Novi of Modena - Novi di Modena

Novi of Modena
The Civic Tower, as it was after the collapse caused by the earthquake.
Name inhabitants
Prefix tel
Map of Italy
Novi of Modena
Institutional website

Novi of Modena is a city ofEmilia Romagna.

To know

Novi di Modena was hit by the 2012 earthquakes in Emilia, in particular the earthquake of 29 May 2012 which caused one victim, various damage to industrial and agricultural structures, and damaged all the buildings in the historic center in the municipality. On May 29, an earthquake of magnitude 5.2 occurred within the municipal area of ​​Novi di Modena, following the main shock of the day, of 5.8, while on June 3, also in Novi, the epicenter was recorded. of the 21.20 earthquake with magnitude 5.1.

Geographical notes

It rises in the Po Valley of Emilia in the territory Modenese 33 km from Modena.


There are essentially two most accredited theses on the origin of the toponym: one that supports the derivation from the Latin number novem (the town is located about nine Roman miles from the nearby Carpi), and the municipal coat of arms divided into nine bands could be proof of this, the other that leads it back to the Latin novum, or new. In any case, both hypotheses, together with numerous archaeological finds in the area, would confirm the existence of a settlement in Roman times.

The early Middle Ages, a period in which there is no evidence relating to the country, however, is not difficult to assume that the whole territory was in conditions of misery and abandonment.

It will be necessary to wait for the arrival of the Lombards in these lands, and in particular for the spread of Benedictine monasticism, to witness a first phase of recovery.

The first historical source that reports the mention of Castrum Nove dates back to 979. It is a contract signed by the bishop of Reggio Emilia, under whose diocese Novi was located. The inhabited center probably developed around the pleban church of S. Michele (built outside the present town and in an elevated position, probably due to the presence of large marshy areas) and was protected by a system of fortifications.

In the thirteenth century the castle took on the appearance of a real fortress, a necessity arising above all from its particular position on the border between the territories of the Estensi, the Pico, the Gonzaga and the Pio. Castrum Nove thus became, in a short time, the object of the expansionist aims of these powerful families, and therefore also had to suffer attacks: in 1249 by Simone di Bonifacio Manfredi, in 1307 it was set on fire by Azzo d’Este. Still under the diocese of Reggio Emilia, Novi was entrusted to noble families who continued the work of economic and cultural recovery of the place.

In 1530, after a period of particular prosperity under the rule of the Pio, Novi passed under the rule of the Este family. However, the fortress did not immediately yield to the new masters, so that in 1537 it was razed to the ground by order of Ercole I d’Este. The Este dominion lasted until the end of the 18th century, interrupted by the Napoleonic campaign. In the nineteenth century, the town was the scene of a Risorgimento battle between the Austro-Este troops of Francesco IV and the troops of Antonio Morandi.

The economic and social history of the Novese area must mention the introduction, in the eighteenth century, of the cultivation of rice, which favors a wide use of laborers.

The workers from Novi took an active part in the social struggles triggered by the agrarian crisis of the last nineteenth century and in the first years of our century they gave birth to numerous cooperatives and trade union and mutual organizations.

With the unification of Italy it was assigned to the district of Mirandola in the province of Modena, passing in 1895 to the district of Modena.

Novi di Modena was hit by the 2012 earthquakes in Emilia, in particular the earthquake of 29 May 2012 which caused one victim, various damage to industrial and agricultural structures, and damaged all the buildings in the historic center in the municipality. On May 29, an earthquake of magnitude 5.2 occurred within the municipal area, following the main shock of the day, of 5.8, while on June 3, also in Novi, the epicenter of the 21.20 earthquake was recorded with magnitude 5.1.

How to orient yourself

Its municipal territory also includes the hamlets of Rovereto sulla Secchia and Sant'Antonio in Mercadello.

How to get

By plane

By car

  • Brenner motorway A22 direction Modena, exit at Reggiolo / Rolo, continue on the SP 43 towards Reggiolo, continue following signs for Novi.
  • Autostrada del Sole A1 towards Bologna, follow the direction Brennero, continue on the A22 motorway, exit at Reggiolo - Rolo, continue on the SP 43 in the direction of Reggiolo, continue following the signs for Novi.
  • Adriatic motorway A14 in the direction of Bologna, near Bologna continue on the A1 Autostrada del Sole motorway, follow the Brenner direction, take the A22 motorway, exit at Reggiolo - Rolo, continue on the SP 43 towards Reggiolo, continue following the signs for Novi.
  • SS 9 "Via Emilia" towards Modena, continue in the direction of Castelfranco Emilia, Carpi, Novi di Modena.

On the train

  • From the train station of Carpi (about 14 km away and served by the line Modena - Mantua - Verona), take the Modena - Carpi - Novi di Modena railway line.

