Cat Tien National Park - Vườn quốc gia Cát Tiên

Cat Tien National Park located in South East, Vietnam is a nature reserve located in 5 districts of Vietnam including Tan Phu, Vinh Cuu (Dong Nai), Cat Tien, Bao Loc (Lam Dong) and Bu Dang (Binh Phuoc), way Ho Chi Minh City 150 km to the north. Cat Tien National Park is one of six biosphere reserves recognized by UNESCO in Vietnam. This national park is characterized by tropical moist lowland forests.



On January 13, 1992, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers issued Decision No. 08-CT to establish Cat Tien National Park.

On November 10, 2001, Cat Tien was recognized by UNESCO as the 411th biosphere reserve in the world and the second biosphere reserve in Vietnam.

On August 4, 2005, the Ramsar Convention Secretariat recognized the Bau Sau wetland system in the list of wetlands of international importance 499.


Cat Tien has 2 indigenous ethnic communities, Ma and Stieng, with traditional activities and many typical cultural features such as buffalo stabbing festival, unique stories, legends, and legends. Instruments associated with cultural and spiritual life such as gongs, drums, Khen Bau, horns, and 3-hole bamboo flutes are attached to dried gourds.

The archaeological site of Cat Tien was discovered in 1985, the excavated sites show the architectural components of Hindu temples such as temples, tombs, etc., with metal artifacts of gold and bronze carvings. sophisticated images of the male god, goddess, god Silva, cow, elephant..., k'lon boxes to store the cremated bones and ashes of Brahmins. Ceramic and stone artifacts, especially the Linga - Yoni idol set.


Cat Tien has many types of terrain alternating with lakes, lagoons, stream systems, plus more than 90 km of Dong Nai river length, creating typical landscapes with rapids, wetlands and semi-submerged areas. ... Especially Bau Sau area is one of 5 RAMSAR zones in Vietnam.

Flora and Fauna

Cat Tien National Park.jpg

The fauna has the characteristics of the fauna of the East Truong Son plateau, closely related to the Central Highlands. Featured animals include: one-horned Javan rhinoceros, Asian elephant, gaur, sun bear, horse bear, wild buffalo, tiger, leopard, clouded leopard, deer... Birds of Cat Tien include: black eagle, white-winged mallard, great hornbill...

About 50% of Cat Tien's area is green forest, 40% is bamboo forest, 10% is farm. The typical flora is the tropical moist evergreen broadleaf forest with the composition of woody species. Cat Tien has 5 forest types: evergreen broadleaf forest; semi-deciduous evergreen broadleaf forest; mixed timber and bamboo forests; pure bamboo forest; and wetland vegetation.


  • Cat Tien National Park is located in the tropical monsoon region. Rainy season: from May to October. Months with the highest rainfall are 7.8, 9. Dry season: November to April next year. The driest months are February and March
  • Average annual temperature: 25.40C; Maximum temperature 30.80C; The minimum temperature is 21.30C.
  • Average annual rainfall: 2,185.6mm; Maximum rainfall 2,894mm
  • Average humidity 83.6%; Lowest humidity 56.2%


Entrance ticket is about 20,000 - 50,000 VND/person


  • Walk
  • Use a dedicated jeep.
  • Bicycles are available at the front desk.


  • Visit and enjoy the long-standing culture of the Stieng and Ma ethnic groups.
  • See wild animals at night
  • Visiting Bau Sau wetland, this route should be taken from 12 to April (dry season)
  • Oc Eo Cultural Relic




To drink




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To ensure safety in the forest, it is necessary to prepare the following necessary things:

  • Wear long pants and a long shirt
  • Wear a soft hat, so choose a dark color
  • Wear boots with anti-squeeze socks and DEP
  • Bring a raincoat, do not use an umbrella when it rains
  • Prepare flashlight, binoculars, personal water bottle
  • The above items should choose a lightweight type for backpacks to easily carry away.

Absolutely follow the instructions of the NP staff, avoid going into areas with many dangerous large animals such as bears, gaurs, rhinos.

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