Romagna - Romagna

Romagna Riviera

Romagna is a historical region ofItaly.

To know

Joined to theEmilia, with which it forms the administrative region ofEmilia Romagna, Romagna remembers with its name itself that it was for a long time the last bastion of Romanity in the West after the barbarian invasions, the split of the Roman Empire, the advent of the Lombard and Frankish dominations.

Geographical notes

They delimit it to the north and north-west Valli di Comacchio, its Lidos and the Po Valley of Emilia, to the east the Adriatic Sea, to the south the Marche and the Tuscany. There Republic of San Marino, nestled on the border between Romagna and Marche, is culturally part of Romagna.

When to go

The term Romagna immediately brings to mind the sea, the sun, the beach, and therefore summer.


With the construction of the Via Emilia, which still crosses the entire region, and the foundation of numerous important cities along its route, Romagna, like theEmilia it was deeply Romanized. Remains of the Latin era are present almost everywhere along its path up to Rimini which constitutes its point of arrival; the most important monument, as it is best preserved, is certainly the Arch of Augustus a Rimini.

The fall of the Roman Empire is the moment in which the history and destiny of the Romagna which remained in the hands of the Byzantine Empire for a long time, constituting theExarchate with Ravenna which rises to the role of capital of the Roman West and becomes a city of spectacular monuments.

The region then becomes the possession of the Papal States. Papal Romagna (Ravenna, Imola, Faenza, Forlì, Cesena, Rimini), is peripheral to the state power located in Rome, and is far from great events, except for the period in which Cesare Borgia fell with his militias on Romagna. conquering his cities one after the other with the intention of making them his own state, a project that was thwarted by his death.

Territories and tourist destinations

Map divided by regions
      Romagna plainRavenna it is the main city of Romagna and the richest center in history and important monuments which fortunately have survived intact to the wear and tear of time and the tampering of man. Its Byzantine mosaics have reserved a place for it on the list of monuments World Heritage of Unesco. Imola, Faenza, Forlì, Cesena with their fortresses they recall the past of Lordships defeated one by one by Cesare Borgia, on whose death they were then incorporated into the Papal States.
      Tuscan-Marche Romagna Apennines - The Romagna Apennine reliefs contrast with the Tuscan and Marche mountains. Until contemporary times the mountains south of Forlì constituted the Tuscan Romagna, that is that part of the Apennine territory that reached up to 10 kilometers from Forlì and which had been the domain of the Medici and the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, remaining Tuscan territory even after the Unification until 1923. Land of the Sun it was a city built from scratch and fortified by the Medici, who made it the capital of Tuscan Romagna. Castrocaro Terme it is famous spa as well Bath of Romagna. There Valmarecchia instead it has often changed its territorial belonging: it was from the Marche, Romagna, Urbino and Rimini regions; finally divided between Romagna and Marche. Following a popular referendum in 2009, almost all of its territory was reunited within the Romagna borders. They are its important centers Novafeltria, Pennabilli, San Leo, Verucchio, Santarcangelo of Romagna.
      Romagna Riviera - The first timid attempts at seaside tourism made their appearance in the first decades of the nineteenth century in this land of the sea populated by fishermen and farmers in the countryside behind; land to tell the truth a bit backward and economically not very prosperous. Well-being has done it to blow up with mass tourism; the proliferation of bathing establishments, hotel settlements and second homes and has created an uninterrupted conurbation for tens of kilometers from the Ravenna, Cesena and Rimini coast to well beyond the Marche border. Rimini, the true capital of the entire Adriatic coast, benefited above all from it, but also Cervia, Cesenatico, Riccione, Catholic, and the Marche Gabicce Mare, Gradara and many other coastal towns.

