Pennabilli - Pennabilli

Panoramic view of the center of Pennabilli with the cathedral
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Pennabilli is a city ofEmilia Romagna.

To know

Geographical notes

The city, seat of the bishopric, is the largest urban center of Alta Valmarecchia.


Archaeological finds date the first human settlements in the Pennabilli area back to the Etruscan and Roman times. During the barbarian raids of the mid-first millennium AD, the two impervious heights on which the capital stands (now called "Roccione" and "Rupe"), served as a refuge for the populations settled in the surroundings and along the Marecchia river. Thus originated the communities of "Penna" and "Billi" whose toponyms (one deriving from the Latin "Pinna", peak, tip, the other from "Bilia", top among the trees) refer to the characteristic conformation of two hills. According to another theory, "Billi" derives instead from the name of the Etruscan god of fire "Bel", venerated in a temple which in the Christian era became the church of San Lorenzo (martyr of fire).

In 1004 a descendant of the Carpegna family nicknamed "Malatesta", perhaps because he was stubborn and reckless, began the construction of the fortress on the Roccione: it was the birth of the famous family which, descended from Penna first to Verucchio and then to Rimini, would have subjected all of Romagna . The union with the nearby castle of Billi took place only in 1350 with the laying of the "stone of peace" in the market square built between the two inhabited centers. The new town passed several times under the influence of the Malatesta, Montefeltro, Medici and Papal States. In 1572, with the transfer of the bishopric from San Leo, Pope Gregory XIII awarded it the title of "City". Pennabilli is still the seat of the diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro.

In united Italy the municipality of Pennabilli belonged to the Marche (province of Pesaro is Urbino) until 15 August 2009, when it was seconded, together with six other municipalities of Alta Valmarecchia, in implementation of the outcome of a referendum held on 17 and 18 December 2006.

How to orient yourself

Its municipal territory also includes the hamlets of Cà Romano, Maciano, Miratoio, Molino di Bascio, Ponte Messa, Scavolino, Soanne and Passo Cantoniera.

How to get

By plane

  • Airport of Rimini (About 50 km)
  • Airport of Forlì (About 67 km)
  • Airport of Ancona (About 130 km)

By car

  • From the north take the A14 motorway towards Ancona, exit a Cesena North, follow the direction Rome-Ravenna, continue on the SS 3BIS / E45, exit at Sarsina, go across Sant 'Agata Feltria, Ponte Messa and continue towards Pennabilli.
  • From the south take the A14 motorway towards Naples, follow the direction Pescara, exit a Rimini South, follow the direction Republic of San Marino, cross Cerasolo, entering the San Marino territory, cross Serravalle, Fiorina, Domagnano, Borgo Maggiore, Acquaviva, entering the Italian territory, cross Pietracuta and continue towards Pennabilli.

On boat

How to get around

What see

Pennabilli Cathedral
  • 1 St. Leo's Cathedral. The cathedral of Pennabilli dedicated to San Leone is also the seat of the parish of San Pio V, it is the most important church in Pennabilli and the cathedral of the diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro.
It was built by Bishop Giovanni Francesco Sormani (1566-1601), after the Duke ofUrbino, Guidobaldo da Montefeltro, probably in 1569, refused the Bishop and the Canons the residence a San Leo, where it has always been the Cathedral of the Diocese. Following this prohibition, Pope Pius V grants the bishop Sormani to transfer the prerogative of the Cathedral to Pennabilli and on 7 October 1577, summoning the synod in Pennabilli, the clergy present, places a cross where the high altar of the new Cathedral will have to rise, entitling it in San Leone.
A few days later work began and the Bishop laid the first stone under which he deposited the coins of St. Pius V. In 1580 the new church was well advanced and in 1588 it was completed and consecrated; above the main door you can read the inscription: "D. Leone dicatum MDLXXXVIII - Joannes Franciscus Sormanus Eps. Feretranus aedificandum curavit ”.
The church is built in the shape of a Latin cross. The current style is neoclassical.
The Cathedral was completely restored by Bishop Alfonso M. Andreoli and inaugurated on 21 September 1910. The facade of the Cathedral is in brick, and was completed in 1904, 50 years after the dogmatic definition of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, as the inscription in the center of the facade itself.
The Bishop Mons.Antonio Bergamaschi (1949-1966) carried out the first renovations and adaptations to the provisions issued by the Second Vatican Council.
After thirty years, Mons.Paolo Rabitti begins the works that will lead to a radical restoration of the Cathedral: the reconstruction of the floor, the choir, the side chapels, the main door, and the total renewal of the altar, the ambo, the baptistery. The sacristy and access to the altar have been renovated; an apsidal gallery without architectural barriers is created; the facade and the bell tower are reinforced; the bishops' burial ground is created in the chapel of the Rosary.
The Cathedral is dedicated to San Leone (San Leo), the parish to San Pio V, and the Immaculate Virgin Mary the co-patroness of the Cathedral. The three patrons are depicted in the large canvas in the apse.
In 2006, on the wall on the left side of the altar, a canvas was added representing the Madonna delle Grazie of Pennabilli, protector of the Diocese, with the two diocesan patron saints San Leone priest and San Marino deacon. Pennabilli Cathedral on Wikipedia Pennabilli cathedral (Q1112895) on Wikidata
  • Sanctuary of the Madonna delle Grazie. From the XII - XVI centuries.
  • Hermitage of the Madonna del Faggio (in the locality of Bascio). The church of San Lorenzo deacon and martyr is also part of the complex
  • Widespread Museum "Places of the Soul". In the historic center of Pennabilli and in the municipal area there is the diffused Museum The places of the soul conceived by Tonino Guerra, consisting of seven installations: The Garden of Forgotten Fruits (where artistic installations and ancient varieties of fruit trees coexist), La Strada delle Meridiane, The Refuge of the Abandoned Madonna, The Sanctuary of Thoughts, The Angel with the Mustache, The Petrified Garden (in Castello di Bascio), The Madonna of the Snow Rectangle (in Poggio Bianco). The installations can be visited every day for free.
  • Bargello Palace.
  • Palace of the Reason (The Lodges).
  • Baronial palace of the princes of Carpegna (In the hamlet of Scavolino). Ruins of a castle that cannot be visited, once the residence of the Carpegna family
  • Former Town Hall. With the characteristic porch.
  • old village (In the hamlet of Molino di Bascio).
  • Ancient Malatesta walls. They are kept in via della Vigna, in via dei Pensieri suspended and in via del Roccione. The tower is of particular importance.

Events and parties

  • National Antiques Market Exhibition. Simple icon time.svgin the month of July. Historical review of ancient art, has been held since 1970.
  • Artists in the square. Simple icon time.svglate May-early June. International festival of performing arts, has been held since 1997.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

Average prices


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Pennabilli
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Pennabilli
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