Maranello - Maranello

Ferrari entrance
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Maranello is a city ofEmilia Romagna.

To know

Since 1943 it has been the headquarters of the Ferrari factory, the prestigious car manufacturer founded by Enzo Ferrari from Modena.

Geographical notes

The town is located 19 km south of Modena, on the provincial road 3 "via Giardini". It is part of the municipalities of the foothills and of the Union of Municipalities of the Ceramic District. The inhabited center is squeezed between the first roughnesses that lead to theModenese Apennines and the plain occupied by fields and industries.

How to orient yourself

How to get

The Prancing Horse

By plane

Airport of Bologna.

By car

A1 Milan-Naples motorway: Modena Nord exit, take the ring road towards Abetone-Sassuolo. Follow the signs for Maranello-Formigine.

On the train

Railway station of Modena. Take a bus to the bus station and then a bus to Maranello.

By bus

Take a bus from Modena bus station: it leaves every 1 hour for Maranello and takes about 30 minutes, so be sure to ask the driver to stop at the Galleria Ferrari stop. The Maranello bus station is located across the street from the Ferrari factory. Tickets can be purchased at the pub.

How to get around

The city is quite compact, so you can walk.

What see

Ferrari Museum

This city is all about Ferrari. The Ferrari factory is off-limits to visit, unless you are able to arrange a tour through a Ferrari dealer. Preference for these tours is given to Ferrari owners and 30 days notice is usually required. You can also see part of the test track of Fiorano from the side of the road as you enter the city - if there are tests going on, expect to see a lot of Ferrari fans around.

  • 1 Ferrari Museum, Via Dino Ferrari, 43, 39 0536 949713, @. Ecb copyright.svgadults € 17.00, students and Over 65s € 15.00, minors 19 years accompanied by parents € 7.00. Simple icon time.svgEvery day except December 25th and January 1st - November / March: 9.30-18.00 - April / October: 9.30-19.00.
  • 2 Parish church of San Biagio.
  • 3 Castle.

Events and parties

  • Red Night of Maranello (in June). For motor enthusiasts: shows, music and entertainment to celebrate the legend of Ferrari.
  • Grand Prix of Taste (in October).

What to do

The Galleria Ferrari is the only real show along the Fiorano circuit. It's not far from the Ferrari factory (a building that's easy to spot if you get on a bus) - walk to the Ferrari Store opposite the factory and look for a sign. Tickets are 12 € / adult. If you are a family it is better to buy a family ticket which costs 8 € / adult


There are tons of shops selling Ferrari merchandise.

  • 1 Ferrari Store, Via Abetone Inferiore, 19, 39 0536 949888.

How to have fun


Find a pub, it's not difficult.

Where to eat

You can eat in a Ferrari themed restaurant.

Where stay

The best options are a Modena.


How to keep in touch

Keep informed


  • Sassuolo - It is the main center of the Italian ceramic industry. In the center stands the Palazzo Ducale.
  • Fiorano - There is Villa Guastalla (also called Villa Clotilde), built by the architect Gaspare Vigarani and the Sanctuary of the Beata Vergine del Castello.
  • Break - It houses the oratory of the Madonna del Sagrato, which was built in 1630 and the castle of Spezzano.
  • Modena

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Maranello
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Maranello
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