Travel by train in Asia - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Voyager en train en Asie — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

The China, the Japan, the South Korea and Taiwan all have extensive and well-developed rail networks. Japan's iconic Shinkansen was the world's first high-speed train, and for a long time was the only one in Asia. However, China, South Korea and Taiwan have since followed suit and now have modern high-speed lines along their main trade corridors. China, in particular, has invested heavily in the rapid establishment of its rail infrastructure and nowadays prides itself on having the longest high-speed network in the world. If theIndia For its part, has a long network of classic trains and a few luxury tourist trains, the high-speed network has for the moment not gone beyond announcements and plans.

  • Traveling by train in Japan  – Information on the different networks and types of trains, companies, reservations and payments, for a country where a large part of the territory is accessible by train.
  • Traveling by train in India  – 60 000 km long, 7,500 stations, 20 million passengers per day.
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