Bath of Romagna - Bagno di Romagna

Bath of Romagna
The Baths of Bagno di Romagna
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Bath of Romagna
Tourism site
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Bath of Romagna is a city ofEmilia Romagna.

To know

Received the Orange Flag from the TCI; it is a well-known spa as well as a climatic tourism center; is part of the Tuscan Romagna, the Forlì-Cesena area which until 1923 belonged to the Tuscany, and before the Unification to the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. It is located in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Monte Falterona and Campigna.

Geographical notes

OnRomagna Apennines of the Cesenate, on the border with Tuscany, is 51 km from Cesena, 65 from Arezzo.


The area of ​​Bagno di Romagna has given findings from the Bronze Age; in historical times the influence of the neighbor Sarsina, a Roman city, also determined the development of Bagno, located on the road from Cesena it led to the areas beyond the Apennines; the first exploitation of its waters dates back to this period with the construction of the first thermal baths. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Bagno was destroyed by the Goths in 540. In the ninth century the existence of the Pieve di Santa Maria gave way to the rebirth of the town, which under the rule of the Guidi family was fortified and assumed the character of a commercial center.

In 1404 the Florentine influence began and took over the rule of the Guidi, remaining there until 1860. Bagno becomes Captaincy; its thermal baths are undergoing great development and are frequented by numerous illustrious personalities, including the Medici family. With the Unification it remained Tuscan until 1923, when it was aggregated with the Tuscan Romagna all 'Emilia Romagna it's at Forlì.

How to orient yourself


In its territory, all mountainous, there are also the inhabited centers of Acquapartita, Careste, Casanova dell'Alpe, Crocedevoli, Crocesanta, Larciano, Montegranelli, Monteguidi, Paganico, Pietrapazza, Poggio alla Lastra, Ridracoli, Rio Petroso, Rio Salso, Saiaccio , San Piero in Bagno (municipal seat), San Silvestro, Selvapiana, Strabatenza, Valgianna and Vessa.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

By bus

  • Italian traffic sign - bus stop svg Public bus service managed by Start Romagna [1]

How to get around

What see

Santa Maria Assunta
  • 1 Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta, Ricasoli Square. Its appearance is that given to it by the transformations carried out in the fifteenth century, which were implanted on the original Romanesque structure still legible and which makes it the oldest building in Bagno. The church is documented for the first time in 872 when Pope Adrian II grants Giovanni Bishop of Arezzo the faculty of transforming the Parish Church of Santa Maria di Bagno into a Benedictine monastery. It was an important stop for pilgrims who traveled the Via Romea and crossed the Apennines at the Serra pass. In 1480 Sixtus IV elevates the monastery to Abbey and the Pieve to Basilica. Inside it preserves many works of art of the Tuscan school dating back to the 15th and 16th centuries: a triptych by Neri di Bicci; a board with the Madonna and Child attributed to the Maestro di Sant'Ivo (14th-15th century); a Nativity attributed to Ghirlandaio; a Crucifixion by Alessandro Gherardini (17th-18th century).
The Eucharistic miracle of Bagno di Romagna - The story of the Eucharistic miracle which is said to have occurred in 1412 is linked to the Basilica. A monk during the celebration of Mass was assailed by doubt regarding the Eucharistic mystery, and at that moment the wine contained in the chalice was transformed into blood and, after having started boil, came out staining the corporal. The relic, inserted in a silver case and remained unchanged over time, is kept in the Chapel of the Sacred Heart in the Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta and is exhibited every Sunday from March to November. On the day of Corpus Domini the event is celebrated with a party and a procession.
Palace of the Captains
  • Palace of the Captains. Built in the fourteenth century and used today as a cultural center, the Palazzo dei Capitani clearly shows its Florentine nature, as well as the palaces of the local nobility located along the road leading to Florence (via Fiorentina) thus recalling the long membership of Bagno and of the Tuscan Romagna to the Medici before and to the Tuscany region after the Unification until 1923. The stone coats of arms of the Florentine Captains and Vicars who ruled the city are collected on the façade. It had become the seat of Medici power in 1454, when what had been the Palazzo dei Conti Guidi in Bagno was adapted for this purpose. There Big room for meetings of the Council of the Community and the Room of Reason, with the bench of justice and the prisons, they were placed on the ground floor; the main floor became the Captain's residence ..
  • Sanctuary of Corzano (in Corzano). You can see in Corzano, in the municipal area of ​​Bagno di Romagna, the remains of an ancient fortress with sections of walls, remains of the keep, remains of foundations; the manor belonged to the Guidi di Bagno counts and is documented in 1177. Its role in controlling the passes between Romagna is Tuscany after the conquest by Florence in the fifteenth century, it was gradually abandoned and left to ruin. Only a small church survives with a fresco from 1430 Madonna and Child with Saint Catherine of Alexandria; the church became a sanctuary in the nineteenth century, and is distinguished by its low asymmetrical conformation.

