Valleys and shores of Comacchio - Valli e lidi di Comacchio

Valleys and shores of Comacchio
Saline di Comacchio

Valleys and shores of Comacchio is a region ofEmilia Romagna.

To know

Nature tourism in the Po Delta, bathing on the Adriatic beaches and fishing in the Comacchio Valleys (eel is well known) are the three cornerstones on which the economy and fame of this Po, Reno and Adriatic corner are based. .

Geographical notes

In the flatter Emilian plain, it includes the southern Emilian branches of the Po Delta, the Adriatic seaside resorts known as Lidos of Comacchio -and also Ferrara beaches- and the vast lake and marshy area of ​​the Valleys that gives Comacchio they are named. The Delta area is an area of ​​very high naturalistic interest; between the branch of the Po di Goro which delimits the region to the North and the Valleys of Comacchio extends the protected area of Mesola wood. The Adriatic coast populated by seaside resorts is the eastern border; the area to the south, up to Romagna Ravenna, is that of the Valleys, close to the sea coast and the Reno river which flows into the Adriatic here.

Territories and tourist destinations

Map divided by regions
      Valleys and shores of Comacchio - Huge reclamation works have greatly reduced the radius of the area flooded by water, making these lands healthier and above all arable. In the Valleys on the other hand, fishing has always been practiced, providing abundant export material. Especially well-known is the eel fishing. Seaside tourism on the Emilian Adriatic coast has a fairly recent development, certainly following the first seaside settlements of the Romagna and of Rimini. However, numerous seaside resorts have formed, called Lidos of Comacchio, and also Lidos of Ferrara. Porto Garibaldi is its most consistent center. Comacchio instead represents the ancient city in the area, which preserves the testimonies of its past as a thriving center of maritime trade.

Urban centers

  • Comacchio - It extends over 13 islets, between a tangle of canals and bridges that give it a lagoon and Venetian air. It has beautiful monuments, and in its vicinity boasts the ancient settlement of Spina, a Greek-Etruscan city whose excavations have yielded numerous archaeological material now kept in the Museum of Ferrara, and the famous Pomposa Abbey.
  • Codigoro - Crossed by the Po di Volano, it has beautiful views along the banks of this branch of the river which has now reached the end of its long journey. The city is known for the beauty of its natural environment which has the greatest example in the area of ​​the called heronry City of herons, where various species of birds nest, or in fishing valleys; but it is also known for the environments created by man to regulate this alluvial and marshy nature, such as the impressive water-pumping systems, built between the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to reclaim its low lands.
  • Lidos of Comacchio - It is the set of seaside resorts that arose with the development of tourism: Lido di Spina immersed in a pine forest of ancient origin, it has an elegantly residential aspect; Lido degli Estensi, the most worldly and best equipped for young people; Lido degli Scacchi, quiet and with beaches equipped for families with small children as well as the Lido di Pomposa; Lido delle Nazioni, with infrastructures for the practice of various sports in its large artificial lake where sailing and canoeing courses are held; the Lido di Volano, more isolated to the north towards the Delta, with a large pine forest that makes it the center that has most maintained contact with nature.
  • Porto Garibaldi - It was a fishing village that gradually consolidated around the port; it was the first town to develop bathing facilities along the Comacchio Adriatic coast. Today fishing is mainly at the service of the numerous restaurants and hotels created for tourists. The center, the most important on the Emilian coast and in the area of ​​the Lidos of Comacchio, has developed maintaining the living style of the low fishermen's houses.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svgThey are airports in the region, in Emilia:

By car

How to get around

What see

Pomposa Abbey

What to do

At the table

Fish in general is the master. Eels are typical and famous far beyond the local borders.


In the Comacchiese a still DOC wine is produced, the Bosco Eliceo which, although red, goes with fish here.


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