Urban centers

  • Ravenna - It is the triumph of Byzantine art in Italy. It was the capital of the Western Roman Empire in the V and VI centuries, then of the Reign of the Ostrogoths and of the Byzantine Exarchate, and has preserved the splendid monuments with which Galla Placidia, Odoacer, Theodoric adorned it. The amazing mosaics of its churches immortalize the art and architecture that marks the moment of transition and mingling between the Byzantine and the Roman world. Its Christian monumental complex is from 1996 World Heritage. Dante Alighieri died in Ravenna in 1321, of which he preserves the monumental tomb in the shape of a temple.
  • Cesena - Agricultural industrial center and commercial center located on the Via Emilia, the city has developed at the foot of its fortress, bulwark and symbol of the power of the Malatesta family who in the fifteenth century held the Signoria; its historic center retains many traces of that period. The city is also famous for its racecourse. .
  • Faenza - In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries Faenza reached the peak of the artistic production of majolica, which made its name known in the world to the point that faience is the term used to indicate majolica in many languages ​​ofEurope. Situated, like many other cities, along the Via Emilia, it has a notable historical center of the epoch and taste mainly of the seventeenth-eighteenth century.
  • Forlì - And the Forum Livii of the Romans. It was then Comune, then Lordship of the Ordelaffi. Its historic center has a structure dating back to the seventeenth-eighteenth century.
  • Imola - It has beautiful Renaissance buildings and a Rocca. It is a city of trade and industry, which is grafted onto an original agricultural economy. Mark the transition fromEmilia to Romagna.
  • Rimini - It is the symbol of holiday at the seaside especially for families with children, but it has also equipped itself with countless fun centers for young people. Begun in the nineteenth century, seaside tourism has found an unstoppable development here, which has made the city spread along the entire coast, with its deep sandy beaches. Rimini has now created a conurbation with the seaside resorts to the north and south of the city, which extends for tens and tens of kilometers.Its historic center, quiet and foreign to the teeming confusion of the modern city, is characterized above all by the Roman Arch of Augustus and from the Malatesta Temple.

Thermal centers

The following Apennine centers, all located in the area, are spa towns, some very well known, others less known.Romagna Apennines and in Romagna Riviera:

Romagna Apennines

  • Bath of Romagna - It has three thermal springs equipped with accommodation facilities; its warm waters (gushing out at 45 and 39 degrees centigrade) were known and used since Roman times.
  • Bertinoro - The Terme della Fratta di Bertinoro were already used by the Romans, as evidenced by archaeological discoveries. Their reuse in the modern age is quite recent. The springs are seven and are located within a park of thirteen hectares.
  • Brisighella - Its thermal baths [1] arise in a park in the center of the town.
  • Castrocaro Terme - It is certainly the best known spa in Romagna. Its use for therapeutic purposes begins in 1838..
  • Porretta Terme - Known since ancient times, the thermal waters of Porretta boast an almost continuous use, with few periods of abandonment.
  • Riolo Terme - The opening of its thermal baths dates back to 1877, seven years after the construction of the thermal building began. .

Romagna Riviera

Other destinations

  • Natural reserve of the Cervia salt pan - It is part of the Po Delta Regional Park and affects 765 hectares of land of the ancient salt works since the ninth century. The Park protects almost the entire territory of the ancient salt pan and the remaining humid environment. Nearby there are the Terme di Cervia.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svgAirport of the region:

How to get around

What see

Romagna has, for some periods of the history of art, notable excellences, among which can be mentioned:

Roman times

  • Arch of Augustus (to Rimini).

Early Christian and Byzantine art

  • Sant'Apollinare Nuovo (to Ravenna).
  • Sant'Apollinare in Classe (to Ravenna).
  • Neonian Baptistery (to Ravenna).
  • Mausoleum of Theodoric (to Ravenna).

Renaissance art

  • Malatesta Temple (to Rimini).
  • Faenza Cathedral (to Faenza).

Other monuments

  • Malatesta Library, Bufalini Square 1 (to Cesena), 39 0547 610892, @. It is one of the oldest humanistic convent libraries and has the particularity of having come down to us intact with its patrimony of codices, manuscripts, books; It is the first public library in Italy and Europe, and was included by UNESCO in World Memory Register.

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Romagna
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or about Romagna
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