Thermal baths

  • Baths of Bagno di Romagna. The three spas, located in a large park, are located in the center of the town and are frequented by a large number of users who also come from outside the region; constitute an important resource in the country's economy.

Of particular environmental interest

  • Forest of the Lama. Included in the municipal area of ​​Bagno, the forest is rich in broad-leaved trees and conifers. Inhabited by roe deer, deer, mouflons, dormice, fallow deer, wild cats, it owes its survival to the long period during which it was owned by the Opera del Duomo in Florence; in 1914 the property passed to the State Property.
  • Integral nature reserve of Sasso Fratino (in Sasso Fratino). Inside the Lama forest, the Sasso Fratino nature reserve is the first integral reserve established in Italy; it is 764 hectares of primeval forest where everything is left to natural events, without any human intervention.
  • Pietrapazza. Within the naturalistic areas that abundantly characterize the territory of Bagno there are also human settlements located in secluded areas that are now abandoned. An example is the town of Pietrapazza which was inhabited by shepherds, woodcutters and stonemasons until the sixties of the twentieth century. The town can be reached by a mule track of rare beauty and of great interest; it is made up of long paved sections, humpbacked stone bridges, majesty, isolated farmhouses and panoramic viewpoints.
Ridracoli lake
Ridracoli lake
  • Ridracoli lake. It is an artificial basin near the hamlet of the same name in the municipality of Bagno di Romagna, built to feed the aqueduct and the power plant. It has an area of ​​1,035 square kilometers, a depth of 92 meters and can hold up to 33.06 million cubic meters of water. The perimeter of the lake is over three kilometers and is located in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Monte Falterona and Campigna . The wooded scrub that stretches all around is crossed by tourist trails and equipped with picnic areas. From June to August you can sail on the lake with a tourist navigation service carried out by small boats that depart from a pier built on its shore.

Events and parties

What to do

  • Excursions by mountain bike or on foot along the marked trails that start from Bagno and reach abandoned villages in fascinating mountain corners.
  • Physically more accessible walking routes can be made starting from the Bagno doors along the Path of discovery which follows the course of the Fosso Volanello.
  • Starting from the public gardens, through the path Fantasy you venture into Armina Park which is said to be inhabited by gnomes.


The Raviggiolo, a typical product of the upper Tuscan-Romagna Apennines - it is a raw milk cheese, sour and light, white and soft, to be eaten fresh. It is produced between October and March in a domestic way, and therefore limited; ready in a couple of days, it can only be kept for a few days by keeping it in a ventilated fridge, and therefore must be purchased directly in the production area, which is limited to the Tuscan-Romagna Apennines, between the Savio and Tramazzo valleys in Romagna , of the Sieve and of the Tiber in Tuscany. It is excellent with fried polenta. It should be paired with a light white wine, not too sparkling.

Historical documents date it back to 1500 when some raviggioli - already considered a delicacy at the time - were brought as a gift to Pope Leo X. Fallen into oblivion for a long time, today thanks to some breeders who have resumed production, it is slowly returning to being to know and appreciate, so much so that chefs and restaurateurs include raviggiolo in their proposals.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 Pizzeria Get on the fly, Via Circonvallazione, 3, 39 0543 911430.
  • 2 Locanda Trattoria Giovanna, via Manin 35, 39 0543 911057. Local with local cuisine, simple and clean environment, friendly staff, generous portions.
  • 3 Ancient Rome trattoria, via Manin 3, 39 0543 911021, fax: 39 0543 911021. Good local cuisine, good environment

Average prices

Where stay

Average prices

High prices


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacies

  • 4 Brandi, Via Daniele Manin, 84, 39 0543 911012.
  • 5 Camagni, Via Cesare Battisti, 45 (in San Piero in Bagno), 39 0543 917151.

How to keep in touch

Post office


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Bath of Romagna
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Bath of Romagna
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