Ravenna - Ravennate

Piazza del Popolo in Ravenna
Ravenna - Location
Coat of arms
Ravenna - Coat of arms
Institutional website

Ravenna is a region ofItaly.

To know

Its marginality within the Papal State has meant that the Byzantine and early Christian art treasures that make splendid Ravenna, capital of the Romagna, were preserved intact and fortunately delivered to our admiration.

Geographical notes

The Ferrara, the Romagna Riviera, the Cesenate, the Forlivese, the Faentino, L'Imola, the Meat sauce they are the crown of this extremely fertile territory, all flat and very rich in water and river courses.


Heart of Byzantine Romagna and present-day Romagna, when it reached the apex of its political importance, it then fell into oblivion after the lordship of the Da Polenta family who are remembered for having hosted Dante Alighieri, who died and buried in Ravenna. Had a short period of membership in Venice, to then enter the State of the Church until Unity.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Ravenna - Heritage UNESCO for its mosaics, it is the main destination of cultural tourism in Romagna. Strong of its Byzantine and early Christian monumentality, it takes advantage of the proximity to the Adriatic coast from whose beaches it attracts visitors in the day crowds of tourists who are not just looking for a tan.
  • Bagnacavallo - Town of over 16,000 inhabitants in the Ravenna plain. The historic center, very well preserved, has the characteristic circular shape that makes it unique in its area. It preserves beautiful and ancient arcaded streets of medieval flavor.
  • Casola Valsenio
  • Lugo - It has a beautiful historic center, a Rocca, an eighteenth-century four-sided portico that the inhabitants call Pavaglione.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

How to get around

What see

Parish church of San Pietro in Sylvis, Bagnacavallo
  • San Vitale, Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Neonian Baptistery, Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Sant'Apollinare in Classe, Mausoleum of Theodoric (to Ravenna). are the most famous monuments of the city, known worldwide, which testify to the artistic refinement achieved during the Byzantine period and also, albeit in different forms, with the dominations of the kingdoms barbaric
  • Parish church of San Pietro in Sylvis (in Bagnacavallo). In the presbytery it preserves frescoes from the 14th century of considerable value; the construction is of the Ravenna type in brick.

What to do

At the table

Romagna cuisine made of stuffed pasta: mumps, large meat tortelli; gussoni, panzerotti stuffed with vegetables; Romagna-style broth with tomato; passatelli, breadcrumbs vermicelli, cheese, egg; frittelloni, spinach tortelli with raisins and cheese, fried and sweetened. There piada or piadina it can replace bread, and generally it replaces it accompanied by cured meats.


The DOC wines of Ravenna have the qualification of Romagna. Are the'Albana di Romagna, the Trebbiano di Romagna, the Pagadebit of Romagna, all white in a dry, sweet, sparkling version; Trebbiano is also found sparkling. The reds are the Cagnina di Romagna, sweet, and the Sangiovese from Romagna, even higher.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Ravenna
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Ravenna
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