Po Valley of Emilia - Pianura padana emiliana

Po Valley of Emilia
Province of Piacenza

Po Valley of Emilia is a region ofItaly.

To know

Geographical notes

This vast flat and very fertile area is between theOltrepò Pavese to the west, the Apennines to the south and the Romagna and the Adriatic coast to the east; the northern border is marked by the low plain near the Po e. in the almost central area, fromOltrepò Mantua.

2012 earthquake

In January 2012 and then in May 2012 strong earthquakes struck a large area of ​​the Region, seriously damaging numerous centers of the Emilian Po Valley between the Autostrada del Sole and the course of the Po, especially in the areas of Modena and the neighboring areas of Ferrara. and Reggio Emilia, also involvingOltrepò Mantua belonging to Lombardy but orographically part of theEmilia. The earthquake, which also claimed numerous victims, struck the historic centers of numerous cities, causing the loss of ancient monuments and damaging many others. The centers of the plain Modenese most affected were Final Emilia, Novi of Modena, San Felice sul Panaro, Medolla, Cavezzo, Mirandola, Concordia sulla Secchia, San Possidonio, Carpi, San Prospero.

In Ferrara the greatest damages were recorded a Bondeno, One hundred, Vigarano Mainarda, Poggio Renatico. Many also i centers with serious collapses in the Mantuan Oltrepò.

Territories and tourist destinations

Map divided by regions
      Piacentino - Tidone, Trebbia, Nure, Arda, Ongina are the rivers and streams that, after having crossed the Apennine valleys, cross and make fertile the Emilian Po valley which refers to the city of Piacenza. Agricultural area between the riparian countryside of the Po and the Apennines, it has also developed a good industrial activity. Fiorenzuola d'Arda it is a commercial center and a traffic hub on the Via Emilia. Castell'Arquato is an important medieval center with beautiful monuments, Vigoleno is a fascinating fortified medieval village, while Grazzano Visconti it is a modern reconstruction-imitation of a castle and a village of the same period. Near Alseno, not far from the Via Emilia, the Abbey of Chiaravalle della Colomba welcomes tourists with its beautiful architecture and its silent cloisters that stand out in the bright green countryside in spring.
      ParmaParma is Fidenza they are the two most important cities of the Parmesan territory that develops between Via Emilia and the Apennines. In addition to being more populous centers, they are also leading cities for the agricultural but also industrial economy, especially in the belt area around Parma. Large numbers reaches the curative tourism to Salsomaggiore Terme; the number of appearances in the Monticelli thermal baths in the territory of Montechiarugolo which boasts an imposing plain castle.
      Reggiano - The major center, Reggio Emilia, links its name to Parmigiano-Reggiano. Towards the LowCorreggio is Novellara they were Principalities; on the road of the mountains the Matilda Quattro Castella retains only one of the manors that give it its name, while Scandiano he saved his Rocca dei Boiardo.
      Modenese - Ducal land, has in the city of Modena its main center. Land of ancient agricultural tradition, it has developed a solid industrial activity: very famous Maranello with Ferrari and Maserati cars; to Carpi and in the Carpi area the clothing industry - shirts and knitwear -; to Sassuolo the ceramic industry - wall and floor tiles -.
      Meat sauceBologna, capital of the whole Region Emilia Romagna, a monumental city famous for the development of its arcades, for its towers, for the University, for San Petronio, for its gastronomy, it dominates for its social and tourist importance. In its hinterland, archaeological tourism takes place a Marzabotto, where there are the excavations of an ancient Etruscan city, but also tourism of memory, to commemorate the well-known event of the extermination of 1830 civilians perpetrated during the last world war, to which a patriotic ossuary is reserved. The Bolognese plain also offers curative tourism to the thermal springs of Castel San Pietro Terme.
      Ferrara - In the flatter Emilian Po valley, the only reliefs that interrupt the low horizon are the embankments of the rivers, the Po and the Reno and the numerous canals that keep the waters of this land at bay, conveying them to the once immense Comacchio Valleys marshy area. Bondeno, Copparo, Portomaggiore are the most important centers after Ferrara which with its monumental riches of Este capital constitutes the major tourist pole.

