Faentino - Faentino

Faentino is a region ofItaly.

To know

Faenza and Faentino are known above all for the prestigious ceramic production activity which reached its peak between the 15th and 16th centuries, but was already practiced starting from the 13th century. In several European languages ​​the term faiënce indicates pottery.

Geographical notes

Ravenna is Romagna Apennines they delimit it to the north and south; Imola is Forlivese east and west. Its main stream is the Lamone.


The Manfredis had the lordship of the territory and of the city of Faenza, and have left many monumental and urban traces in the area. In 1509 the return in full possession of the Church, until Unity.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Faenza - Located along the Via Emilia, it is part of the long list of Roman cities that had the task of Romanizing the Po valley and assimilating the previous populations to the Roman Empire. The Roman Faventia we can still read in the centuriation to which the main modern roads refer. The medieval city benefits from its position on the main roads Milan-Rimini is Ravenna-Tuscany. In the fourteenth century the Manfredi lordship began; in 1509 the city returned permanently to the domains of the Church.

Other destinations

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • Highway A14 Italy.svg the A14 Adriatica crosses the territory; nearby the branch for Ravenna.
  • via Emilia - Via Emilia, parallel to the highway

On the train

Faenza is an important railway station where several lines cross: the North-South route is the most important; from Faenza there are also lines for Florence is Ravenna.

How to get around

What see

  • Cathedral (to Faenza). It is one of the most prestigious early Renaissance sacred buildings of the Romagna; built between the end of the Quattronce and the early sixteenth century, it shows typically Tuscan lines. The majestic facade is unfinished. It preserves valuable sculptures from the fifteenth century including the arche of San Terenzio and that of Sant'Emiliano, and theark of San Savino, as well as paintings by Innocenzo da Imola.
  • International Museum of Ceramics, via Campidori 2 (to Faenza). It collects the history of ceramics worldwide, a product for which Faenza has achieved fame.

What to do

At the table


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