Cesenate - Cesenate

Fortress of Cesena
Cesenate - Location
Institutional website

Cesenate is a region ofItaly.

To know

Geographical notes

The plain of Cesena, between Ravenna, Forlivese, Tuscan-Marche Romagna Apennines, is already almost in sight of the Romagna Riviera and the sea. Its river is the Savio, which descends to touch from the Apennines Cesena to then throw itself into the Adriatic at Lido di Savio.


Cesena it is the undisputed capital of this area with a rich agriculture and an important commercial vocation. Dominion of the Malatesta, it was then papal land until Unity.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Cesena - Of the Malatesta many memories remain in the historic village within the walls; it preserves beautiful monuments.
  • San Mauro Pascoli - It was almost totally destroyed during the last world war. For lovers of literature Italian, the center of origin of Giovanni Pascoli preserves the Pascoli House.
  • Savignano sul Rubicone - Halfway between Cesena is Rimini, is near the river where Julius Caesar he rolled the die. It belonged to the Republic of Venice, the State of the Church, the Duchy of Urbino. It has a Roman bridge over the Rubicon, blown up by the Germans during the last war and subsequently rebuilt with the recovery of the original stone blocks.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • Highway A14 Italy.svg the A14 Adriatica crosses the territory; nearby the branch for Ravenna.
  • via Emilia - The via Emilia, parallel to the highway

On the train

Cesena is an important railway station along the North South route

How to get around

What see

Savignano - Roman Bridge
  • Malatesta Library (to Cesena). Malatesta Novello wanted its creation; in 1447-52 the long hall that houses the library was built by Matteo Nuti, an environment of Florentine Renaissance style. 343 codices, rich in miniatures, can be admired on display, showing grandiose examples of writing that reaches almost perfection artistic. The Malatesta Library is one of the oldest monastic libraries and is perfectly preserved. In another hall the Piana Library which collects illuminated manuscripts, incunabula and rare editions and constituted the private library of Pope Pius VII, the Cesenatese Chiaromonti.
  • Malatesta Fortress (to Cesena). Inserted in a park, it was built in the fourteenth century and completed in 1466-1476. It has two square towers with strong bastion walls. The Museum of Peasant Civilization is located in one of the towers.
  • Roman bridge (to Savignano sul Rubicone). The building, with three arches, crosses the Rubicon, a river of Roman memory linked to the enterprise of Julius Caesar. Scholars place it in the first century BC, even if a precise dating is not possible. It was built with large blocks of Istrian stone, not available in the area, which were then transported here from the quarries. Blown up by the retreating German army in 1944, it was rebuilt by reassembling the original stone blocks between 1963 and 1965. Roman bridge over the Rubicon on Wikipedia Roman bridge over the Rubicon (Q58318537) on Wikidata

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Cesenate
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Cesenate
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