Frignano - Frignano

Montecuccoli Castle

Frignano is a region ofEmilian Apennines.

To know

Geographical notes

It stretches between the Modena plain, the Tuscan-Emilian Apennine ridge, the Reggio and Porretto mountains. Main waterways are the Secchia and the Panaro; the Monte Cimone with its 2165 meters of altitude it is the highest peak, around which tourist and winter sports resorts have developed.

When to go

Summer climatic holidays and winter sports ensure that the area is popular all year round.


This Apennine area takes its name from the ancient people of the Friniati, of Ligurian stock; then Etruscans, Galli Boi, Celts and finally Romans were its inhabitants. Frignano remained Byzantine until 728 when the Frignanesi rose up against the Byzantine Exarchate of Ravenna and for religious reasons they accepted the Lombard king Liutprando. For a long time the Frignano constituted an autonomous administrative entity under the Canossans. Even during the Este period of the Duchy of Modena it constituted a province; it was a district after the Unification. It still retains today a feeling of unity and homogeneity that derives from its past history of long autonomy.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Pavullo nel Frignano - The main center of the Frignano area is a summer and winter tourist resort. .
  • Montefiorino - Keep the castle in the upper part of the town.
  • Pievepelago - In the Scoltenna valley, it is near the Mouth of the Roots that enters the Garfagnana in Tuscany.
  • Sestola - Now an important tourist center, it retains few traces of the ancient medieval town, including the Rocca.
  • Zocca - Summer residence and business center; its market was established by the Duke Borso d'Este in 1465.

Other destinations

  • Farneta power plant - In Montefiorino where a museum of industrial archeology concerning the production of hydroelectric energy is set up.
  • Monte Santa Giulia Resistance Park
  • Regional park of the Sassi di Roccamalatina[1] It takes its name from the rock formations that rise like spiers in the landscape and are popularly called Stones. The park has an extension of 2300 hectares and includes some ancient villages that belonged to the noble Malatigni family, in addition to the Parish church of Trebbio.
  • Sassoguidano oriented nature reserve - In Pavullo nel Frignano.
  • Regional Natural Reserve of the Sauces of Nirano - In Fiorano Modenese.
  • Frignano Park - It is a regional park that protects most of the Upper Modenese Apennines.


In the Modenese Apennines there are some lakes, relatively small and for the most part of glacial origin. The progressive burial of ancient lake basins has generated humid areas. Other lakes, much more similar to pools, are temporary and / or heavily dependent on the precitations regime. Finally, two lakes were formed due to the splitting of the slope. Below is a short list of the most significant lakes:

Lake of the Ninfa
  • Artificial reservoir at the Fontanaluccia dam - In Frassinoro on the border with the Province of Reggio Emilia.
  • Artificial reservoir at the San Michele dei Mucchietti dam - In Sassuolo.
  • Lake Baccio
  • Pratignano lake - Lake generated by a split of the slope.
  • Holy Lake - Small lake basin 10 km from Pievepelago on the Valle delle Tagliole road, at an altitude of 1501 meters in a beautiful position, it is the starting point for excursions.
  • Scaffaiolo lake - Lake generated by a split of the slope.
  • Turbid Lake
  • Turchino Lake
  • Lake of the Ninfa - At the center of an area equipped for winter sports, on its banks there are huts that host refreshment areas after sporting activities.


The most spectacular waterfalls of the Modenese Apennines are located in the locality of I Taburri, not far from the hamlet of Fanano called Fellicarolo. Other noteworthy waterfalls are those of Bucamante, in the municipality of Serramazzoni. The particular nature of the rocky substratum has allowed the waters to deposit important quantities of travertine. They are accessible from Monfestino or, more comfortably, from Granarolo. Finally, the Cascate delle Borre located not far from Varana (Municipality of Serramazzoni) should be mentioned.


In the territory of the Modenese Apennines there are three humpback bridges of very ancient origin.

  • Ponte della Fola - In Pievepelago.
  • Ponte di Cadignano along the Dolo - On the border with the Province of Reggio Emilia in front of the locality of Gova (hamlet of Villa Minozzo).
  • Bridge of Olina

Another noteworthy disused bridge is found at the confluence of the Rossenna stream with the Cervaro stream.


