Cesenatico - Cesenatico

Cesenatico canal 01.jpg
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Cesenatico is an Italian town of 25,622 inhabitants in the province of Forlì-Cesena in Emilia Romagna.

To know

Cesenatico is a seaside resort and tourist destination located in the upper Adriatic, between Rimini is Ravenna, about 15 km east of Cesena. Its beach is bordered to the north by Cervia and to the south with Gatteo Mare. Its territory is inserted within the protected natural area ofCoastal oasis of the 4 municipalities.

How to orient yourself

How to get

How to get around

What see

  • Cesenatico boasts a fine port-canal which in the sixteenth century was supervised by Leonardo da Vinci. According to the intentions of the city administration of the time, this canal should have reached the city of Cesena, located in the hinterland about 15 km from Cesenatico.
  • 1 Maritime Museum, Port channel, 39 0547 79205, @. It is the most famous museum in the city, the only floating museum existing in Italy, is located in the most ancient and characteristic section of the canal port of Cesenatico and is the synthesis of many centuries of maritime history made up of small and large events related to boats, fishing and to maritime traffic. The Land section, located in Via Carlo Armellini 18, houses a trabaccolo and a bragozzo in the center of the museum pavilion, the two boats that were the protagonists of the epic of sailing in the upper Adriatic, fully equipped with their "third" sails. In the first part of the route, dedicated to "structure and construction", you can touch the simple materials and technologies with which man has navigated for millennia. Among the exhibited pieces, a rope maker's wheel with the reconstruction of its functioning, and a nineteenth-century naval carpentry workshop acquired as a whole and rearranged inside the museum. The second part is dedicated to "propulsion and government": ancient and modern anchors are exhibited here, including two wrecks dating back to the 17th century. Here are some didactic installations where you can measure your skills with maneuvers, knots and hoists. A large part is dedicated to the evolution of sailing equipment, while a series of engines tell the story of the transition from traditional boats to motor boats. Upstairs, from two protruding terraces you can closely observe the details of the sails and masts. The exhibition itinerary continues through exhibits that exemplify life on board, fishing and its marketing, navigation, magical-religious symbols (first of all the "eyes" of the bow), the dangers of going to sea. During the Christmas period, (from December 1st to the Epiphany), a very suggestive nativity scene is set up on the boats of the Maritime Museum moored at the canal port: the Marine nativity scene, designed by Guerrino Gardini, with human-sized figures. Cesenatico Maritime Museum on Wikipedia Maritime Museum (Q3868095) on Wikidata
  • If the port-channel represents the historical Cesenatico, the Cesenatico skyscraper, built in the 1950s on the seafront, in the new area of ​​the city in front of the pre-existing Grand Hotel, is the symbol of modern and touristic Cesenatico.
  • The new part of the city, which develops around Viale Carducci, parallel to the seafront, has been devoted almost entirely to tourism, with hotels, shops, restaurants, amusement arcades, bars and pubs. On the seafront you can still admire the historic villas built in the early 1900s (the first of these Villino Beatrice located east of the port), and the former Veronese colony.
  • Since spring 2006 it has been open to the public Pantani space close to the train station. A museum that brings back memorabilia, bicycles and objects that belonged to the cycling champion Marco Pantani, who died on February 14, 2004 in Rimini.
  • Also in Cesenatico stands the building erected in the Fascist era - the work of the Bolognese architect Giuseppe Vaccaro - known as Cologne Agip of Cesenatico.
  • 2 Marino Moretti House Museum, Via Marino Moretti, n. 1. Marino Moretti House Museum on Wikipedia Marino Moretti House Museum (Q16268243) on Wikidata

Events and parties

In Cesenatico the following are held annually:

  • the Nove Colli. since 1971, one of the best known cycling granfondo, which in the last edition counted about 12,000 subscribers;
  • National stage of the Olympics of mathematics. Previously assigned to Viareggio, since 1989 the race takes place in Cesenatico. The event takes place during the first or second weekend of the month of May;
  • Marine nativity scene. Since 1986 the Marine Nativity Scene has been set up on the boats of the Maritime Museum during the Christmas period. During the Christmas period, from the first Sunday of December until the Epiphany, the boats of the Floating Section of the Maritime Museum become the stage of the Marine Crib. The nativity scene was born in 1986 and is the work of the artists Tinin Mantegazza, Maurizio Bertoni and Mino Savadori, from an original idea by Guerrino Gardini. The first sculpted statue was that of San Giacomo, patron saint of Cesenatico, to whom many others have been added over the years. These are not just traditional statues that can be seen in the cribs, but glimpses inspired by the life of the common people of a fishing village, who tell through them, the life of a city: fishermen, carpenters, puppeteers, fishwife, woman with the wraps, children and musicians. Together with the Holy Family, and the traditional shepherds, we can see who sails or mends the nets, who leads the boats, who sells the fish; without neglecting singular details such as the presence of a group of dolphins looking out from the water with curiosity. The statues are life-size: the faces, hands, feet and all the exposed parts are carved in pine wood, the draped clothes are made of canvas stiffened by hot-brushed wax on wooden structures made voluminous by the molded metal mesh in the desired form. The result is of great effect, made even more suggestive by the lights of the boats that are reflected on the water of the canal. Each year the Nativity scene is enriched with a new statue and a new character. From the 7 figures with which they made their debut in 1986, today the sculptural heritage is about fifty statues. Thus, the project of the artists Bertoni and Savadori is being realized to equip each of the boats with a helmsman and a bowman over the years. The figures are conceived as elements of a representation, to be seen from the banks of the Leonardesco Canal Port as from an audience; illuminated, because in the Nativity it is the lights that give life to the figures and mark the story. And it is precisely at nightfall that the Marineria Nativity scene lights up, as if a curtain had opened.
  • Blue like the fish and the fish celebrates. Cesenatico hosts the gastronomic festivals dedicated to the "poor fish" of the Adriatic "Azzurro come il Pesce", in the third week of March and "Il Pesce fa Festa" which takes place during the feast of All Saints. city ​​center and the historic Colonia Agip are populated with tasting points where you can taste traditional seafood dishes prepared with fresh fish
  • International Easter Sail Regatta. since 1976 in the stretch of sea adjacent to Cesenatico, during the Easter period, this regatta is held, reserved for the various classes of catamarans. Crews from all over Europe they compete, half a mile from the coast, on two battlefields, on the east and west
  • the Pink Night. since 2006 the whole Romagna Riviera celebrates the summer New Year in July: the Pink Night. Cesenatico dresses in pink and comes alive with shows and music dedicated to the general public.

What to do


How to have fun

Cesenatico has one of the most active nocturnal lives on the Romagna Riviera.

Where to eat

Several restaurants are on the quay of the canal port, in the eastern area. Others are between the old town and the dock, in the western area. Finally, there are also restaurants along the avenues of the hotel areas.

Average prices

  • Osteria dei Golosi, via M. Moretti 57, Cesenatico Ponente, 39 054780204. It is a restaurant on the corner of the dock. It offers excellent fish dishes, bought fresh from the nearby market, around € 15 each

Where stay

Cesenatico is full of hotels, mostly between ** and ****.

Average prices


How to keep in touch



  • Via Carolingia - European itinerary that crosses the places traveled by the court of Charlemagne between the 8th and 9th centuries to travel from Aachen to Rome, where Pope Leo III crowned the Carolingian sovereign emperor of the Holy Roman Empire on Christmas night in the 19th century.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Cesenatico
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Cesenatico
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).