Slovak Tokay Vineyard - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Vignoble de Tokay slovaque — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Slovak Tokay Vineyard
(Vinohradnícka oblasť Tokaj)
48 ° 25 ′ 39 ″ N 21 ° 41 ′ 49 ″ E

the Slovak Tokay Vineyard is a region of Slovakia. With 907 hectares planted, it represents less than 10% of the Tokay production region which is mainly located in Hungary.


Location of Slovak wine regions. In red the Tokay region.

An agreement signed in June 2004 ended a conflict between Hungary and Slovakia authorizing winegrowers in a 907 hectare region of seven Slovak villages to make wine from Tokaj respecting the same quality standards decreed by Hungary in 1990.


  • 1 Čerhov
  • 2 Veľká Tàňa
  • 3 Malá Tàňa
  • 4 Slovenské Nové Mesto  – The village was before 1918, a district of the city of Sátoraljaújhely.
  • 5 Bara
  • 6 Černochov
  • 7 Viničky

To go

The region has two stations located on the railway line between Kosice and Čierna nad Tisou with one train each way every two hours.

  • 1 Čerhov Station
  • 2 Slovenské Nové Mesto Station

Direct trains from Budapest and Miskolc have their terminus at Sátoraljaújhely.



To buy

There are a few points of sale among producers.

  • 1 Zlatý strapec Logo indicating a link to the website Viničky 118 (Once in the village ask: Nagyová), Logo indicating a telephone number  421 56 637 39 75 – Family production. If there is no one in the shop, ring the bell, the owners live in the house just above. Beautiful cellars and collection of bottles of all shapes.
  • 2 Ostrožovič Logo indicating a link to the website Nižná 233, 076 82 Veľká Tàňa, Logo indicating a telephone number  421 56 679 33 22 – The biggest producer of Slovak tokay.


Have a drink / Go out


  • 1 Sátoraljaújhely (in Hungary)
  • 2 Trebišov  – Chief town of the district, the regional museum contains a section devoted to the production of Tokay wines.
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