Urban centers

  • Bologna - Bologna the erudite, because it is the seat of the oldest and for a long time the most prestigious university in Europe; but also Bologna the fat one, because hunger is not a good ally of the study. Here then the fame of its mortadella and its tortellini goes hand in hand with its cultural traditions, the beauty of its arcades and its monumental streets, of San Petronio and of the Madonna di San Luca which dominates from the top of a hill and watches over the city.
  • Carpi - The modern city is an important industrial center in the knitwear sector, as well as a commercial center. The ancient city was the capital of the Pio, a noble family who made it their own state from the fourteenth to the first decades of the sixteenth century, leaving us the beauty of its urban layout with the large square dominated by the castle, one of the most scenic squares not only in theEmilia but of all northern Italy.
  • Ferrara - The city and the Este family are inseparable. The house of Este had Ferrara from the early thirteenth century until the end of the sixteenth century, when it returned to the papal possessions. Such and such was the imprint given to it by the Este, that there is no mention of the long papal period, except to indicate it as a period of its decline. A few industries and a lot of agricultural production are the sources of its economy; good is also the tourist activity in this city of art which reduces its peripheral position a little.
  • Fidenza - Second city of Parma for population and economic importance, which comes mainly from agricultural, commercial and industrial activities, the ancient Borgo San Donnino binds its fame above all to its Romanesque cathedral which is one of the most beautiful and artistically important sacred buildings of the region.
  • Modena - It was the capital of the Duchy when the Este moved there after losing Ferrara. An important road and railway junction, it is a city of industry between the Secchia and Panaro rivers. Its Cathedral is a magnificent Romanesque work of art mentioned in all art history manuals. The famous is nationally known of its rich gastronomy zampone of Modena.
  • Parma - The city of Parma ham and violets, Maria Luigia and Verdi, Parmigiano Reggiano and the University, the beautiful Romanesque Cathedral and Correggio, the Farnese and Parmigianino, the Bourbons and the Charterhouse of Parma of Stendhalian memory: there are many excellences and beauties, the charm and the myths of this city that still lives as if it were always a capital.
  • Sassuolo - It has had a dizzying modern development linked to the flourishing of the ceramic industry - floor and wall tiles. From its past it preserves an imposing Palazzo Ducale or Palazzo Estense, now the seat of the Military Academy of Modena, with richly frescoed rooms.

How to get

By car

The Emilian Po Valley is connected by:

How to get around

What see

Numerous and important monuments are found in the Emilian Po Valley, which cover different periods of the history of art. Among the most important are:

Pre-Roman era

  • Excavations of Marzabotto (in Marzabotto). remains of an ancient Etruscan city, perhaps Misa.

Romanesque art

  • Modena Cathedral (to Modena).
  • Parma Cathedral (to Parma).
  • Cathedral of Fidenza (to Fidenza).
Pomposa Abbey interior of the church
  • 1 Pomposa Abbey, Codigoro. Located in the municipality of Codigoro near the Romea state road. It is an abbey dating back to the ninth century of which several environments survive. Inside the church of Santa Maria there are important fourteenth-century frescoes by Vitale from Bologna and help. Other rooms with fourteenth-century frescoes from the Giotto school are found in the chapter house, while those visible in the refectory belong to Pietro da Rimini and the Rimini school. The Pomposian Museum is housed in the former dormitory and collects torn frescoes, capitals and other materials from the abbey. Pomposa Abbey on Wikipedia Pomposa abbey (Q514366) on Wikidata

Gothic art

  • Church of S. Francesco (to Bologna).
  • Church of San Petronio (to Bologna).
  • Ferrara Cathedral (to Ferrara).

Renaissance art

  • Palace of the Diamonds (to Ferrara).
  • Schifanoia Palace (to Ferrara).
  • Palace of Lodovico il Moro (to Ferrara).

Other monuments

  • 2 Ducal Palace of Sassuolo, Piazzale della Rosa, 41049 Sassuolo Modena (By car Motorway exit: Modena Nord - A1, ring road, following the signs for Sassuolo. By train From Modena: from the Central Railway Station. From Reggio nell'Emilia: from the Central Railway Station. Info: FER, tel. 800 915 030 By bus Connections are ensured by public transport with several daily trips. Info: ATCM Modena, tel. 840 000 216; ACT Reggio nell'Emilia, tel. 0522 442200), 39 0536 184 4853. Ecb copyright.svgFull: Euro 4.00 Reduced: Euro 2.00 Cumulative ticket with Galleria Estense: Euro 6.00 Reduction and free admission as required by the rules for state museums. The Este "delight" of Sassuolo, the summer residence of the dukes of Ferrara.
  • Lowland castles. of the Parma, of the Reggiano, of the Modenese, of the Meat sauce.

What to do

At the table


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