Forlì - Forlivese

Piazza Saffi in Forlì

Forlivese is a region ofItaly.

To know

Geographical notes

The fertile plain of Forlì, at the foot of the Apennine valleys of Montone and Rabbi, lies between Faentino, Ravenna, Cesenate and Apennine reliefs of Romagna.


The history of the territory is that of Forlì, a Roman city like the other centers that arose along the Via Emilia, then lordship of the Ordelaffi in the fourteenth century for almost two centuries, attacked by Cesare Borgia in the sixteenth century, finally incorporated into the State of the Church.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Forlì - The Forum Livii of the Romans, a city on the Via Emilia, was the lordship of the Ordelaffi until it permanently entered the Papal State which made it the Romagna. It is the city of Aurelio Saffi, tribune of the Roman Republic during the wars of independence; the painter Melozzo degli Ambrogi was also born there, called from Forlì, which left only a fresco in the city.
  • Forlimpopoli - The Popilii Forum Romano, on the Via Emilia, is now a commercial, agricultural and industrial center. It still has a good part of the ancient walls.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • Highway A14 Italy.svg the A14 Adriatica crosses the territory; nearby the branch for Ravenna.
  • via Emilia - Via Emilia, parallel to the highway

On the train

Forlì is an important railway station along the North South route

How to get around

What see

  • Church of San Mercuriale (to Forlì). Romanesque building from the 12th-13th century, it was then greatly altered and transformed. The high relief in the portal lunette is noteworthy - Dream of the Magi-. The beautiful bell tower, imposing and with a 14th century conical spire, dates back to 1178-1180 in Lombard style. It preserves, among various works of art, the tomb of Barbara Manfredi, early work by Francesco di Simone Ferrucci da Fiesole from the 15th century.
  • Duomo (to Forlì). It is the classical reconstruction of the ancient medieval church. It preserves some ancient works, such as a Romanesque crucifix and the fresco Assumption by Carlo Cignani, an eighteenth-century painter.
  • Rocca (to Forlimpopoli). Work of the late fourteenth century, completed after about one hundred years, it has a strong bastion as well as corner towers. Inside the Verdi Theater, which experienced the famous episode of the eruption of Passatore during a gala evening.

What to do

At the table

Forlì cuisine is essentially that common to the whole Romagna: piadina, cappelletti, baked lasagna, salami stuffed into a gentle gut and lean meat.


The DOC wines of the Forlivese bear the denomination of Romagna and they are the whites Albana, Pagadebit, Trebbiano, and the reds Cagnina and Sangiovese.


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