the Wari culture. Entrance with tourist boleto.
  • 5 Puca Pucara - A small site whose original purpose is still unclear.
  • 6 Qénqo - This site is carved out of the rock. It probably served as a religious sanctuary.
  • 7 Sacsayhuamán - Cuzco was conceived to represent a puma whose head was Sacsayhuamán. Much of the site was destroyed in colonial times since the Spaniards they used the stones of the sites to build their houses. What remains is still impressive. Entrance with tourist boleto.
  • 8 Tambomachay - A small ruin which was probably a religious center, but could also be a military center. Go back and visit Puca Pucara, Qénqo and Sacsayhuamán on the way back. Entrance with tourist boleto.

How to get

How to get around

What see

  • Salineras - Ancient salt pans used by the Incas for the production of salt.

What to do

  • Explore the valley - Although the various ruins are the undeniable highlight, a 4-5 hour bus tour on the route Cuzco-Chincheros-Urubamba-Písac-Cuzco shows truly spectacular landscapes, especially on clear days during the winter (May-September). Tours can be booked with different agencies, although it is more convenient to take the buses independently between the various cities (starting from any of them). There are many beautiful towns in the sacred valley which contain great landscapes, typical restaurants, hotels / hostels and local markets, the largest being: Písac, Calca, Urubamba.

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