Frignano is a territory rich in geosites, many of which are easy to use by tourists who are not experts in geology. The Emilia Romagna Region has made available a portal in which regional geosites are collected [2]. In the Frignano area, the following sites of interest are worth mentioning:

  • Gorge of the Dolo stream - Downstream of the Fontanaluccia dam on the border with the Province of Reggio Emilia.
  • Gorge of the Scoltenna stream - Downstream of the Pievepelago dam.
  • Fossils of bivalves - They can be observed along the Torrente Fossa near Braidella.
  • Caves - The Modenese Apennines have no significant karst areas in which significant caves have developed. However, some cavities of tectonic origin are present near Sassoguidano, Samone and the Sassi di Rocca Malatina. In addition, a small, never interesting cave opens up below the Pompeano Castle (Municipality of Serramazzoni).
  • Poggio Bianco Dragone - Ophiolithic outcrop in the Municipality of Palagano. The area has been subject to mining activities for many centuries; Tunnel mines are present in the area. In the Cinghio del Corvo area, a quarry exhibited splendid pillow lavas; although the area is not accessible, it is still spectacular to observe the rocky outcrop from the road that leads from Palagano to Boccassuolo. Not far from Poggio Bianco Dragone, the village of Boccassuolo is worth a visit: a curious bell tower, much lower than those normally present in the Apennines, is positioned on top of an Ophiolitic rocky spur.
  • Bridge of Hercules - Sandstone monolith in the Municipality of Lama Mocogno.
  • Sassi of Varana - Ophiolithic outcrop in the Municipality of Serramazzoni.
  • Sasso dei Carli - Ophiolithic outcrop known for the wealth of interesting minerals in Castelluccio (Municipality of Montese).
  • Spade of the Devil - Outcrop of flysch in the Municipality of Serramazzoni.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svgThey are airports in the region:

How to get around

By car

The car is the decidedly more comfortable way to get around.

On the train

The Modenese Apennines are not crossed by any railway network. You can reach it by train Sassuolo (from Modena and from Reggio Emilia) is Vignola (from Bologna). Both of these locations are at the foot of the first hills.

By bus

As an alternative to the car, public transport is managed by SILK.

What see


The churches worthy of note are numerous. In many of them, remains of the ancient Romanesque structure remain in varying degrees. Among them it is worth mentioning:

  • Parish church of Renno (Renno in the Municipality of Pavullo).
  • Parish church of Rubbiano (Location Rubbiano in the Municipality of Montefiorino).
  • Parish church of Trebbio (Municipality of Guiglia).
  • Parish church of Santa Maria Assunta (Rocca Santa Maria in the Municipality of Serramazzoni).

Castles and towers

The castles and towers are very numerous even if their state of conservation and accessibility to tourists are very variable. Among the castles it is worth noting:

  • Levizzano Castle (Municipality of Castelvetro).
  • Spezzano Castle (Municipality of Fiorano Modenese).
  • Rocca of Fiumalbo (Municipality of Fiumalbo).
  • Guiglia Castle (Municipality of Guiglia).
  • Castellino delle Formiche (Municipality of Guiglia).
  • Maranello Castle (Municipality of Maranello).
  • Montefiorino Castle (Municipality of Montefiorino).
  • Fortress of Montese (Municipality of Montese).
  • Castelluccio of Moscheda (Municipality of Montese).
  • Montecuccoli Castle (Municipality of Pavullo).
  • Roccapelago Castle (Municipality of Pievepelago).
  • Castle of Gombola (Municipality of Polinago).
  • Brandola Castle (Municipality of Polinago).
  • Castle de 'Pelosi (Municipality of Riolunato).
  • Montegibbio Castle (Municipality of Sassuolo).
  • Pompeano Castle (Municipality of Serramazzoni). The castle is located on an ophiolithic cliff. The cliff hosts a small but spectacular cave.
  • Monfestino Castle (Municipality of Serramazzoni).
  • Fortress of Sestola (Municipality of Sestola).

Notable towers are:

  • Torre del Poggiolo (Municipality of Fanano).
  • Clock tower (Municipality of Fanano).
  • Montecenere Tower (Municipality of Lama Mocogno).
  • Fogliano Tower (Municipality of Maranello).
  • Tower of Denzano (Municipality of Marano).
  • Torre de La Salata (Festà locality in the Municipality of Marano).
  • Torre del Castellaccio (Location Costrignano in the Municipality of Palagano).
  • Tower of Gaiato (Municipality of Pavullo).
  • Montebonello Tower (Municipality of Pavullo).
  • Iddiano Tower (Municipality of Pavullo).
  • Lavacchio Tower (Municipality of Pavullo). Beyond the tower, the village is famous for the murals painted on the walls of the houses
  • Tower of Castagneto (Municipality of Pavullo).
  • Bastille Tower (Locaclità Ligorzano Municipality of Serramazzoni).