By bus

  • Autolinee SETA (Società Emiliana Trasporti Autofiloviari): It is the main company that manages public transport in Modena and its province. Extra-urban line 510 (round trip): Carpi - Novi - Moglia [1]

How to get around

What see

Novi di Modena - parish church of San Michele Arcangelo before the 2012 earthquake
Inside church of San Michele after the 2012 earthquake
Civic tower after the earthquake of 29 May 2012
  • Parish Church of San Michele Arcangelo. It is one of the oldest and most important buildings, almost isolated from the inhabited center. The structure dates back to the mid-1600s. With the high bell tower (40 m) it is the result of a reconstruction of the ancient parish church of Santa Maria Maddalena (which dates back to 980). As evidence of the primitive parish church, the polygonal apsidal remains of the pre-Romanesque foundation and the semicircular Romanesque ones, found during archaeological excavations in 1993, are preserved and can be visited. of 12th century Campione sculpture. After restorations, the entire pictorial decoration has become more usable. The chapels from the end of the 19th century and the naves from 1923 are important. In the presbytery the high altar is in Baroque style, and is the work of 18th century scagliolists. In front of the new table there are precious polychrome marbles.
The two frontals of 1600 are attributed to Barzelli. The altar of the dead Christ is valuable with precious marble from the 18th century and the altarpiece of the Madonna del Rosario from the end of the 19th century is the work of the last Scagliolista from Carpi, Stefano Diacci. Among the paintings San Michele Arcangelo of 700, martyrdom of San Sebastiano, San Francesco, of the Guercinesca school, Sant'Antonio Abate, perhaps by Daniele Crespi and San Luigi Gonzaga of uncertain attribution.
Town Hall
The social theater after the earthquake
Villa Delle Rose
Villa Facci
  • Oratory of San Gaetano, Marconi course. Until 1500 it was called the Oratory of the village. It preserves interesting paintings, including an eighteenth-century panel with the Madonna della Ghiara (venerated in Reggio Emilia). The spread of his cult is probably linked to Novi's long membership in the diocese of Reggio. The oratory was certainly present when the castle was still there.
  • Town Hall. It was built in 1840 at the beginning of the village as a post office for changing horses and as the headquarters of the postmaster, with a large porch. It originally owned a trough for horses. Renovated several times, in a classical style, it presents itself with the facade facing south.
  • Clock tower, piazza Primo Maggio. Dating back to the first half of the 1700s, it was built at the south entrance of the town, with a double belfry. The tower was originally devoid of battlements and had only two quadrants. Towards the end of the 1920s it was renovated and was equipped with the characteristic four quadrants. Inside it was kept a bell donated to the community of Novi by Alberto Pio in 1523. The clock tower was severely damaged by the tremors of May 29, 2012, and collapsed on June 3, 2012 with the quake of magnitude 4.8 of 21.20. . The image of the damaged tower has become one of the symbolic images of the Emilia earthquake.
  • 1 Social Theater. It was built in the years 1923-1929. For a long time privately owned, the theater was also equipped for film projections. : Since the late 1980s the theater has not been used anymore, falling into decay. The municipal administration bought the building in 1995, also preparing a recovery project, but never started due to lack of financial resources.
Heavily damaged by the 2012 earthquake in Emilia, the still uninhabitable theater is awaiting interventions to recover its great potential.
The project of the architect Pietro Pivi tried, in the wake of the lyrical passion and operettas of the local population, to imitate the scheme of famous city theaters, with a horseshoe-shaped hall surrounded by three tiers of boxes, thin columns, large stage and a profusion of Art Nouveau decorations, especially in the large circular ceiling and balustrades. Social Theater (Novi di Modena) on Wikipedia Teatro Sociale (Q28001160) on Wikidata
  • Villa delle Rose. It looks like one of the most elegant and aristocratic residences in the Modena area. It was built at the behest of Count Carlo Testi starting in 1815, based on a project by an English architect. It occupies a large area and has service facilities such as cellars, stables, dovecote tower and various rooms for service personnel. There is also a large garden park. A loggia with a Doric colonnade leads to the large reception hall in the neoclassical style. The frescoed ceiling is well preserved.
  • Villa Facci (near the Garbese bridge). It was built by the Facci family starting from 1805 on a project by the Parma architect Rasori. With a severe and structurally compact appearance, it retains some richly frescoed rooms.

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


  • 4 Carabinieri, Via Don Minzoni, 39 059 670109.
  • 5 Casari Pharmacy, Viale Raffaello Sanzio, 24, 39 059 677656.

How to keep in touch


  • Mirandola
  • Carpi
  • Modena - Ducal city of the Este family, it retains all the architectural and urban elegance that centuries of history have left it. The fame of its monuments, first of all the Romanesque masterpiece of the Duomo, is equal to its gastronomic tradition (very famous trotter) and the automotive excellence of Ferrari.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Novi of Modena
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Novi of Modena
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