Villa O'Higgins - Villa O’Higgins

Villa O'Higgins
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O'Higgins mansion is a small village in the Región de Aysén, in the Great South of Chile. It is secluded at the end of the Carretera Austral on Lake O'Higgins, near the Argentine border.


The region was settled from the south and east in the early 20th century. It wasn't until 1999 that the village got over the Carretera Austral get a road link to the rest of Chile. Until then it was only difficult to reach via paths, the waterway over the Lago O'Higgins or from the air.

getting there

By plane

The village has a runway which is irregular from Coyhaique is approached with small aircraft.

By bus

During the main season there are regular bus connections twice a week (Wednesday, Saturday) Cochrane. There are also buses specially designed for tourists Caleta tortel. This connection is therefore a little more expensive.

In the street

The village is at the southern end of the Carretera Austral or. CH-7. Until the next big city Puerto Montt at the northern end it is about 1200km. The closest city is Cochrane, about 230km north. At Puerto Yungay 100km north you have to use a ferry that runs a maximum of three times a day (see timetable Puerto Yungay).

By boat

The harbor Bahia Bahamondas is 7km south of Lake O'Higgins. There is a shuttle bus connection at peak times. The excursion boat from the operator "Robinson Crusoe" to the O'Higgins Glacier also makes at the border post on the south bank of the lake Candelario Machilla stop. The arrival / departure is via a narrow hiking trail Lago Desierto to El Chalten in Argentina possible.

The ferry runs three to four times a week and costs CLP 44,000 for the connection between Candelario Machilla and the village. The ship starts in the village in the morning and stops at the border post at around 10 a.m. before heading to the glacier. At about 5:30 p.m. it comes back from Machilla to Villa O'Higgins.

There are also other providers with whom this ship connection is cheaper, but they do not (see above) regularly. Current information must be obtained on site.

By bicycle

The Carretera Austral is very popular with cyclists. Most of them use the ferry combination to travel to and from Villa O'Higgins Lago Desierto and the excursion boat across O'Higgins Lake (see above).

Cyclists coming from the south also have the option of arriving at the border crossing on the Río Mayer (northeast of Villa O'Higgins). On this route you save the cost of the two ferries (Lago Desierto and O'Higgins), but you have to go El Chalten seen from about 500km detour via the Ruta Nacional 40 and Tres Lagos accept. This is why this alternative route is only used by very few.

On foot

Backpackers also use for the journey from El Chalten in the south the ferry route across Lake O'Higgins (see above). You can take the 12km long hike of the picture-perfect Lago Desierto also save the cost of one of the ferries.


Map of Villa O’Higgins

Roads and footpaths in the village are well paved. The quiet streets of the small town are best reached on foot or by bike.

Tourist Attractions

The central square of the village is nicely laid out. All important buildings or buildings worth seeing are located on it.

The Museo de la Patagonia Padre Antonio Ronchi right next to the church shows the gradual settlement of the rough environment by the pioneers. Most of the small exhibition is only available in Spanish, some also in English. Entry is free. Opening times can be inquired at the tourist information office opposite.



From a short hike to a four-day tour, there are many options in the area, on mostly quiet hiking trails.

The short hike up to the viewing platforms east of the settlement provides a good overview.

Sendero Altavista

The hike begins on the west side of the bridge over the Río Mayer a few kilometers south of the settlement. It leads you to the shores of Lake Ciervo and offers several viewpoints at the top. There is a good chance of seeing the impressive Andean condor in the air.

Glaciar Mosco

You can hike along the Rio Mosco river in a 1.5 day tour to the end of the path on the glacier of the same name. There is a free, uncultivated Refugio Rio Mosco along the way. There are also nice viewpoints on the way there, so that you don't necessarily have to hike to the end of the path.

Sendero Cerro Submarino

A more challenging hike to the Submarino Glacier on Cerro Submarino Mountain. The starting point is south of the settlement on the Rio Mosco. You cross the river over a bridge and you need about a day for the poorly or unmarked path south-east. There are no official refugios or camping facilities.

Glaciar Tigre

At 20 km north of the settlement and Lake Cisnes on the Carretera Austral, the starting point of the hike to the Glaciar Tigre is very remote. It leads you to the foot of the glacier of the same name. A free campsite (without service) is also along the way. The best thing to do is to get the latest information (maps, arrival) at the tourist information office.

O'Higgins Glacier

Instead of taking the excursion boat to the glacier, it can also be easily reached with a four-day hike. This starts from the border post Candelario Mancilla on the other side of the lake (see arrival). From there it goes east along the lake to the glacier. Overnight stays are only possible in tents on the free campsites (without service). Hiking maps are available at the tourist information office or, for example, at the Mosco hostel.


The clear lakes and rivers in the area are great for fishing. It is best to find out beforehand about any authorizations and options on site.


There are only a few shops in the village. There are only a handful of mini markets and the range of fresh produce (fruit, vegetables, eggs) is very thin. The fresh baked goods are often sold out quickly.


The choice of restaurants in town is very limited.


As in so many places in South America, there is an inexpensive lunch where many locals / workers eat. It can best be compared to a canteen. After registering the day before, you can get a simple but filling lunch here. There is no card, so you eat what is on the table. This is usually a soup with bread as a starter and rice / mashed potatoes etc. with meat as the main course with a simple drink. Costs approximately 5500 CLP, located on Lago O'Higgins Street across from the San Gabriel restaurant.


  • San Gabriel restaurant, Lago O'Higgins Street.
  • Entre Patagones restaurant, at the very northern end of the village, east on the Carretera Austral.


Only during the village festivals, usually in February, is there such a thing as a small nightlife in town. There are no bars, restaurants that would have opened longer, as the need simply does not exist in the small, quiet place, but that's not why you come here.



  • Hostal and Camping Mosco, on the Carretera Austral east at the northern exit of the village. Nice wooden house with veranda and hammocks, spacious kitchen and lounge area, great atmosphere, sanitary facilities with not always warm water, Wi-Fi and a computer available, good free hiking maps and bicycle spare parts pit.Price: six 6-person dorms (9000 CLP), private rooms with private bathrooms, camping (5000 CLP).
  • Eco Camp Tsonek, quietly located in the forest on the Carretera Austral approx. 500 m north. Very sustainable complex, owner also offers bird watching and fishing and hiking tours, sanitary facilities with warm water, Wi-Fi available.Price: 4000 CLP camping, cyclists 3000 CLP.


  • Robinson Crusoe Lodge, opposite Hostal Mosco. You have to decide for yourself (on site) whether it is worth it.Price: Overnight accommodation from around US $ 180 per room.


The place has a small doctor's station at the southern end. The next bigger hospitals are only in Cochrane and Coyhaique.

The tap water and the running waters of the mountain region are of drinking water quality.

Practical advice


There is no ATM and no bank branch in town. Coming from the north is Cochrane the last chance to get cash. In some shops, however, you can also pay by card.


There is no post office and no post box in town.

The place is only connected to the outside world via satellite. The internet connection is therefore very slow and fragile, especially in the evening hours.

The provider's mobile internet Duck is well developed in town (3G). It is operated via an extra antenna and thus offers a faster and more constant connection.


  • O'Higgins Glacier Boat Tour. Three to four times a week an excursion boat goes to one of the largest outlet glaciers of the South Patagonian ice field, which calves in the Lago O'Higgins.
  • Caleta tortel. Small village built on stilts, idyllically situated by the fjord, heavily developed for tourism, approx. 150 km north of Villa O'Higgins.


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