Tuscan-Marche Romagna Apennines - Appennino romagnolo tosco-marchigiano

Tuscan-Marche Romagna Apennines
Porretta Terme

Tuscan-Marche Romagna Apennines is a region ofItaly.

To know

Geographical notes

It includes the Apennines of the Romagna bordering the Tuscany and the Marche; the territory of the Republic of San Marino, between Valmarecchia, Romagna Riviera is Marche, which is part of it geographically and culturally.


The Apennine reliefs of Romagna contrast with the Tuscan and Marche mountains. Until contemporary times the mountains south of Forlì constituted the Tuscan Romagna, that is that part of the Apennine territory that reached up to 10 kilometers from Forlì and which had been the domain of the Medici and the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, remaining Tuscan territory even after the Unification until 1923. Land of the Sun it was a city built from scratch and fortified by the Medici, who made it the capital of Tuscan Romagna. There Valmarecchia instead it has often changed its territorial belonging: it was from the Marche, Romagna, Urbino and Rimini regions; finally divided between Romagna is Marche. Following a popular referendum in 2009, almost all of its territory was reunited within the Romagna borders; are its important centers Novafeltria, Pennabilli, Carpegna, San LeoVerucchio, Santarcangelo of Romagna.

Territories and tourist destinations

Map divided by regions
      Romagna Apennines - A land of holidays, winter sports, spa treatments, ancient mountain villages and isolated parish churches, the Apennines of Romagna it combines and contemplates the artistic and architectural characteristics of the popes of Romagna and the Tuscan grand duchies, also mindful of a long belonging to the State of Florence.
      Valmarecchia - Here too the mixture of populations and traditions is very evident. Even more than in the Tuscan-Romagna stretch, the people of Valmarecchia share a unique character with Tuscany and Marche mountaineer of populations proud of their independence, a spirit that materially materializes in the mighty fortresses that rise on the pointed peaks of its peaks: San Leo is a terrific example of this, as well as San Marino, which can boast over a millennium of independence and which has made its tourism slogan its slogan for the cult of freedom Ancient Land of Freedom. Far from the worldliness and modernity of the sea coast, the Valmarecchia offers to the tourist who comes here from the Adriatic beaches tranquility, coolness, relaxing views, fascinating ancient centers and medieval fortresses.

Urban centers

Below is a list of the main urban centers and spa towns, some very well known, others less known, which are Apennine centers located in theRomagna Apennines.

  • Pennabilli - In an elevated position it preserves the old medieval core. It was the cradle of the Malatesta family, who later became the lady of Rimini. It is the religious center of the area, as it is the seat of the Diocese of San Marino he was born in Montefeltro.
  • San Leo - The Rocca di San Leo is the fifteenth-century work of Francesco di Giorgio Martini, which stands on the top of the cliff on which the inhabited area develops; it seems inaccessible, and emanates an astonishing sense of power and strength. The city also offers a prestigious urban center, with the medieval buildings of the Cathedral and the Pieve.
  • Santarcangelo of Romagna - It has a medieval core and retains a quadrilateral fortress with corner towers built by the Malaspina in the 13th-14th century. It has an eighteenth-century Collegiate Church.
  • Sarsina - Ancient Umbrian and then Roman city, it preserves traces of the primitive center; the Archaeological Museum of Sarsinate collects its Roman finds, among which there are some very remarkable pyramidal cusp mausoleums dating back to the 1st century BC. found in the Roman necropolis. Its Cathedral, although remodeled, shows much of its original Romanesque structure.
  • Verucchio - The Malatesta Fortress high above the town dominates the village, in which the Collegiate Church is worth a visit, which houses numerous works of art.

Thermal centers

  • Bath of Romagna - Climatic stay and spa treatments are the strengths of this Apennine center, which offers the visitor a beautiful fifteenth-century Basilica of elegant Florentine forms and important works by Neri di Bicci and the Tuscan school. It also has three thermal springs equipped with accommodation facilities; its warm waters (gushing out at 45 and 39 degrees centigrade) were known and used since Roman times.
  • Bertinoro - The Terme della Fratta di Bertinoro were already used by the Romans, as evidenced by archaeological discoveries. Their reuse in the modern age is quite recent. The springs are seven and are located within a park of thirteen hectares.
  • Brisighella - Her Thermal baths arise in a park in the center of the town.
  • Castrocaro Terme - It is certainly the best known spa in Romagna. Its use for therapeutic purposes begins in 1838.
  • Porretta Terme - Known since ancient times, the thermal waters of Porretta boast an almost continuous use, with few periods of abandonment.
  • Riolo Terme - The opening of its thermal baths dates back to 1877, seven years after the construction of the thermal building began.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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