Vulture - Vulture

Rionero in Vulture-Panorama
Tourism site

Vulture is a territory of the Basilicata.

To know

Tourism in the Vulture is purely naturalistic.

Territories and tourist destinations

40 ° 55′8 ″ N 15 ° 47′10 ″ E

Urban centers

How to get

How to get around

What see

From a cultural point of view, the Vulture area mostly offers castles and churches as places of interest. The Frederick castles are noteworthy, the most important of which are that of Melfi, which houses one of the most interesting museums of the Lucanian civilization, from prehistoric and protohistoric roots to subsequent transformations linked to the social and economic evolution of the territory; of Lagopesole Castle (now the official seat of the "Centro Studi Federiciani"), and of Venous, built by Duke Pirro del Balzo and containing traces of Roman, Norman and Jewish culture.

Among the most distinctive places of religious worship, the Abbey of SS. Trinità in Venosa, which is made up of two churches, an old and a new one, known for never having been completed; the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta in Melfi, built by the Normans in Romanesque style; the Abbey of San Michele a Monticchio, founded in the 10th century by the Benedictine monks and the Cathedral of Rapolla, built in the 12th century with a Romanesque portal and a bell tower from 1209.


Frederick's castles and buildings

What to do

Ecotourists can go hiking, biking and even horseback riding. Easily, you can see hawks circling in the sky and wild boars grazing. Monticchio is the most representative place of this form of tourism in the Vulture, where it is possible to explore, both on foot and by mountain bike, its luxuriant vegetation, its lakes and its monuments, among all the Abbey of San Michele, which offers a suggestive panorama of the lakes. In addition to Monticchio there is the torrent of Atella, another place where you can take naturalistic paths such as those of the municipal forest of Bucito, made up of oaks and springs and assigned to the WWF and LIPU associations. In the heart of the wood is the so-called "Casone", in the past the scene of a battle between the brigands of Carmine Crocco and the Piedmontese army.

At the table


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