Also interesting are the ruins of ancient fortresses or the remains of fortifications incorporated into other buildings such as:

  • Monteorsello Castle (Municipality of Guiglia).
  • Marano Castle (Municipality of Marano).
  • Party (Festà locality in the Municipality of Marano). Several remains of fortifications
  • Montecreto Castle (Municipality of Montecreto).
  • Montebaranzone Castle (Municipality of Prignano).
  • Montalbano Castle (Municipality of Zocca).

Villages of particular interest are:

  • Montecorone Castle (Municipality of Zocca).

Museums and visitor centers in protected areas

  • Ca 'Tassi (Municipality of Fiorano Modenense). Visitor Center of the Nirano Sauces Regional Nature Reserve. Free admission.
  • Ca 'Rossa Eco-Museum (Municipality of Fiorano Modenense). It is located within the Regional Natural Reserve of the Sauces of Nirano. It is a small museum related to the peasant city and to the agricultural productions typical of the first hills of Modena. Free admission.
  • Cà Silvestro Visitor Center (Municipality of Fiumabo). It is one of the two visitor centers of the Frignano Park
  • Due Ponti Visitor Center (Municipality of Pievepelago). It is one of the two visitor centers of the Frignano Park


The Modenese Apennines have a very rich flora, taking into account the position between the Mediterranean area and the Alpine area. The variety was also favored by the presence of glacial relics. Even an inattentive hiker catches the eye of the intense coppicing of the woods carried out until a few decades ago. As a result, tall forests are rare. The influence of the coppice is clearly evident near the Apennine ridge: the beech forest, present at the highest altitudes, shows an almost absence of undergrowth and there are numerous pitches used for the production of charcoal. well evident in different areas, especially during the winter when the broad-leaved trees are devoid of foliage. At the lowest altitudes the Scots pine is observable: its range hardly extends to more southern latitudes.Some areas of particular interest are the following:

  • Botanical Garden. Freely accessible at the Sassi of Varana, small outcrop ophiolitic in the Municipality of Serramazzoni


Some road sections are particularly scenic. Among them it is worthwhile to signal the road that connects Lugo (in the province of Reggio Emilia) with Palagano, which allows you to admire vast areas of the Modenese and Reggiano Apennines.

Path network

The path network is very extensive. Most of the trails are managed by the Italian Alpine Club (CAI); a fraction of the paths is managed by the local administrations. A interactive map very valid, unfortunately not complete, is edited by the Emilia Romagna Region.

The territory of the Modenese Apennines is crossed by some paths to be covered in stages over several days. They trace at least in part the paths used since the Roman era. Among them it is worth noting:

  • Via Bibulca - About 30 km long, it starts from La Piana (Municipality of Montefiorino), at the confluence of the Dolo and Dragone streams and reaches San Pellegrino in Alpe, a town just beyond the Apennine ridge in Tuscany. The itinerary can be divided into two stages: 1) from La Piana to Frassinoro; 2) from Frassinoro to San Pellegrino in Alpe.
  • Via Romea-Nonantolana - The itinerary connects Nonantola, inhabited center of the Modena plain, with Lake Scaffaiolo, located on the Apennine ridge. The route can be divided into several stages.
  • Via Vandelli - The Street it originally connected Modena and Massa. The most interesting tourist stretch starts from the locality of La Santona and arrives in San Pellegrino in Alpe. The road intersects numerous roads accessible by car so it is possible to travel on foot or by mountain bike only some sections.
  • Matilde Path - The path enters the Modena area near the Ponte di Cadignano (Municipality of Frassinoro) and continues to San Pellegrino in Alpe, a town just beyond the Apennine ridge in Tuscany.

Other noteworthy itineraries are:

  • Ridge Trail - The trail runs along the watershed line between Emilia Romagna and Tuscany. The route is signed 00 by the Italian Alpine Club and is part of routes that cross Italy and Europe such as the Great Apennine Excursion (GEA), the Italian Path and the European Path E1. The Modenese ridge can be divided into three stages: 1) Passo delle Radici - Lago Santo; 2) Lago Santo - Abetone Pass; 3) Abetone Pass - Scaffaiolo Lake. The Abetone Pass is located along the Strada Statale 12, so it can be reached by car; the itinerary can therefore be shortened. The route is very scenic: on days with greater visibility it is possible to observe the Alpine arc very well as well as the islands of the Tuscan Archipelago and the Gulf of La Spezia.
  • Nature Path along the Panaro River - Cycle-pedestrian path just over 11 km long which from Vignola arrives in Casona di Marano following the path of the Panaro River.
  • Nature Trail along the Secchia River - Ring-shaped cycle-pedestrian route that winds between Sassuolo and the locality called Pescale, located upstream of San Michele dei Mucchietti (Sassuolo) following the path of the Secchia River about 12 km long.

What to do

At the table

The dishes of the typical cuisine of the Modenese Apennines are numerous; in large part they do not deviate from the Emilian culinary tradition or, to be more precise, from Modena. Surely the most characteristic typical dishes are crescentine, fried dumplings and borlenghi. Traditional balsamic vinegar is produced in appreciable quantities in the northernmost area, close to the Modena plain. The Vignala and Marano area is known for cherries and corns. Chestnuts and marrons are grown almost everywhere; in this regard, the chestnuts of Zocca are worth mentioning. Apart from the traditional products of the undergrowth such as mushrooms, there is the possibility of harvesting wild asparagus and, in the ridge areas, blueberries. It should be borne in mind that collection is regulated and it is good practice to respect private properties and nature: it makes no sense to over-exploit what nature provides us. Finally, typically Mediterranean species are cultivated, albeit in modest quantities, in particular in the bands of the first hills where the climatic conditions are more favorable. In particular, the cultivation of olives, capers and artichokes should be noted; local oil production is very modest but growing. It is very difficult to provide precise indications regarding restaurants and refreshment points in general, given the vastness of the territory and the plurality of the offer. Some specialized websites can certainly be of help [3]. Apart from the shelters described a little further on, it is worth noting:

  • Lunardi Hotel (Pass of the Roots in Cumune of Chiozza (Lucca)). It is located at the Passo delle Radici. Although geographically located in the province of Lucca, it is an excellent starting point for excursions along the Modena and Reggio Emilia ridges.
  • Hotel Bar Restaurant Mazzieri (Location Le Piane in the Municipality of Lama Mocogno).
  • Trattoria La Siberia (Location of Torre Maina in the Municipality of Maranello).
  • Balugola restaurant (Valle in the Municipality of Serramazzoni).


The typical wine of the area is Lambrusco, a sparkling red wine.

Tourist infrastructure

  • Skiing facilities in the centers around Monte Cimone, which faces the homologous area of ​​Abetone on the opposite Tuscan side, and near the Passo delle Radici.
  • Cross-country skiing facilities near the San Geminiano meadows in the Municipality of Frassinoro.
  • Some short climbing routes have been marked out and bolted at the Sassi of Varana, a small ophiolitic outcrop in the Municipality of Serramazzoni.
  • In Pavullo there is a small airport, known for flying with gliders.

The hotel offer is very wide. Among the different solutions it is worth noting:

It is possible to stay overnight in some shelters and bivouacs:

  • Duca degli Abruzzi Refuge (At the Scaffaiolo Lake).
  • Tassoni shed (Fanano). Easily accessible by car.
  • Tullio Marchetti Refuge (At the Holy Lake). Easily accessible by car.
  • Vittoria Alpine Refuge (At the Holy Lake). Easily accessible by car.
  • Gran Mogol Refuge (Taburri, near Fellicarolo, fraction of Fanano).
  • Calvanella Refuge (Pian del Falco fraction of Sestola, near the ski slopes of the Monte Cimone).
  • Prati Fiorentini Refuge (San Geminiano fraction of Frassinoro). Reachable by car. Nearby there are cross-country skiing tracks.


Apart from the normal risks deriving from outdoor activities in a mountain / hilly environment, in the Modenese Apennines the viper and the mint they are the only two potentially dangerous animals. Hunting is practicable in large areas of the territory. Although the risks are associated it is important to pay attention in the case of wild boar hunting due to the caliber of the ammunition used; the areas in which this type of hunting is practiced are however reported. Finally, the presence of hydraulic works makes the areas of the streams upstream and downstream potentially dangerous for the release of large quantities of water from the reservoirs without any warning; the stretches of rivers affected by this risk are marked by special signs.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Frignano
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Frignano
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